Scientific Programming

This course is brought to you by:

  • Stefano Teso

    e-mail: teso _AT_ disi _DOT_ unitn _DOT_ it

    Office hours: Tuesday, 14:00-15:00, Room 143 Povo 2.

  • Toma Tebaldi

    e-mail: t _DOT_ tebaldi _AT_ unitn _DOT_ it

Remaining classes:

  • 21/11/2016
  • 5/12/2016

Finals will be on:

  • 24/1/2017, 9:00-11:00
  • 8/2/2017, 14:00-16:00


The sample data can be downloaded this link.


The course will offer a (rather thorough) introduction to the Python language, as well as to Python packages relevant to biological and scientific applications.

We will work with the following Python packages:

  1. biopython, for managing biological resources
  2. pandas, for dealing with tabular data, statistics and visualization
  3. numpy, for general-purpose numerical manipulation


There are many more Python packages out there!

Feel free to browse through PyPI - the Python Package Index for a wide selection of packages. At the time of writing, it hosts 89422 distinct packages!



  1. Lutz, Learning Python (5th edition), O’REILLY, 2013.
[book2](1, 2, 3)
  1. Via, K. Rother, A. Tramontano, Managing Your Biological Data with Python, CRC Press, 2014.

Other useful material:

  • The Python for Biologists website is tailored for biologists.
    1. Bassi, A Primer on Python for Life Science Researchers, PLoS Computational Biology, 2007.
  • The official Python website can be found here. There is also a Getting Started section you may want to peruse.
  • A few slides on programming languages and the basics of Python.


There will be two midterms, consisting of practical programming tests on the two halves of the program, roughly corresponding to the Python language sans external libraries, and the usage of scientific libraries.

There will be an (alternative) final exam, consisting of a practical programming test.

In both the midterms and the final, the sudent will be asked to write a (short) Python program making use of the technologies presented during the course. The score will depend on the student’s proficiency in Python programming.

Running a Linux Distro

In order to run a Linux distribution “inside” your Windows installation, you can use a Virtual Machine (VM). A VM is a “virtual computer running inside your computer”.

There are several VM players available. A few options:

There is also a Free & Open Source alternative, QEMU, but it is rather unix-centric and definitely the least user-friendly of the pack.

Now download a Linux distribution. I suggest downloading a user-friendly distribution, such as:

Download the installation image (also called ISO), it represents a CD-ROM or a DVD-ROM.

Now run the VM player and tell it to create a new virtual machine (details depend on the player you use). Tell it to install the Operating System from the installation image you already downloaded. There are several tutorials on how to do this, like this one.

The Linux installation menu will appear on screen. Just follow the instructions.

Hopefully everything will work out, and in a few minutes Linux will be installed in your Virtual Machine.

If you have trouble, try to ask a more experienced computer user (your colleagues, Toma, or me), or search e.g. “how to install Ubuntu on VirtualBox” on Google. There are a lot of useful tutorial online

Unix shell: a few tips


The material in this section does not play any role in the exam! It is only given for students to get a bit familiar with the Unix shell.

Opening a shell. When you open a new terminal, a new shell prompt is shown:


The exact text changes between Unix distributions/versions.

In my case, the login text tells me what is the name of my user on the machine I am using (stefano), what is the name of the computer I am using (computer), and in what directory I am standing in (in this case my home directory ~).

The tilde character ~ is just a shorthand for the full path of my home directory:


Running commands. In order to run a command, say python, it is sufficient to type:


and press Enter, and that’s it. In order to quit the terminal, use the exit command, or press Control-d on an empty line.

Moving around. From my home, I can move to other directories using the cd command. For instance, if I am in my home directory /home/stefano/ and I type:

cd Devel/sciprog/lectures

I will move to the directory:


The special path .. can be used to go back up one level, so if I am in:


and execute cd .., I end up in:


At any point in time, I can use the pwd command to print the path of the directory I am currently in. For instance, from a newly opened terminal I could do:

$ pwd
$ cd Devel/sciprog/lectures
$ pwd
$ cd ..

If I use cd alone (not followed by a path), I will move to the home directory, irregardless of where I currently am:

$ pwd
$ cd

More information. Of course there are many more things you can do with/from the terminal (most of them, actually), but I won’t write about them. Feel free to consult an online tutorial, like this for further inputs.

Some useful commands:

Command Meaning
pwd Print the directory I am currently in
cd <path> Move to a different directory
ls (<path>) List contents of the given directory
mv <path> <path> Move a file/directory somewhere else
cp <path> <path> Copie a file/directory
rm <path> Delete a file/directory
mkdir <path> Create a new directory somewhere
cat <path> Print the contents of a file

And some useful key presses:

Keypress Meaning
Control-c Kill any running program (may not always work)
Control-d Means “end-of-data”, useful for exiting the terminal.
Control-l Cleans the terminal window.
Tab Auto-completes the current command/path.
, Recalls previously used commands.
history Prints previously used commands on screen.

Python: Basics

I will be teaching the Python language, version 2.7 (more on that later).

The biggest take-away message from this lecture is:


In order to learn Python, you have to write Python code.

The converse is also true, so:


If you do not write Python code, you will not learn Python.

Please keep this in mind.

The Interpreter

The term Python refers to the Python language, while python refers to the Python interpreter.

In order to access the interpreter, type:


in a terminal window. You will get a prompt that looks like this:

Python 2.7.12+ (default, Sep  1 2016, 20:27:38)
[GCC 6.2.0 20160822] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

Now you are free to type your Python code into the interpreter, and it will be executed immediately. Try it out with:

print "hello, world!"

To quit the interpreter, either type:


or press Control-d on a blank line.


There are two versions of the Python language out there:

  1. Python 2: this is the version we will be using. The current version of the Python 2 interpreter is 2.7.12.

    When we talk about Python, we refer to Python 2.

  2. Python 3: this is a new and improved version of the language.

    It is mostly compatible with Python 2: a lot of valid Python 2 code is also valid Python 3 code. Alas, there are also slight differences. I will not explain what these are.

    The current version of the Python 3 interpreter is 3.5.2.

We will stick to Python 2 in this course.


There are some minor differences between the languages allowed by the different versions of the Python interpreter.

For instance, list comprehensions have been available since Python 2, interpreter version 2.0, but generators (which work similarly) have only been introduced in version 2.4.


A module is a text file hosting a bunch of Python code.

If you want to execute Python code written in a text file, you have to:

  1. Make sure that the file has a .py extension, for instance

  2. Type:



The .py extension is mandatory! If you use any other extension, the interpreter will not recognize your text file as containing valid Python code.

Let’s say that you wrote a module, which includes a function do_stuff(). In order to use that function from a different module, you have to import the module, as follows:

import util


The do_stuff() function is prefixed with the name of the module. This way there is no name clash between functions (or other symbols) in different modules.


The name of the module (as seen from inside Python) is util, not!


An object represents a datum (for instance, a number, some text, a collection of things, etc.) as well as functions for operating on that datum.

Every object has:

  • a type, which specifies what the kind of data represented by the object.
  • a value, that is, the data itself.

In a way, the type is a form of meta-data (information about the data).

Python provides some elementary types:

Type Meaning Domain Mutable?
bool Condition True, False No
int Integer \(\{-2^{-63},\ldots,2^{63}-1\}\) No
long Integer \(\mathbb{N}\) No
float Rational \(\mathbb{Q}\) (more or less) No
str Text Text No
list Sequence Collections of things Yes
tuple Sequence Collections of things No
dict Map Maps between things Yes

Most of these should be pretty obvious. Later on, we will see how the more complex ones (list, tuple and dict) mean.


Variables are references to objects. You can view them as names for the objects that they refer to.

An object is assigned to a variable with the assignment operator =:

pi = 3.1415926536

Here the variable pi refers to the object 3.1415926536. Informally, we just decided to use the name pi to refer to the object 3.1415926536.


The name of the variable is arbitrary!

You can pick any name you like, as long as you follow some simple rules:

  • the only allowed characters are upper-case digits (A-Z), lower-case digits (a-z), numerical digits (0-9), and the underscore _.
  • the name can not begin with a number.

The type of a variable is given by the type of the object it refers to. In the previous example, the type of 3.1415926536 is float; as a consequence, the type of pi is also float.


The variable does not contain the object; it merely contains a reference to the object.

To print the value of a variable (or rather, of its associated object), use the print function:

var = "I am an example"
print var

To print the type of a variable (object), use the type function:

var = "I am an example"
print type(var)

Example. Just to wrap up, let’s create a new variable var:

var = 123

The name of var is var, its value is 123, and its type is int:

print var       # 123
print type(var) # int

Example. A variable can be assigned multiple times:

var = 1
print var       # 1
print type(var) # int

print type(var) # str

var = 3.1415926536
print var       # 3.1415926536
print type(var) # float

Note how the value and type of var changes after each assignment!

Example. Assignment also works between variables:

a = "I am an example"
print a

b = a
print b

Here the variable b is assigned the same object that is referenced by a, that is, "I am an example".

Functions and Methods

Python provides a variety of functions and methods, for instance print() (to print the value of an expression) and help() (to show the manual of a given type, function, method, class, or module).

  • A function takes zero or more objects as inputs (its arguments), performs some operation on them, and returns an object (its result).

    To invoke a function f(), write:

    result = f(arg1, .., argN)

    Here the variable result is assigned to the result of the function.

  • A method is exactly like a function, except that it is provided by a given type. For instance, strings provide a split() method, which can only be used in conjunction with strings; lists provide a join() method, which only works with lists. The other basic types (except for numbers) also provide their own methods.

    To invoke a method t.m(), write:

    result = obj_or_var_for_type_t.m(arg1, ..., argN)


Python functions and mathematical functions share some similarities: informally, both evaluate their arguments (inputs) to produce a result (output).

There are some important differences though:

  • Not all Python arguments require arguments. They may take none at all.
  • Python functions may not return any result. (In which case they always evaluate to None).
  • Mathematical functions can only operate on their arguments, while Python functions can access additional resources.
  • Mathematical functions can only modify the “external environment” through their result. Python functions can have side-effects.

For now, you can just use functions and methods already provided by Python; later on in the course we will write our own functions!


In order to open the interactive manual of a type/object/variable, you can use the help() function. For instance:


shows the manual of the int type; you can achieve the same result with:



x = 1

To open the manual of a given function or method, you can use the same procedure, for instance:

# Opens the manual of the len() function

# Opens the manual of the split() method of the str type
# help("some text".split)

To quit the manual, press q.

Python: Numbers

There are four distinct numeric types:

  • int: integers. (Limited precision.)
  • long: long integers. (Unlimited precision.) They behave exactly like plain int‘s, but they can assume arbitrary values.
  • float: floating point numbers. Also called floats, they represent real numbers. They are written with a decimal point dividing the integer and fractional parts. Floats may also be in scientific notation, with E or e indicating the power of 10.
  • bool: Boolean conditions. They can assume only two values: True and False. They are used to represent the result of comparisons.

Example. Let’s create four variables, one for each type, and print them on the screen with print:

x = 10
y = 10L
z = 3.14
c = False

# Print the four variables
print x, y, z, c

# The same, adding some text
print "x =", x, "y =", y, "z =", z, "; the condition is", c

This syntax of print is valid for all variable types, not only numeric types.


All numeric types support default arithmetic operations:

  • sum +, difference -, product *
  • division /, integer division //, remainder %.
  • power **.

The type of the result of n operation m is the most “complex” type between the type of n and m. The complexity hierarchy is:

bool < int < long < float

Example. Two examples of automatic conversion:

result = 1 * 1L              # int * long
print result
print type(result)           # long

result = 1.0 + 1L            # float * long
print result
print type(result)           # float


To avoid errors, you should choose the most appropriate type for your variables, so that the type of the result is sufficiently “complex” to represent the value of the result!

See for example the following GC-content exercise.

All numeric types support comparison operations:

  • equal == not equal != (or <>)
  • strictly less than < strictly greater than >
  • less than or equal``<=`` greater than or equal >=

The expression has value True if the condition is satisfied, otherwise False. The result of a comparison is always bool.

Example. Let’s consider:

na, nc, ng, nt = 2, 6, 50, 4

result = (na + nt) > (nc + ng)
print result
print type(result)

We can build complex conditions using Boolean operations:

  • a and b is True if both a and b are True.
  • a or b is True if at least one between a and b is True.
  • not a is True only if a is False.


In this context, both a and b should be bool, otherwise the result may seem apparently bizarre.

Example. x > 12 and x < 34 both result bool, so we can combine them to obtain:

#     int          int
#      |            |
print (x > 12) and (x < 34)
#     \______/     \______/
#       bool         bool
#     \___________________/
#             bool


#          int          int
#           |            |
print (not (x > 12)) or (x < 34)
#          \______/
#            bool
#     \____________/    \______/
#          bool           bool
#     \________________________/
#                bool


Example. Let’s calculate the zeros of the quadratic equation \(x^2 - 1 = 0\):

a, b, c = 1.0, 0.0, -1.0

delta = b**2 - 4*a*c

zero1 = (-b + delta**0.5) / (2 * a)
zero2 = (-b - delta**0.5) / (2 * a)

print zero1, zero2

Here we use x**0.5 to calculate the square root: \(\sqrt{x} = x^\frac{1}{2}\).

Example. We want to calculate the GC-content of a genomic region. We know that the region:

  • Is 1521 nucleotides long.
  • Contains 316 cytosines.
  • Contains 235 guanines.

The GC-content is defined as \((g + c) / n\). To calculate the result, we may write:

n, c, g = 1521, 316, 235

gc_content = (c + g) / n
print gc_content

unfortunately, the result of this code is 0! Why?

The problem is that the resulting proportion, amounting to approximately 0.362, cannot be expressed by an integer: we need a rational number. Since both n and m are integers, also gc_content = n / m will be an integer:

print type(gc_content)

As a consequence, 0.362 is approximated to the nearest integer: 0. Oops!

To solve this problem, gc_content needs to be a float. We can do it in two ways:

  • Modifying the type of n, m or g:

    n, c, g = 1521.0, 316.0, 235.0
    gc_content = (c + g) / n
    print gc_content
  • Using an explicit conversion to a float:

    n, c, g = 1521, 316, 235
    gc_content = float(c + g) / float(n)
    print gc_content

Example. To check that x falls in the interval A \(= [10,50]\) let’s write:

x = 17
min_a, max_a = 10, 50

inside_a = (min_a <= x <= max_a)
print inside_a


inside_a = ((x >= min_a) and (x <= max_a))

Assuming that inside_a, inside_b and inside_c indicate that x is contained in interval A, B or C, respectively, we can create more complex conditions:

# x is in at least one interval
inside_at_least_one = inside_a or inside_b or inside_c

# x is in both A and B, but not in C
inside_a_and_b_but_not_c = inside_a and inside_b and (not inside_c)


  1. Create the following variables, checking that value and type are correct (using print and type):

    1. a and b with values 12 and 23 as integers.
    2. c and d with values 34 and 45 as long integers.
    3. x and y with values 21 and 14 as floats.
  2. Using print (once), print:

    1. All the above variables in the same line.
    2. All the above variables, separated by ;, on the same line.
    3. The text “the product of a and b is a * b”, replacing a, b and a * b with the variable values.
  3. Find the value and the type of:

    1. The product of a and b.
    2. The difference between c and d.
    3. The division of x by y.
    4. The integer division of a by b.
    5. The integer division of c by d.
    6. The integer division of x by y.
    7. The product of a and c.
    8. The product of b and y.
    9. The product of x and d.
    10. 2 to the power 0.
    11. 2 to the power 100.
    12. 2 to the power 1.2.
    13. 2 to the power -2.
    14. The square root of 4.
    15. The square root of 2.
  4. What is the difference between:

    1. 10 / 12
    2. 10 / 12.0
    3. 10 // 12
    4. 10 // 12.0
  5. What is the difference between:

    1. 10 % 3
    2. 10 % 3.0
  6. Using pi = 3.141592 and given r = 2.5, calculate:

    1. The circumference of a circle with radius r: \(2 \pi r\).
    2. The area of a circle with radius r: \(\pi r^2\).
    3. The volume of a sphere with radius r: \(\frac{4}{3} \pi r^3\).
  7. Create 2 variables a = 100 and b = True. Using an adequate number of auxiliary variables (with arbitrary names!), give the value of a to b and viceversa.

    (Writing a = True and b = 100 is not sufficient!)

    Can it be done with only one auxiliary variable?

  8. On the same strand of DNA there are 2 genes. The first includes i nucelotides from position 10 to position 20, the second nucleotides from position 30 to position 40. Let’s write this:

    gene1_start, gene1_end = 10, 20
    gene2_start, gene2_end = 30, 40

    Given a variable pos representing an arbitrary position on the DNA strand, write some comparisons to verify if:

    1. pos is in the first gene.
    2. pos is in the second gene.
    3. pos is between the start of the first gene and the end of the second.
    4. pos is between the start of the first gene and the end of the second, but not in any of the genes.
    5. pos is before the start of the first gene or after the end of the second.
    6. pos is inside one of the genes.
    7. pos is distant no more than 10 nucleotides from the beginning of the first gene.
  9. Given three Boolean variables t, u, and v, write expressions that are True if and only if:

    1. t, u, v are all true.
    2. t is true or u is true, but not both.
    3. Exactly one of the three variables is false.
    4. Exactly one of the three variables is true.
  10. Exercise 1.4 from [book2]: Exponential Growth

    Given optimal growth conditions, a single E. coli bacterium can divide within 20 minutes. If the conditions stay optimal, how many bacteria are there after 8 hours?

Python: Numbers (Solutions)

  1. Solutions:

    a = 12
    b = 23
    print a, b
    print type(a), type(b)          # int, int
    c = 34L
    d = 45L
    print c, d
    print type(c), type(d)          # long, long
    x = 21.0
    y = 14.f
    print x, y
    print type(x), type(y)          # float, float
  2. Solutions:

    print a, b, c, d, x, y
    print a, ";", b, ";", c, ";", ...
  3. Solutions:

    # simple operations:
    product = a * b                # int * int
    print product
    print type(product)            # int
    difference = c - d              # long - log
    print difference
    print type(difference)          # long
    # division and integer division between various numeric types:
    quotient = x / y               # float / float
    print quotient
    print type(quotient)           # float
    result = a // b              # int // int
    print result
    print type(result)           # int
    result = c // d              # long // long
    print result
    print type(result)           # long
    result = x // y              # float // float
    print result
    print type(result)           # float
    # more complex examples, where the result type
    # is the more complex type between the types
    # of the operands:
    result = a * c               # int * long
    print result
    print type(result)           # long
    result = b * y               # int * float
    print result
    print type(result)           # float
    result = x * d               # float * long
    print result
    print type(result)           # float
    # here the type is automatically defined
    # based on the magnitude of the result:
    result = 2**0                # int**int
    print result
    print type(result)           # int
    result = 2**0                # int*int
    print result
    print type(result)           # *** long!!! ***
    result = 2**1.2              # int*float
    print result
    print type(result)           # float
    result = 2**-2               # int*int
    print result
    print type(result)           # *** float!!! ***
    result = 4**0.5              # int*float
    print result
    print type(result)           # float
    result = 2**0.5              # int*float
    print result
    print type(result)           # float
  4. Solutions:

    >>> print 10 / 12
    >>> print 10 / 12.0
    >>> print 10 // 12
    >>> print 10 // 12.0

    As you see, integer division is consistent with types: when it is applied to floats, the result is also a float, but truncated to the integer 0.

  5. Solutions:

    >>> 10 % 3
    >>> 10 % 3.0

    As you see, % returns the remainder of 10 / 3:

    10 = 3*3 + 1
    #          ^
    #       remainder

    Operand types don’t influence the value of the result, only its type.

  6. Solution:

    pi = 3.141592
    r = 2.5
    circumference = 2 * pi * r
    print circumference
    area = 2 * pi * r**2
    print area
    area = 2 * pi * r * r
    print area
    volume = (4.0 / 3.0) * pi * r**3
    print volume

    Be careful: 4 / 3 != 4.0 / 3.0.

  7. Solution:

    a, b = 100, True
    a2 = a
    b2 = b
    b = a2
    a = b2
    print a, b


    a, b = 100, True
    x = a
    a = b
    b = x
    print a, b
  8. Solution:

    gene1_start, gene1_end = 10, 20
    gene2_start, gene2_end = 30, 40
    # handy pictogram:
    # 5'                            3'
    # ~~~~~xxxxxxxx~~~~~xxxxxxx~~~~~>
    #     10      20   30     40
    #      \______/     \_____/
    #       gene_1       gene_2
    # two options
    condition_1 = (10 <= pos <= 20)
    condition_1 = (pos >= 10 and pos <= 20)
    condition_2 = (30 <= pos <= 40)
    condition_3 = (10 <= pos <= 40)
    # two options
    condition_4 = condition_3 and not (condition_1 or condition_2)
    condition_4 = (20 <= pos <= 40)
    condition_5 = pos < 10 or pos > 40
    # Be careful:
    #   pos < 10 and pos > 40
    # doesn't make sense: it's always False!
    condition_6 = condition_1 or condition_2
    condition_7 = (0 <= pos <= 20)

    Test the code with multiple values of position, in order to check that conditions have been correctly formulated: True when the position satisfies the condition, and False otherwise.

  9. Solution:

    all_the_three = t and u and v
    t_or_u_but_not_both = (t or u) and not (t and u)
    # NOTE: here backslash at the end of lines are used to start a new line, you can ignore them.
    one_of_three_false = \
        (t and u and not v) or \
        (t and not u and v) or \
        (not t and u and v)
    one_of_three_true = \
        (t and not u and not v) or \
        (not t and u and not v) or \
        (not t and not u and v)

    Again, the code needs to be tested with different values of t, u and v. There are 8 possible combinations:

    t, u, v = False, False, False
    t, u, v = False, False, True
    t, u, v = False, True, False
    t, u, v = False, True, True
    # ...
  10. Solution:

    replication_time = 20
    total_time= 480
    final_bacteria = 2**(total_time//replication_time)
    print final_bacteria

Python: Strings

Strings are immutable objects representing text.

To define a string, we can write:

var = "text"

or, equivalently:

var = 'text'

To insert special characters, we need to perform escaping with a backslash \:

path = "data\\fasta"

or use the prefix r (raw):

path = r"data\fasta"


Here is a reference list of escape characters. You will probably only need the most obvious ones, like \\, \n and \t.

Escape Character Meaning
\\ Backslash
\' Single-quote
\" Double-quote
\a ASCII bell
\b ASCII backspace
\f ASCII formfeed
\n ASCII linefeed (also known as newline)
\r Carriage Return
\t Horizontal Tab
\v ASCII vertical tab
\N{name} Unicode character name (Unicode only!)
\uxxxx Unicode 16-bit hex value xxxx (u’’ string only)
\Uxxxxxxxx Unicode 32-bit hex value xxxxxxxx (u’’ string only)
\ooo Character with octal value ooo
\xhh Character with hex value hh

To create a multi-line string, we can manually place the newline character \n at each line:

sad_joke = "Time flies like an arrow.\nFruit flies like a banana."

print sad_joke

or we can use triple quotes:

sad_joke = """Time flies like an arrow.
Fruit flies like a banana."""

print sad_joke


print interprets special characters, while terminal echo doesn’t. Try to write:

print path

and (from the interpreter):


In the rirst case, we see one slash (the escaping slash is automatically interpreted by print), in the second case we see two slashes (the escape slash is not interpreted).

The same if we print sad_joke.

String-Number conversion

We can convert a number into a string with str():

n = 10
s = str(n)
print n, type(n)
print s, type(s)

int() or float() perform the opposite conversion:

n = int("123")
q = float("1.23")
print n, type(n)
print q, type(q)

If the string doesn’t contain the correct numeric type, Python will give an error message:

int("3.14")             # Not an int
float("ribosome")       # Not a number
int("1 2 3")            # Not a number
int("fifteen")          # Not a number


Result Operator Meaning
bool == Check whether two strings are identical.
int len(str) Return the length of the string
str str + str Concatenate two strings
str str * int Replicate the string
bool str in str Check if a string is present in another string
str str[int:int] Extract a sub-string

Example. Let’s concatenate two strings:

string = "one" + " " + "string"
length = len(string)
print "the string:", string, "is", length, "characters long"

Another example:

string = "Python is hell!" * 1000
print "the string is", len(string), "characters long"


We cannot concatenate strings with other types. For example:

var = 123
print "the value of var is" + var

gives an error message. Two working alternatives:

print "the value of var is" + str(123)


print "the value of var is", var

(In the second case we miss a space between is and 123.)

Example. The operator substring in string checks if substring appears once or more times in string, for example:

string = "A beautiful journey"

print "A" in string            # True
print "beautiful" in string    # True
print "BEAUTIFUL" in string    # False
print "ul jour" in string      # True
print "Gengis Khan" in string  # False
print " " in string            # True
print "     " in string        # False

The result is always True or False.

Example. To extract a substring we can use indexes:

#           0                       -1
#           |1                     -2|
#           ||2                   -3||
#           |||        ...         |||
alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"

print alphabet[0]               # "a"
print alphabet[1]               # "b"
print alphabet[len(alphabet)-1] # "z"
print alphabet[len(alphabet)]   # Error
print alphabet[10000]           # Error

print alphabet[-1]              # "z"
print alphabet[-2]              # "y"

print alphabet[0:1]             # "a"
print alphabet[0:2]             # "ab"
print alphabet[0:5]             # "abcde"
print alphabet[:5]              # "abcde"

print alphabet[-5:-1]           # "vwxy"
print alphabet[-5:]             # "vwxyz"

print alphabet[10:-10]          # "klmnop"


Extraction is inclusive with respect to the first index, but exclusive with respect to the second. In other words alphabet[i:j] corresponds to:

alphabet[i] + alphabet[i+1] + ... + alphabet[j-1]

Note that alphabet[j] is excluded.


Extraction return a new string, leaving the original unvaried:

alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"

substring = alphabet[2:-2]
print substring
print alphabet                  # Is unvaried


Result Method Meaning
str str.upper() Return the string in upper case
str str.lower() Return the string in lower case
str str.strip(str) Remove strings from the sides
str str.lstrip(str) Remove strings from the left
str str.rstrip(str) Remove strings from the right
bool str.startswith(str) Check if the string starts with another
bool str.endswith(str) Check if the string ends with another
int str.find(str) Return the position of a substring
int str.count(str) Count the number of occurrences of a substring
str str.replace(str, str) Replace substrings


Methods return a new string, leaving the original unvaried (as with extraction):

alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"

alphabet_upper = alphabet.upper()
print alphabet_upper
print alphabet                 # Is unvaried

Example. upper() and lower() are very simple:

text = "No Yelling"

result = text.upper()
print result

result = result.lower()
print result

Example. strip() variants are also simple:

text = "    one example    "

print text.strip()         # equivalent to text.strip(" ")
print text.lstrip()        # idem
print text.rstrip()        # idem

print text                 # text is unvaried

Note that the space between "one" and "example" is never removed. We can specify more than one character to be removed:

"AAAA one example BBBB".strip("AB")

Example. The same is valid with startswith() and endswith():

text = "123456789"

print text.startswith("1")     # True
print text.startswith("a")     # False

print text.endswith("56789")   # True
print text.endswith("5ABC9")   # False

Example. find() returns the position of the first occurrence of a substring, or -1 if the substring never occurs:

text = "123456789"

print text.find("1")           # 0
print text.find("56789")       # 4

print text.find("Q")           # -1

Example. replace() returns a copy of the string where a substring is replaced with another:

text = "if roses were rotten, then"

print text.replace("ro", "gro")

Example. Given this unformatted string of aminoacids:

sequence = ">MAnlFKLgaENIFLGrKW    "

To increase uniformity, we want to remove the ">" character, remove spaces and finally convert everything to upper case:

s1 = sequence.lstrip(">")
s2 = s2.rstrip(" ")
s3 = s2.upper()

print s3

Alternatively, all in one step:

print sequence.lstrip(">").rstrip(" ").upper()

Why does it work? Let’s write it with brackets:

print ( ( sequence.lstrip(">") ).rstrip(" ") ).upper()

As you can see, the result of each method is a string (as s1, s2 e s3 in the example above); and we can invoke string methods.


  1. How can I:

    1. Create a string consisting of five spaces only.

    2. Check whether a string contains at least one space.

    3. Check whether a string contains exactly five (arbitrary) characters.

    4. Create an empty string, and check whether it is really empty.

    5. Create a string that contains one hundred copies of "Python is great".

    6. Given the strings "but cell", "biology" and "is way better", compose them into the string "but cell biology is way better".

    7. Check whether the string "12345" begins with 1 (the character, not the number!)

    8. Create a string consisting of a single character \. (Check whether the output matches using both the echo of the interpreter and print, and possibly also with len())

    9. Check whether the string "\\" contains one or two backslashes.

    10. Check whether a string (of choice) begins or ends by \.

    11. Check whether a string (of choice) contains x at least three times at the beginning and/or at the end. For instance, the following strings satisfy the desideratum:

      "x....xx"           # 1 + 2 >= 3
      "xx....x"           # 2 + 1 >= 3
      "xxxx..."           # 4 + 0 >= 3

      while these do not:

      "x.....x"           # 1 + 1 < 3
      "...x..."           # 0 + 0 < 3
      "......."           # 0 + 0 < 3
  2. Given the string:

    s = "0123456789"

    which of the following extractions are correct?

    1. s[9]
    2. s[10]
    3. s[:10]
    4. s[1000]
    5. s[0]
    6. s[-1]
    7. s[1:5]
    8. s[-1:-5]
    9. s[-5:-1]
    10. s[-1000]
  3. Create a two-line string that contains the two following lines of text literally, including all the special characters and the implicit newline character:

    never say “never”!

    said the sad turtle

  4. Given the strings:

    string = "a 1 b 2"
    digit = "DIGIT"
    character = "CHARACTER"

    replace all the digits in the variable string with the text provided by the variable digit, and all alphabetic characters with the content of the variable character.

    The result should look like this:


    You are free to use auxiliary variables to hold any intermediate results, but do not need to.

  5. Given the following multi-line sequence:


    which represents the aminoacid sequence of the DNA-binding domain of the Tumor Suppressor Protein TP53 , answer the following questions.

    1. How many lines does it hold?
    2. How long is the sequence? (Do not forget to ignore the special characters!)
    3. Remove all newline characters, and put the result in a new variable sequence.
    4. How many cysteines "C" are there in the sequence? How many histidines "H"?
    5. Does the chain contain the sub-sequence "NLRVEYLDDRN"? In what position?
    6. How can I use find() and the sub-string extraction [i:j] operators to extract the first line from chain_a?
  6. Given (a small portion of) the tertiary structure of chain A of the TP53 protein:

    structure_chain_a = """SER A 96 77.253 20.522 75.007
    VAL A 97 76.066 22.304 71.921
    PRO A 98 77.731 23.371 68.681
    SER A 99 80.136 26.246 68.973
    GLN A 100 79.039 29.534 67.364
    LYS A 101 81.787 32.022 68.157"""

    Each line represents an \(C_\alpha\) atom of the backbone of the structure. Of each atom, we know: - the aminoacid code of the residue - the chain (which is always "A" in this example) - the position of the residue within the chain (starting from the N-terminal) - and the \(x, y, z\) coordinates of the atom

    1. Extract the second line using find() and the extraction operator. Put the line in a new variable line.

    2. Extract the coordinates of the second residue, and put them into three variables x, y, and z.

    3. Extract the coordinates from third residue as well, putting them in different variables x_prime, y_prime, z_prime

    4. Compute the Euclidean distance between the two residues:

      \(d((x,y,z),(x',y',z')) = \sqrt{(x-x')^2 + (y-y')^2 + (z-z')^2}\)

      Hint: make sure to use float numbers when computing the distance.

  7. Given the following DNA sequence, part of the BRCA2 human gene:

    1. Calculate the GC-content of the sequence
    2. Convert the DNA sequence into an RNA sequence
    3. Assuming that this sequence contains an intron ranging from nucleotide 51 to nucleotide 156, store the sequence of the intron in a string, and the sequence of the spliced transcript in another string.

Python: Strings (Solutions)


Later on in the solutions, I will sometimes use the backslash character \ at the end of a line.

When used this way, \ tells Python that the command continues on the following line, allowing to break long commands over multiple lines.

  1. Solutions:

    1. Solution:

      #        12345
      text = "     "
      print text
      print len(text)
    2. Solution:

      at_least_one_space = " " in text
      # check whether it works
      print " " in "nospaceatallhere"
      print " " in "onlyonespacehere--> <--"
      print " " in "more spaces in here"
    3. Solution:

      exactly_5_characters = len(text) == 5
      # check whether it works
      print len("1234") == 5
      print len("12345") == 5
      print len("123456") == 5
    4. Solution:

      empty_string = ""
      print len(empty_string) == 0
    5. Solution:

      base = "Python is great"
      repeats = base * 100
      # check whether the length is correct
      print len(repeats) == len(base) * 100
    6. Solution:

      part_1 = "but cell"
      part_2 = "biology"
      part_3 = "is way better"
      text = (part_1 + part_2 + part_3) * 1000
    7. Let’s try this:

      start_with_1 = "12345".startswith(1)

      but Python gives an error message:

      Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
      TypeError: startswith first arg must be str, unicode, or tuple, not int
      #                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^                     ^^^^^^^

      The error message, see highlighted parts, says that startswith() requires the argument to be a string, non an int as in our case: 1, is an int.

      The solution is:

      start_with_1 = "12345".startswith("1")
      print start_with_1

      the value is True, as expected.

    8. Solution:

      string = "\\"
      print string
      print len(string)                  # 1


      string = r"\"
      print string
      print len(string)                  # 1
    9. Already checked before, the answer is no. Anyway:

      backslash = r"\"
      print backslash*2 in "\\"           # False
    10. First method:

      backslash = r"\"
      condition = text.startswith(backslash) or \

      Second method:

      condition = (text[0] == backslash) or \
                   (text[-1] == backslash)
    11. Solution:

      condition = \
           text.startswith("xxx") or \
          (text.startswith("xx") and text.endswith("x")) or \
          (text.startswith("x")  and text.endswith("xx")) or \

      It’s worth to check the condition using the examples provided in the exercise.

  2. Solution:

    s = "0123456789"
    print len(s)                        # 10

    Which of the following extractions are correct?

    1. s[9]: correct, extracts the last character.
    2. s[10]: invalid.
    3. s[:10]: corrett, extracts all characters (remember that the second index, 10 in this case, is exclusive.)
    4. s[1000]: invalid.
    5. s[0]: correct, extracts the first character.
    6. s[-1]: correct, extracts the last character.
    7. s[1:5]: correct, ectracts from the 2nd to the 6th character.
    8. s[-1:-5]: correct
    9. s[-5:-1]: correct, but nothing is extracted (indexes are inverted!)
    10. s[-1000]: invalid.
  3. Solution (one of two possible solutions):

    text = """never say \"never!\"
    \said the sad turtle."""
  4. Solution:

    string = "a 1 b 2 c 3"
    digit = "DIGIT"
    character = "CHARACTER"
    result = string.replace("1", digit)
    result = result.replace("2", digit)
    result = result.replace("3", digit)
    result = result.replace("a", character)
    result = result.replace("b", character)
    result = result.replace("c", character)
    print result                     # "CHARACTER DIGIT CHARACTER ..."

    In one line:

    print string.replace("1", digit).replace("2", digit) ...
  5. Solution:

    num_lines = chain_a.count("\n") + 1
    print num_lines                          # 6
    # NOTE: we want to know the length of the actual *sequence*, non the length of the *string*
    length_sequence = len(chain_a) - chain_a.count("\n")
    print length_sequenza                    # 219
    sequence = chain_a.replace("\n", "")
    print len(chain_a) - len(sequence)          # 5 (giusto)
    print len(sequence)                         # 219
    num_cysteine = sequence.count("C")
    num_histidine = sequence.count("H")
    print num_cysteine, num_histidine            # 10, 9
    print "NLRVEYLDDRN" in sequence             # True
    print sequence.find("NLRVEYLDDRN")          # 106
    # let's check
    print sequence[106 : 106 + len("NLRVEYLDDRN")]  # "NLRVEYLDDRN"
    index_first_newline = chain_a.find("\n")
    first_line = chain_a[:index_first_newline]
    print first_line
  6. Solution:

    structure_chain_a = """SER A 96 77.253 20.522 75.007
    VAL A 97 76.066 22.304 71.921
    PRO A 98 77.731 23.371 68.681
    SER A 99 80.136 26.246 68.973
    GLN A 100 79.039 29.534 67.364
    LYS A 101 81.787 32.022 68.157"""
    # I use a variable with a shorter name
    chain = structure_chain_a
    index_first_newline = chain.find("\n")
    index_second_newline = chain[index_first_newline + 1:].find("\n")
    index_third_newline = chain[index_second_newline + 1:].find("\n")
    print index_first_newline, index_second_newline, index_third_newline
    second_line = chain[index_first_newline + 1 : index_second_newline]
    print second_line                      # "VAL A 97 76.066 22.304 71.921"
                                            #           |    | |    | |    |
                                            #  01234567890123456789012345678
                                            #  0         1         2
    x = second_line[9:15]
    y = second_line[16:22]
    z = second_line[23:]
    print x, y, z
    # NOTE: they are all strings
    third_line = chain[index_second_newline + 1 : index_third_newline]
    print third_line                        # "PRO A 98 77.731 23.371 68.681"
                                            #           |    | |    | |    |
                                            #  01234567890123456789012345678
                                            #  0         1         2
    x_prime = third_line[9:15]
    y_prime = third_line[16:22]
    z_prime = third_line[23:]
    print x_prime, y_prime, z_prime
    # NOTE: they are all strings
    # we should convert all variables to floats, in order to calculate distances
    x, y, z = float(x), float(y), float(z)
    x_prime, y_prime, z_prime = float(x_prime), float(y_prime), float(z_prime)
    diff_x = x - x_prime
    diff_y = y - y_prime
    diff_z = z - z_prime
    distance = (diff_x**2 + diff_y**2 + diff_z**2)**0.5
    print distance

    The solution is way simpler using split():

    lines = chain.split("\n")
    second_line = lines[1]
    third_line = lines[2]
    words = second_line.split()
    x, y, z = float(words[-3]), float(words[-2]), float(words[-1])
    words = third_line.split()
    x_prime, y_prime, z_prime = float(words[-3]), float(words[-2]), float(words[-1])
    distance = ((x - x_prime)**2 + (y - y_prime)**2 + (z - z_prime)**2)**0.5
  7. Solutions:

    1. Solution:

      dna_seq = dna_seq.replace("\n", "") # Remove newline characters
      length = len(dna_seq)               # Calculate length
      ng = dna_seq.count("G")             # Calculate the number of Gs
      nc = dna_seq.count("C")             # Calculate the number of Cs
      gc_cont = (ng + nc)/float(length)   # Calculate the GC-content
    2. Solution:

      rna_seq = dna_seq.replace("T","U")
    3. Solution:

      intron = dna_seq[50:156]        # Careful with indexes
      exon1 = dna_seq[:50]            # Careful with indexes
      exon2 = dna_seq[156:]           # Careful with indexes
      spliced = exon1+exon2

Python: Lists

Lists are ordered sequences of arbitrary elements (objects).

Lists are defined using square brackets, as follows:

# A list of integers (notice that the 1 appears twice)
integers = [1, 2, 3, 1]

# A list of strings
uniprot_proteins = ["Y08501", "Q95747"]

# A list of heterogeneous objects
things = ["Y08501", 0.13, "Q95747", 0.96]

# A list of lists
two_level_list = [
    ["Y08501", 120, 520],
    ["Q95747", 550, 920],

# An empty list
empty = []

# A list containing two empty lists
a_weird_list = [ [], [] ]


Returns Operator Meaning
bool == Check whether two lists are identical
bool != Check whether two lists are different
int len(list) Compute the length of a list
list list + list Concatenate two list (returns a new list)
list list * int Replicate a list multiple times
bool element in list Check whether an element appears in the list
list list[int:int] Extracts a sub-list
list list[int] = object Assigns a new value to an element
list range(int, [int]) Compute the integers in a given range

Lists offer almost the same operators as strings, with a couple of additions.

Example. range() returns a list of integers in a given range:

>>> numbers = range(5)
>>> print numbers
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

>>> numbers = range(0, 5)
>>> print numbers
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

>>> numbers = range(2, 4)
>>> print numbers
[2, 3]

>>> numbers = range(4, 2) # the range is backwards!
>>> print numbers

Example. Just like with strings, you can extract an element or a range of elements from a list:

>>> numbers = range(10)
>>> first_element = numbers[0]
>>> print first_element

>>> last_element = numbers[-1]
>>> print last_element

>>> the_other_elements = numbers[1:-1]
>>> print the_other_elements
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]

Example. The assignment operator assigns a new value to an already existing list element. It is more or less the opposite of the extraction operator. A couple of examples:

>>> numbers = range(5)
>>> print numbers
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

>>> numbers[0] = "first"
>>> print numbers
["first", 1, 2, 3, 4]

>>> numbers[-1] = "last"
>>> print numbers
["first", 1, 2, 3, "last"]

>>> numbers[len(numbers)/2] = "middle"
>>> print numbers
["first", 1, "middle", 3, "last"]

If the index is out-of-bounds, the assignment raises an error:

>>> numbers = range(5)
>>> numbers[100] = "out-of-bounds"
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
IndexError: list assignment index out of range


The assignment operator does not change the length of the list!

It modifies an existing element (at a given position); it does not add a new element.


Lists are ordered: the order of the elements matters:

[1, 2, 3] != [3, 2, 1]

Lists are not sets: objects may appear more than once:

[3, 3, "a", "a"] != [3, "a"]


  1. Create an empty list using the bracket notation. Check whether it is really empty using len().

  2. Create a list with the first five non-negative integers using range().

  3. Create a list with one hundred 0 elements.

    Hint: note the replication operator.

  4. Given:

    list_1 = range(10)
    list_2 = range(10, 20)

    concatenate the two lists, and assign the result to a new variable full_list. Use the equality comparison operator == to check whether it matches the result of range(20).

  5. Create a list of three strings: "I am", "a", "list". Then print the type and length of the three elements (manually, one by one).

  6. Given the list:

    list = [0.0, "b", [3], [4, 5]]
    1. How long is it?
    2. What is the type of the first element of list?
    3. How long is the second element of list?
    4. How long is the third element of list?
    5. What is the value of the last element of list? How long is it?
    6. Does the list contain an element "b"?
    7. Does the list contain an element 4?
  7. What is the difference between these “lists”?:

    list_1 = [1, 2, 3]
    list_2 = ["1", "2", "3"]
    list_3 = "[1, 2, 3]"

    Hint: is the third one actually a list?

  8. Which of the following code fragments are wrong?

    1. list = []
    2. list = [}
    3. list = [[]]
    4. list = [1 2 3]
    5. list = range(3), element = list[3]
    6. list = range(3), element = list[-1]
    7. list = range(3), sublist = list[0:2]
    8. list = range(3), sublist = list[0:3]
    9. list = range(3), sublist = list[0:-1]
    10. list = range(3), list[2] = "two"
    11. list = range(3), list[3] = "three"
    12. list = range(3), list[-1] = "three"
    13. list = range(3), list[1.2] = "one point two"
    14. list = range(3), list[1] = ["protein1", "protein2"]
  9. Given the list:

    matrix = [
        [1, 2, 3],          # <-- 1st row
        [4, 5, 6],          # <-- 2nd row
        [7, 8, 9],          # <-- 3rd riga
    #    ^  ^  ^
    #    |  |  |
    #    |  |  +-- 3rd column
    #    |  +----- 2nd column
    #    +-------- 1st column

    How can I:

    1. Extract the first row?
    2. Extract the second element of the first row?
    3. Sum all elements of the first row? (Perform the sum manually)
    4. Create a new list containing the elements of the second column? (Manually)
    5. Create a new list containing the elements of the diagonal? (Manually)
    6. Create a list by concatenating the first, second, and third rows?


Returns Method Meaning
None list.append(object) Add a new element at the end of the list
None list.extend(list) Add several new elements at the end of the list
None list.insert(int,object) Add a new element at some given position
None list.remove(object) Remove the first occurrence of an element
None list.reverse() Invert the order of the elements
None list.sort() Sort the elements
int list.count(object) Count the occurrences of an element


All list methods (except count()):

  • Modify the input list
  • Do not have a return value (they return None)

In other words, they behave the exact opposite of string methods!

As a consequence, if I do:

list = range(10)
print list

result = list.append(10)

print list
print result

the list is modified in the process and result will be None. The same is true for all other methods (except count()).

This may look a bit surprising, and it is easy to mistakenly expect append() or reverse() to return a list. They do not.

By the way, this is the reason why we can not write code like:

list = []

because the first append() does not return a list (it returns None, and None of course does not support the append() method – so the second append() always fails: Python raises an error.)

Example. append() adds a new element at the end of a list:

list = range(10)
print list                          # [0, 1, 2, ..., 9]
print len(list)                     # 10

print list                          # [0, 1, 2, ..., 9, 10]
print len(list)                     # 11

print list                          # [0, 1, 2, ..., 9, 10, 11]
print len(list)                     # 12

Note how list changes in the process.

Example. extend() adds several new elements at the end of a list:

list = range(10)
print list                          # [0, 1, 2, ..., 19]
print len(list)                     # 20

Example. insert() adds a new element at an arbitrary position:

list = range(10)
print list                          # [0, 1, ..., 9]
print len(list)                     # 10

list.insert(2, "marker")
print list                          # [0, 1, "marker", 3, ..., 9]
print len(list)                     # 11

Example. Contrary to append(), insert() and extend(), list concatenation does not modify the original list. You get a new list instead:

list_1 = range(0, 10)
list_2 = range(10, 20)

# let's use the concatenation operator
full_list = list_1 + list_2
print list_1, "+", list_2, "->", full_list

# now let's use extend() instead
full_list = list_1.extend(list_2)
print list_1
print list_2
print full_list

Note how with extend(), list_1 changes while full_list is None, as expected.

Example. remove() removes the first occurrence of a given value:

list = ["a", "list", "not", "a", "string"]
#       ^^^                 ^^^

print list                          # ["list", "not", "a", "string"]

Example. sort() and reverse() reorder the elements in the list:

list = [3, 2, 1, 5, 4]

print list                          # [4, 5, 1, 2, 3]

print list                          # [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

It also works with strings (it defaults to lexicographic ordering). Check this out:

list = ["AC", "GT"]
print list

print list                          # ["GT", "AC"]

print list                          # ["AC", "GT"]

Example. count() returns the number of occurrences of a value in a list:

list = ["a", "c", "g", "t", "a"]
num_a = list.count("a")
num_g = list.count("g")
print num_a, num_g                  # 2, 1

Of course, count() does not modify the original list.


A technical note. Recall that lists are mutable, and that (like all variables) they contain references to objects, not the objects themselves.

So what? Here are a few examples showing what are the consequences of the previous observation.

Example. This code:

sublist = range(5)
list = [sublist]
print list

creates a new list list that “contains” another list sublist. When I modify sublist (which is mutable), I end up modifying list:

print sublist

print list

Example. Another interesting case:

list = range(5)
print list

not_a_copy = list
print not_a_copy

# here both list and not_a_copy end up referring to the same
# object, so  if I change list, I also end up changing
# not_a_copy!

print list

print not_a_copy

In order to create a real, independent copy of a list, I have to use the extraction operator (or list comprehension, as we will see), as follows:

list = range(5)
print list

real_copy = list[:]
# or: real_copy = [elem for elem in list]
print real_copy

print list

print real_copy


  1. Create a new empty list list. Then add an integer, a string, and another list.

  2. Starting from the list list = range(3) (reset it after every bullet point!), what happens when I do:

    #. ``list.append(3)``
    #. ``list.append([3])``
    #. ``list.extend([3])``
    #. ``list.extend(3)``
    #. ``list.insert(0, 3)``
    #. ``list.insert(3, 3)``
    #. ``list.insert(3, [3])``
    #. ``list.insert([3], 3)``
  3. What is the difference between:

    list = []
    list.append(range(10, 20))


    list = []
    list.extend(range(10, 20))

    How long is list in the two cases?

  4. What does this code do?:

    list = [0, 0, 0, 0]
  5. What does this code do?:

    list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

    Is it equivalent to the following code?:

    list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
  6. Given the list:

    list = range(10)

    create a new list reversed_list with the same elements as list, but in reversed order using reverse().

    list must not be changed in the process.

  7. Given the list list:

    motifs = [

    create a new list sorted_motifs with the same elements as motifs, but sorted alphanumerically using sort().

    motifs must not be changed in the process.

String-List Methods

Returns method Meaning
list-of-str str.split(str) Split a string into a list of strings (words)
str str.join(list-of-str) Joins a list of strings (words) into a string

Example. We have a multi-line string taken from a PDB structure file:

structure_chain_a = """SER A 96 77.253 20.522 75.007
VAL A 97 76.066 22.304 71.921
PRO A 98 77.731 23.371 68.681
SER A 99 80.136 26.246 68.973
GLN A 100 79.039 29.534 67.364
LYS A 101 81.787 32.022 68.157"""

Let’s split the multi-line string into a list of single-line strings, for ease of processing:

lines = structure_chain_a.split("\n")
print lines[0]
print lines[1]
# ...

Now we can extract for, say, the second line, all its words:

words = lines[1].split()
print words

It is now pretty easy to extract the coordinates of the residue:

coords = words[-3:]
print coords

Example. join() is essentially the inverse operation:

list_of_strings = [

multiline_string = "\n".join(list_of_strings)
print multiline_string

It is not a super-interesting method, but it can be useful for printing pretty formatted text.


Note that join() takes a list of strings! This won’t work:

" ".join([1, 2, 3])


  1. Given the text:

    text = """The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
    is a world leader in genome research."""

    create a list of string that includes all of the words (i.e. substrings separated by spaces) of text.

    Then print how many words there are.

  2. The table below:

    tabella = [
        "protein | database | domain | start | end",
        "YNL275W | Pfam | PF00955 | 236 | 498",
        "YHR065C | SMART | SM00490 | 335 | 416",
        "YKL053C-A | Pfam | PF05254 | 5 | 72",
        "YOR349W | PANTHER | 353 | 414",

    (taken from Saccharomyces Genome Database) represents a list of domains that have been identified in a given yeast protein.

    Each row is a single domain instance (except the first).

    Use split() to obtain the list of titles of the various columns (from the first row), making sure that the column names contain no spurious space characters.

    Hint: strip() is not necessary; it is sufficient to use split() correctly.

  3. Given the list of strings:

    words = ["word_1", "word_2", "word_3"]

    build, using join() together with an appropriate delimiter, the following strings:

    1. "word_1 word_2 word_3"
    2. "word_1,word_2,word_3"
    3. "word_1 e word_2 e word_3"
    4. "word_1word_2word3"
    5. r"word_1\word_2\word_3"
  4. Given the list of strings:

    random_sentences = [
        "Taci. Su le soglie",
        "del bosco non odo",
        "parole che dici",
        "umane; ma odo",
        "parole piu' nuove",
        "che parlano gocciole e foglie",

    use join() to create a new multi-line string poem. The expected result is:

    >>> print poem
    Taci. Su le soglie
    del bosco non odo
    parole che dici
    umane; ma odo
    parole piu' nuove
    che parlano gocciole e foglie

    Hint: what delimiter should I use?

List Comprehension

The list comprehension operator allows to filter or transform a list.


The original list is left unchanged. A new list is created instead.

As a filter. Given an arbitrary list original, I can create a new list that only contains those elements of original that satisfy a given condition.

The abstract syntax is:

filtered = [element
            for element in original
            if condition(element)]

Here condition() is arbitrary. Let’s see a few examples.

Example. Let’s create a list with the even numbers in the range [0, 99]:

numbers = range(100

even_numbers = [n
                for n in numbers
                if n % 2 == 0]
print even_numbers

Example. Given a list of DNA sequences:

sequences = ["ACTGG", "CCTGT", "ATTTA", "TATAGC"]

we keep only those sequences that contain at least one adenosine:

sequences_with_a = [sequence
                    for sequence in sequences
                    if "A" in sequence]
print sequences_with_a

If we want only those with no adenosine, we can invert the condition:

sequences_without_a = [sequence
                       for sequence in sequences
                       if not "A" in sequence]
print sequences_without_a

Example. When no condition is given, no filtering is performed:

list = range(5)
print list

list_2 = [element for element in list]
print list_2

The above code creates a copy of the original list list:


Example. This list describes a gene regulation network:

triples = [
    ["G1C2W9", "G1C2Q7", 0.2],
    ["G1C2W9", "G1C2Q4", 0.9],
    ["Q6NMS1", "G1C2W9", 0.8],
    # ^^^^^^    ^^^^^^   ^^^
    #  gene1     gene2   correlation

Each “triple” has three elements: two A. Thaliana genes, and a measure of correlation of their expression (given by, say, a microarray experiment).

I can use a list comprehension to keep only the pairs of genes with high correlation:

high_correlation_genes = \
    [triple[:-1] for triple in triples
     if triple[-1] > 0.75]

I can also keep only those genes that are highly correlated with the "G1C2W9" gene:

threshold = 0.75
interesting_genes = \
    [triple[0] for triple in triples
     if triple[1] == "G1C2W9" and triple[-1] >= threshold] + \
    [triple[1] for triple in triples
     if triple[0] == "G1C2W9" and triple[-1] >= threshold]


The name of the “temporary” variable holding the current element (in the examples above, n, sequence and triple, respectively) is arbitrary.

This code:

list = range(10)
print [x for x in list if x > 5]

is perfectly identical to this code:

list = range(10)
print [y for y in list if y > 5]

The name of the variable, x or y, does not make any difference. You are free to pick any name you like.

As a transformation. Given an arbitrary list original, I can use a list comprehension to also transform the elements in the list in some way.

The abstract syntax is:

transformed = [transform(element)
               for element in original]

The transformation transform() is arbitrary.

Example. Given the list:

numbers = range(10)

let’s create a new list with their doubles:

doubles = [n * 2 for n in numbers]
#          ^^^^^
#          transformation
print doubles

Example. Given a list of paths:

paths = ["aatable", "fasta.1", "fasta.2"]

let’s add a prefix "data/" to each and every element:

prefixed_paths = ["data/" + path for path in paths]
#                 ^^^^^^^
#                 transformation
print prefixed_paths

Example. Given the list of primary sequences:

sequences = [

let’s compute the length of each sequence, and save them in another list:

lengths = [len(seq) for seq in sequences]
print lengths

Example. Given the list of strings:

atoms = [
    "SER A 96 77.253 20.522 75.007",
    "VAL A 97 76.066 22.304 71.921",
    "PRO A 98 77.731 23.371 68.681",
    "SER A 99 80.136 26.246 68.973",
    "GLN A 100 79.039 29.534 67.364",
    "LYS A 101 81.787 32.022 68.157",

which represents (part of) the 3D structure of a protein chain, I want to compute a list of lists which should hold, for each residue (that is, for every row of atoms), its coordinates:

coords = [row.split()[-3:] for row in atoms]

The result is:

>>> print coords
    ["77.253", "20.522", "75.007"],
    ["76.066", "22.304", "71.921"],
    ["77.731", "23.371", "68.681"],
    ["80.136", "26.246", "68.973"],
    ["79.039", "29.534", "67.364"],
    ["81.787", "32.022", "68.157"],

Jointly transforming and filtering.* Given a list original, I can both transform and filter its elements jointly using the complete version of the list comprehension operator.

The abstract syntax is:

new_list = [transform(element)
            for element in original
            if condition(element)]

Example. Given the integers from 0 to 99, I want to keep only the even ones and divide them by 3:

result = [n / 3.0
          for n in range(100)
          if n % 2 == 0]
print result

Example. Given the list of strings:

atoms = [
    "SER A 96 77.253 20.522 75.007",
    "VAL A 97 76.066 22.304 71.921",
    "PRO A 98 77.731 23.371 68.681",
    "SER A 99 80.136 26.246 68.973",
    "GLN A 100 79.039 29.534 67.364",
    "LYS A 101 81.787 32.022 68.157",

we used:

coords = [row.split()[-3:] for row in atoms]

to obtain:

>>> print coords
    ["77.253", "20.522", "75.007"],
    ["76.066", "22.304", "71.921"],
    ["77.731", "23.371", "68.681"],
    ["80.136", "26.246", "68.973"],
    ["79.039", "29.534", "67.364"],
    ["81.787", "32.022", "68.157"],

We now make things more complex: we only want the coordinates of the serines. Let’s write:

coords = [row.split()[-3:] for row in atoms
          if row.split()[0] == "SER"]


  1. Given the list:

    list = range(100)
    1. Create a new list list_plus_3 that holds the elements of list plus 3. The expected result is:

      [3, 4, 5, ...]
    2. Create a new list odds that holds only the odd elements in list. The expected result is:

      [1, 3, 5, ...]

      Hint: adapt one of the previous examples.

    3. Create a new list opposites that holds the arithmetical opposites (the opposite of \(x\) is \(-x\)) of the elements in list. The expected result is:

      [0, -1, -2, ...]
    4. Create a new list inverses that holds the arithmetical inverse (the inverse of \(x\) is \(\frac{1}{x}\)) of the elements in list.

      Make sure to skip those elements that have no inverse (like 0).

      The expected result is:

      [1, 0.5, 0.33334, ...]

      Hint: skip = filter out.

    5. Create a new list with only the first and last element of list. The expected result is:

      [0, 99]

      Hint: is a list comprehension required?

    6. Create a new list with all elements of list, except the first and the last. The expected result is:

      [1, 2, ..., 97, 98]
    7. Count how many odd numbers there are in list. They should be 50.

      Hint: use a list comprehension plus... something else.

    8. Create a new list holding all elements of list, divided by 5. The expected result is:

      [0.0, 0.2, 0.4, ...]

      Hint: make sure that the results are float!

    9. Create a new list holding only the multiples of 5 appearing in list; the multiples should be divided by 5. The expected result is:

      [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, ..., 19.0]
    10. Create a new list list_of_strings containing the same elements as list, but converted into strings. The expected result is:

      ["0", "1", "2", ...]
    11. Count how many strings in list_of_strings represent an odd number. The expected result is, again, 50.

    12. Create a string that contains all the elements in list, separated by spaces. The expected result is:

      "0 1 2 ..."

      Hint: use a list comprehension plus... something else.

  2. For each of the following bullet points, write two list comprehensions to convert from list_1 to list_2 and vice versa.

    1. list_1 = [1, 2, 3]
      list_2 = ["1", "2", "3"]
    2. list_1 = ["name", "surname", "age"]
      list_2 = [["name"], ["surname"], ["age"]]
    3. list_1 = ["ACTC", "TTTGGG", "CT"]
      list_2 = [["actc", 4], ["tttgggcc", 6], ["ct", 2]]
  3. Given the list:

    list = range(10)

    which of the following code fragments are correct? What do they compute?

    1. [x for x in list]
    2. [y for y in list]
    3. [y for x in list]
    4. ["x" for x in list]
    5. [str(x) for x in list]
    6. [x for str(x) in list]
    7. [x + 1 for x in list]
    8. [x + 1 for x in list if x == 2]
  4. Let’s consider the string:

    clusters = """\
    >Cluster 0
    0 >YLR106C at 100.00%
    >Cluster 50
    0 >YPL082C at 100.00%
    >Cluster 54
    0 >YHL009W-A at 90.80%
    1 >YHL009W-B at 100.00%
    2 >YJL113W at 98.77%
    3 >YJL114W at 97.35%
    >Cluster 52
    0 >YBR208C at 100.00%

    extracted from the output of a clustering algorithm (CD-HIT) applied to the S. Cerevisiae genome (taken from SGD)

    clusters encodes information about protein clusters; the proteins were clustered together based on their sequence similarity. (The details are not important.)

    A cluster begins with the line:

    >Cluster N

    where N is the cluster ID. The contents of the cluster are given in the following lines, for instance:

    >Cluster 54
    0 >YHL009W-A at 90.80%
    1 >YHL009W-B at 100.00%
    2 >YJL113W at 98.77%
    3 >YJL114W at 97.35%

    represents a cluster (with ID 54) of four sequences. Four proteins belong to the cluster: protein "YHL009W-A" (with 90.80% similarity to the cluster center), protein "YHL009-B" (with 100.00% similarity) etc.

    Given the string clusters, use a list comprehension (together with other operations on strings, such as split()) for:

    1. Extracting the IDs of the various clusters. The expected result is:

      >>> print cluster_ids
      ["0", "50", "54", "52"]
    2. Extracting the names of all proteins, including duplicates. The expected result is:

      >>> print protein_names
      ["YLR1106C", "YPL082C", "YHL00W-A", ...]
    3. Extracting all protein-similarity pairs for all proteins. Th expected result is:

      >>> print protein_similarity_pairs
      [["YLR106C", 100.0],
       ["YPL082C", 100.0],
       ["YHL009W-A", 90.8],
       # ...
  5. Given the \(3\times 3\) matrix (list of lists):

    matrix = [range(0,3), range(3,6), range(6,9)]
    1. Create a matrix upside_down containing all rows of matrix from bottom to top.
    2. (Hard.) Create a matrix palindrome containing all columns of matrix from left to right.
    3. (Hard.) Re-create matrix from scratch using a list comprehension.
  6. (Hard.) Given the list:

    list = range(100)

    Create a list squares containing the squares of all the elements in list. The expected result is:

    [0, 1, 4, 9, ...]

    Next, create a list difference_of_squares containing, in every position i, the value of:

    squares[i+1] - squares[i]

    making sure to avoid the case i == len(list) (because in that case squares[i+1] is undefined).

    Feel free to use auxiliary variables as required.

    (Blame this page for inspiring this exercise.)

  7. Given the following list of mouse gene symbols:

    mouse_genes = ["Fus", "Tdp43", "Sod1", "Ighmbp2", "Srsf2"]
    1. Sort the list alphabetically.
    2. In the sorted ist, convert mouse symbols into human gene symbols.

    Hint: in human gene symbols all letters are in upper-case.

Python: Lists (Solutions)


In some cases I will use the character \ at the end of a line.

Used in this way, \ tells Python that the command continues in the following line. Didn’t I use \, Python could think that the command is complete, giving an error message if the syntax is wrong.

You can ignore these \.


  1. Solution:

    list = []
    print list, len(list)         # check
  2. Solution:

    list = range(5)
    print list, len(list)         # check
    print len(list)
  3. Solution:

    list = [0] * 100
    print list, len(list)         # check
  4. Solution:

    list_1 = range(10)
    list_2 = range(10, 20)
    list_complete = list_1 + list_2
    print list_complete
    print list_complete == range(20)   # True
  5. Solution:

    list = ["I am", "a", "list"]
    print list, len(list)         # check
    print len(list[0])
    print len(list[1])
    print len(list[2])
  6. Solution:

    list = [0.0, "b", [3], [4, 5]]
    print len(list)                # 4
    print type(list[0])            # float
    print list[1], len(list[1])   # "b", 1
    print list[2], len(list[2])   # [3], 1
    print list[-1], len(list[-1]) # [4, 5], 2
    print "b" in list              # True
    print 4 in list                # False
    print 4 in list[-1]            # True
  7. Solution: the first is a list of integers, the second a list of strings, the third is a string!:

    print type(list_1)             # list
    print type(list_2)             # list
    print type(list_3)             # str
  8. Solutions:

    # an empty list
    list = []
    print len(list)                # 0
    del list
    # invalid syntax, Python gives an error message
    list = [}
    # a list that contains an empty list
    list = [[]]
    print len(list)                # 1
    print len(list[0])             # 0
    del list
    # the following doesn't work because the list is not defined!
    # this works
    list = []
    print list                     # [0]
    del list
    # this doesn't work because we forgot to put commas!
    list = [1 2 3]
    # this gives an error message because the list has only 3 elements!
    list = range(3)
    print list[3]
    # Extract the last element
    list = range(3)
    print list[-1]
    del list
    # Extract the first two elements (list[2], the third,
    # is excluded)
    list = range(3)
    sublist = list[0:2]
    print list
    del list
    # Extract all the elements(list[3], not existent
    # is excluded)
    list = range(3)
    sublist = list[0:3]
    print list
    del list
    # Extract the first two elements (list[-1], the third,
    # is excluded)
    list = range(3)
    sublist = list[0:-1]
    print list
    del list
    # Insert in third position the string "two"
    list = range(3)
    list[2] = "two"
    print list
    del list
    # this doesn't work, the list contains only three elements,
    # there is no fourth position, and Python gives an error
    list = range(3)
    list[3] = "three"
    # insert in third posizion the string "three"
    list = range(3)
    list[-1] = "three"
    print list
    del list
    # the index has to be an integer, Python gives an error message
    list = range(3)
    list[1.2] = "one point two"
    # substitute the second element of list (i.e. 1)
    # with a list of two strings; this is can be done,
    # since lists *can* contain other lists
    list = range(3)
    list[1] = ["protein1", "protein2"]
    print list
    del list
  9. Solution:

    matrix = [
        [1, 2, 3],
        [4, 5, 6],
        [7, 8, 9],
    first_row = matrix[0]
    print first_row
    second_element_first_row = first_row[1]
    # or
    second_element_first_row = matrix[0][1]
    print second_element_first_row
    sum_first_row = matrix[0][0] + matrix[0][1] + matrix[0][2]
    print sum_first_row
    second_column = [matrix[0][1], matrix[1][1], matrix[2][1]]
    print second_column
    diagonal = [matrix[0][0], matrix[1][1], matrix[2][2]]
    print diagonal
    three_rows_together = matrix[0] + matrix[1] + matrix[2]
    print three_rows_together


  1. First, let’s create a list. For example, an empty list:

    list = []

    next, let’s add the required elements with append():

    list.append([0, 1, 2, 3])
  2. Solution:

    # add one 3 at the end of the list
    list = range(3)
    print list
    del list
    # add a list with a 3 at the end of the list
    list = range(3)
    print list
    del list
    # add a 3 (the only element contained in the list [3])
    # at the end of the list
    list = range(3)
    print list
    del list
    # doesn't work: extend() extends a list with the content of
    # another list, but here 3 is *not* a list!
    # Python gives an error message
    list = range(3)
    # replace the element in position 0, the first, with a 3
    list = range(3)
    list.insert(0, 3)
    print list
    del list
    # insert a 3 at the end of list
    list = range(3)
    list.insert(3, 3)
    print list
    del list
    # insert the list [3] at the end of list
    list = range(3)
    list.insert(3, [3])
    print list
    del list
    # doesn't work: the first argument of insert() has to be an integer
    # not a list! Python gives an error message
    list = range(3)
    list.insert([3], 3)
  3. Solution:

    list = []
    list.append(range(10, 20))
    print list

    Here we use append(), that inserts an element at the end of list. In this example we insert two lists, the results of range(10) and range(10, 20).

    Clearly, len(list) is 2, since we added only 2 elements.

    On the other hand:

    list = []
    list.extend(range(10, 20))
    print list

    here we use extend(), that extends a list with another list. Here the final list has 20 elements, as we can see with:

    print len(list)
  4. Solution:

    list = [0, 0, 0, 0]
    print list

    only the first occurrence of 0 is removed!

  5. Solution:

    list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
    # invert the order of the elements of list
    print list
    # order the elements of list
    print list

    After the two operations,``list`` gets back to the initial value.

    On the other hand:

    list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

    cannot be done, since the result of list.reverse() is None:

    list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
    result = list.reverse()
    print result

    being result not a list,``sort()`` cannot be applied. Python gives an error message.

  6. Let’s try this:

    list = range(10)
    inverse_list = list.reverse()
    print list                         # modified!
    print inverse_list                 # None!

    the code doesn’t work: reverse() modifies list e returns None! Moreover, this code modifies directly``list``, and we don’t want that.

    First, let’s create a copy of list, next we can order the copy:

    list = range(10)
    inverse_list = list[:]            # *not* inverse_list = list
    print list                         # unvaried
    print inverse_list                 # inverted

    On the other hand, this code:

    list = range(10)
    inverse_list = list
    print list                         # modified!
    print inverse_list                # inverted

    doesn’t work as we want: inverse_list doesn’t contain a copy of list, but a reference to the same object referred by list.

    As a consequence, when we invert inverse_list we also invert list.

  7. As before:

    motifs = [
    sorted_motifs = motifs.sort()

    the code doesn’t work: reverse() modifies motifs e returns None! First, let’s create a copy of motifs, next we can order the copy:

    sorted_motifs = motifs[:]
    print motifs                    # unvaried
    print sorted_motifs            # ordered

String-List Methods

  1. Solution:

    text = """The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
    is a world leader in genome research.""""
    words = text.split()
    print len(words)
  2. Solution:

    table = [
        "protein | database | domain | start | end",
        "YNL275W | Pfam | PF00955 | 236 | 498",
        "YHR065C | SMART | SM00490 | 335 | 416",
        "YKL053C-A | Pfam | PF05254 | 5 | 72",
        "YOR349W | PANTHER | 353 | 414",
    first_row = table[0]
    almost_column_titles = first_row.split("|")
    # ["protein ", " database ", ...]
    # unfortunately, column titles contain superfluous spaces
    # to remove them, we can change the argument of split()
    column_titles = first_row.split(" | ")
    print column_titles
    # ["protein", "database", ...]

    We could also use strip() together with a list comprehension on almost_column_titles, but it’s not necessary.

  3. Solution:

    words = ["word_1", "word_2", "word_3"]
    print " ".join(words)
    print ",".join(words)
    print " e ".join(words)
    print "".join(words)
    backslash = r"\"
    print backslash.join(words)
  4. Solution:

    verses = [
        "Taci. Su le soglie"
        "del bosco non odo"
        "parole che dici"
        "umane; ma odo"
        "parole piu' nuove"
        "che parlano gocciole e foglie"
    poem = "\n".join(verses)

List Comprehension

  1. Solutions:

    1. Solution:

      list_plus_three = [number + 3 for number in list]
      print list_plus_three             # check
    2. Solution:

      odds = [number for number in list
                       if (number % 2 == 1)]
    3. Solution:

      opposites = [-number for number in list]
    4. Solution:

      inverses = [1.0 / number for number in list
                       if number != 0]
    5. Solution:

      first_and_last = [list[0], list[-1]]
    6. Solution:

      from_second_to_penultimate = list[1:-1]
    7. Solution:

      list_odds = [number for number in list
                       if (number % 2 == 1)]
      number_odds = len(list_odds)
      print number_odds


      number_odds = len([number for number in list
                            if (number % 2 == 1)])
    8. Solution:

      list_divided_by_5 = [float(number) / 5
                            for number in list]
    9. Solution:

      list_multiples_5_divided = [float(number) / 5.0)
                                 for number in list
                                 if (number % 5 == 0)]
    10. Solution:

      list_of_strings = [str(number) for number in list]
    11. Solution:

      # As before, but iterating on `list_of_strings`
      # rather than directly on `list`
      number_odds = len([string for string in list_of_strings
                            if (int(string) % 5 == 0)])
    12. Solution:

      text = " ".join([str(number) for number in list])

      Notice that if we forget to write``str(number)``, join() doesn’t work.

  2. Solutions:

    1. # forward
      list_1 = [1, 2, 3]
      list_2 = [str(x) for x in list_1]
      # backward
      list_2 = ["1", "2", "3"]
      list_1 = [int(x) for x in list_2]
    2. # forward
      list_1 = ["name", "surname", "age"]
      list_2 = [[x] for x in list_1]
      # backward
      list_2 = [["name"], ["surname"], ["age"]]
      list_1 = [l[0] for l in list_2]
    3. # forward
      list_1 = ["ACTC", "TTTGGG", "CT"]
      list_2 = [[x.lower(), len(x)] for x in list_1]
      # backward
      list_2 = [["actc", 4], ["tttgggcc", 6], ["ct", 2]]
      list_1 = [l[0].upper() for l in list_2]
  3. Solution:

    1. [x for x in list]: creates a copy of list.
    2. [y for y in list]: creates a copy of list (the same as before).
    3. [y for x in list]: invalid. (If x represents an element of the list, what is y?)
    4. ["x" for x in list]: creates a list full of strings "x" as long as list. The result will be: ["x", "x", ..., "x"].
    5. [str(x) for x in list]: for each int x in list, x is converted to a string str(x) and included in the resulting list. The result will be: ["0", "1", ..., "9"].
    6. [x for str(x) in list]: invalid: the transformation str(...) is in the wrong place!
    7. [x + 1 for x in list]: for each int x in list, adds 1 with x + 1 and includes the result in the resulting list. The result will be: [1, 2, ..., 10].
    8. [x + 1 for x in list if x == 2]: for each int x in list checks whether it is equal to 2. In the positive case x + 1 is included in the resulting list, otherwise it’s excluded. The result will be’: [3].
  4. Solution:

    clusters = """\
    >Cluster 0
    0 >YLR106C at 100.00%
    >Cluster 50
    0 >YPL082C at 100.00%
    >Cluster 54
    0 >YHL009W-A at 90.80%
    1 >YHL009W-B at 100.00%
    2 >YJL113W at 98.77%
    3 >YJL114W at 97.35%
    >Cluster 52
    0 >YBR208C at 100.00%
    rows = clusters.split("\n")

    In order to get cluster names, we have to keep only lines starting with ">", and for each of them apply split() in order to get the second element (the nam of the cluster):

    cluster_names = [row.split()[1] for row in rows
                    if row.startswith(">")]

    In order to get protein names, we have to keep only lines not starting with ">", and for each of them apply split() and keep the second element (also removing ">" from the name of the protein):

    proteins = [row.split()[1].lstrip(">") for row in rows
                if not row.startswith(">")]

    In order to get protein-percentage pairs, we have to keep only lines not starting with ">". On each of them, we apply split() and keep the second element (protein name) and the last (percentage):

    protein_percentage_pairs = \
        [[row.split()[1].lstrip(">"), row.split()[-1].rstrip("%")]
         for row in rows if not row.startswith(">")]

    Annotated version:

    protein_percentage_pairs = \
        [[row.split()[1].lstrip(">"), row.split()[-1].rstrip("%")]
    #     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    #       protein name, as before            percentage
    #    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    #                     protein-percentage pair
         for row in rows if not row.startswith(">")]
  5. Solution:

    matrix = [range(0,3), range(3,6), range(6,9)]
    # extract first row
    first_row = matrix[0]
    # extract first column
    first_column = [matrix[0][i] for i in range(3)]
    # invert row order
    upside_down = matrix[:]
    # or
    upside_down = [matrix[2-i] for i in range(3)]
    # invert column order
    palindrome = []
    # append the first line
    palindrome.append([matrix[0][2-i] for i in range(3)])
    # append the second line
    palindrome.append([matrix[1][2-i] for i in range(3)])
    # append the third line
    palindrome.append([matrix[2][2-i] for i in range(3)])
    # or in a single step -- it's complicated and you can ignore it!!!
    palindrome = [[row[2-i] for i in range(3)]
                   for row in matrix]
    # we can re-create matrix with a single list comprehension
    matrix_again = [range(i, i+3) for i in range(9)
                        if i % 3 == 0]
  6. Solutions:

    list = range(100)
    squares = [number**2 for number in list]
    difference_of_squares = \
        [squares[i+1] - squares[i]
         for i in range(len(squares) - 1)]
  7. Solutions:

    mouse_genes = ["Fus", "Tdp43", "Sod1", "Ighmbp2", "Srsf2"]
    sorted_mouse_genes = mouse_genes[:]
    print sorted_mouse_genes
    human_genes = [gene.upper() for gene in sorted_mouse_genes]

Python: Tuple

Tuples are immutable lists.

In order to define a tuple, use this syntax:

binding_partners = (
    "BIOGRID:108607"  # no comma

Leaving an additional comma after the last element also works:

binding_partners = (
    "BIOGRID:108607", # this comma makes no difference

Tuples should be used instead of lists whenever mutability is an issue, for instance as dictionary keys.

Example. Let’s create a bunch of different tuples:

# A tuple of integers
integers = (1, 2, 3, 1)

# A tuple of strings
uniprot_proteins = ("Y08501", "Q95747")

# A tuple of heterogeneous objects
things = ("Y08501", 0.13, "Q95747", 0.96)

# A tuple of tuples
two_level_tuple = (
    ("Y08501", 120, 520),
    ("Q95747", 550, 920),

Example. Empty and length-one tuples are a bit weird. I will not explain how to create empty tuples, they are very rare (and not really useful).

But let’s assume for the sake of illustration that we need to create a tuple with just one element, say the integer 0. This does not work:

tuple = (0)
print tuple
print type(tuple)   # not a tuple!

The reason is that (0) is interpreted by Python as an arithmetical expression. Indeed, this is what the syntax means: an integer within a pair of brackets.

In order to define such a one-element tuple, write:

tuple = (0,)
print tuple
print type(tuple)   # it's a tuple!

Now the ambiguity is gone: the comma , in there makes it clear to Python that we want to create a tuple – except that it contains only one element.


Most list operators can be used with tuples as well. Of course, since tuples are immutable, operators that change the value of lists (like the assignment operator) do not carry over to tuples.

Returns Operator Meaning
int len(tuple) Compute the length of a tuple
tuple tuple + tuple Concatenate two tuples
tuple tuple * int Replicate a tuple
bool object in tuple Check whether an element appears in a tuple
tuple tuple[int:int] Extract a sub-tuple

Example. Let’s create a tuple with mixed object types:

protein_info = ("2B0Q", "phosphotransferase", "PF03881")

It holds information about a given protein (PDB identifier 2B0Q). We can access the various elements as if it were a list:

protein_id = protein_info[0]
print protein_id

protein_name = protein_info[1]
print protein_name

However, we can not modify the tuple in any way:

>>> protein_info[0] = "1A3A"
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment


Returns Method Meaning
int list.index(object) Return the index of the first occurrence of an object
int list.count(object) Count the number of occurrences of an object

These are identical to their list counterparts.

List-Tuple Conversion

In some cases you want to modify a tuple, but you can’t. In other cases you want to use a list as a key in a dictionary, but you can’t.

The tricks is to convert between tuples and lists as needed. In order to convert between the two, use the tuple() and list() functions:

l = range(10)
print l, type(l)

t = tuple(l)
print t, type(t)

l = list(t)
print l, type(l)

Example. We want to modify a given tuple:

t = ("I", "am", "a", "tuple")
print t

Let’s proceed as follows:

l = list(t)
l.insert(2, "pretty")
t2 = tuple(l)

print t
print t2

Of course, we did not modify the original tuple; rather, we created a new tuple from an intermediate list.


  1. Create:

    1. A tuple with two integers, 0 and 1.

    2. A tuple with two strings, "a" and "tuple".

    3. A tuple with only one element, "a tuple".

      Hint: you can either use the syntax presented at the beginning of the chapter, or use a list-tuple conversion.

    4. A tuple with the integers between 0 and 99.

      Hint: is there some way to exploit the range() function?

  2. Given l = [0, 1, 2] and t = (0, 1, 2), what is the difference between:

    1. First case:

      x = l
      x[0] = "ok"
    2. Second case:

      x = t
      x[0] = "ok"
  3. Given the tuple:

    tup = (0, 1, 2, [3, 4, 5], 6, 7, 8)
    1. What is the type of the first element of the tuple?
    2. What is the type of the fourth element?
    3. How many elements does the tuple contain?
    4. How many elements does the inner list contain?
    5. Change the last element of the inner list to "last element".
    6. Change the last element of the tuple to "very last element". (Can you do that without resorting to tricks?)

Python: Tuple (Solutions)

  1. Solutions:

    couple_of_int = (0, 1)
    print type(couple_of_int)            # tuple
    couple_of_strings = ("one", "tuple")
    print type(couple_of_strings)          # tuple
    a_single_element = (0,)
    print type(a_single_element)            # tuple
    print len(a_single_element)             # 1
    a_single_element_alt = tuple([0])
    print type(a_single_element_alt)        # tuple
    print len(a_single_element_alt)         # 1
    wrong = (0)
    print type(wrong)                   # int
    print len(wrong)                    # error!
    hundred_elements = tuple(range(100))
    print type(hundred_elements)              # tuple
    tuple_of_lists = (range(50), range(50, 100))
    print type(tuple_of_lists)
    print type(tuple_of_lists[0])
    tuple_of_tuples = (tuple(range(50)), tuple(range(50, 100)))
    print type(tuple_of_tuples)
    print type(tuple_of_tuples[0])
  2. Solutions:

    l = [0, 1, 2]
    t = (0, 1, 2)
    # x refers to a list, the code replaces
    # the first element with 100
    x = l
    x[0] = 100
    # x now refers to a tuple, that is immutable:
    # we cannot replace its elements, Python raises an error message
    x = t
    x[0] = 100                          # error!
  3. Solutions:

    tup = (0, 1, 2, [3, 4, 5], 6, 7, 8)
    print tup[0]                      # 0
    print type(tup[0])                # int
    print tup[3]                      # [3, 4, 5]
    print type(tup[3])                # list
    print len(tup)                    # 9
    print len(tup[3])                 # 3
    tup[3][-1] = "last"
    print tup
    # yes, we can do it, we "modified" the tuple
    # by modifying the list contained in it.
    tup[-1] = "last"                # error!
    # we cannot modify the tuple "directly"
    # it's an immutable object

Python: Dictionaries

A dictionary represents a map between objects: it maps from a key to the corresponding value.


Just like lists, dictionaries are mutable!

The abstract syntax for defining a dictionary is:

{ key1: value1, key2: value2, ... }

Example. In order to define a dictionary implementing the genetic code, we write:

genetic_code = {
    "UUU": "F",     # phenilalanyne
    "UCU": "S",     # serine
    "UAU": "Y",     # tyrosine
    "UGU": "C",     # cysteine
    "UUC": "F",     # phenilalanyne
    "UCC": "S",     # serine
    "UAC": "Y",     # tyrosine
    # etc.

Here genetic_code maps from three-letter nucleotide strings (the keys) to the corresponding amino acid character (the value).

To use a dictionary, we resort to the usual extraction operator, as follows:

>>> aa = genetic_code["UUU"]
>>> print aa

>>> aa = genetic_code["UCU"]
>>> print aa

I can use the genetic_code dictionary to “simulate” the process of translation and convert an RNA sequence into the corresponding aminoacid sequence. For instance, starting from the following mRNA sequence:


I can split it in triples:

>>> triples = [rna[i:i+3] for i in range(0, len(rna), 3)]
>>> print triples
['UUU', 'UCU', 'UAU', 'UGU', 'UUC', 'UCC']

At this point, I can translate the triples with:

>>> aminoacids = [genetic_code[triple] for triple in triples]
>>> protein = "".join(aminoacids)
>>> print protein

Of course, this is a very simple functional model of translation. The most obvious difference is that the above Python code does not care about termination codons. Support for them will be added in due time.


Keys are unique: the same key can not be used more than once.

Value are not unique: different keys can map to the same value.

In the genetic code example, each key is a unique three-letter string, which is associated to a given value; the same value (for instance "serine" is associated to multiple keys:

print genetic_code["UCU"]           # "S", serine
print genetic_code["UCC"]           # "S", serine

Example. Let’s build a dictionary that maps from amino acids to their (approximated) volume in cubic Amstrongs:

volume_of = {
    "A":  67.0, "C":  86.0, "D":  91.0,
    "E": 109.0, "F": 135.0, "G":  48.0,
    "H": 118.0, "I": 124.0, "K": 135.0,
    "L": 124.0, "M": 124.0, "N":  96.0,
    "P":  90.0, "Q": 114.0, "R": 148.0,
    "S":  73.0, "T":  93.0, "V": 105.0,
    "W": 163.0, "Y": 141.0,

# Print the volume of a cysteine
print volume_of["C"]                    # 86.0
print type(volume_of["C"])              # float

Here the keys are strings and the values are floats.


There are no restrictions on the kinds of objects that can appear as values.

The keys, however, must be immutable objects. This means that list and dict objects can not be used as keys.

More formally, here is what object types you can use where:

Type As keys As values
list NO
dict NO

This restriction is due to how dictionaries are implemented in Python (and most other programming languages, really).

Example. Let’s create a dictionary that maps from amino acids to a list of two properties, mass and volume:

properties_of = {
    "A": [ 89.09,  67.0],
    "C": [121.15,  86.0],
    "D": [133.10,  91.0],
    "E": [147.13, 109.0],
    # ...

# Print the properties of alanine
print properties_of["A"]                # [89.09, 67.0]
print type(properties_of["A"])          # list

Here the keys are str (immutable) and the values are list (mutable). Can I create the inverse dictionary (from property list to amino acids)?

No. Let’s write the very first key-value pair:

aa_of = { [89.09, 67.0]: "A" }

Ideally, this dictionary would map from the list:

[89.09, 67.0]

to "A". However Python raises an error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: unhashable type: 'list'
#          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
#           read: list is mutable!

To solve the problem, I can use tuples in place of lists:

aa_of = {
    ( 89.09,  67.0): "A",
    (121.15,  86.0): "C",
    (133.10,  91.0): "D",
    (147.13, 109.0): "E",
    # ...

aa = aa_of[(133.10,  91.0)]
print aa                        # "D"
print type(aa)                  # str

Now that the keys are immutable, everything works.


Returns Operator Meaning
int len(dict) Return the number of key-value pairs
object dict[object] Extracts the value associated to a key
dict[object]=object Inserts or replaces a key-value pair

The only major behavioral difference lies in the assignment operator (the last one). The syntax is the same as for lists, and the meaning too; however, for dictionaries it can be used to add entirely new key-value pairs. Let’s see a few examples.

Example. Starting from an empty dictionary:

code = {}

print code
print len(code)

I want to build (this time, incrementally) the genetic code dictionary I introduced in the very first example of this chapter. Let’s add the key-value pairs one by one with the assignment operator:

code["UUU"] = "F"                 # phenylalanine
code["UCU"] = "M"                 # methionine
code["UAU"] = "Y"                 # tyrosine
# ...

print code
print len(code)

Here I am adding new key-value pairs to a dictionary.

Whoops, I made a mistake! "UCU" should map to an "S", not to an "M"! I can solve the problem by replacing the value associated to the key "UCU", using the same syntax as above:

code["UCU"] = "S"                 # serine

print code
print len(code)

So, if the key was already there, the assignment operator simply replaces the value it is associated with.

Qui alla key "UCU", che gia’ era nel dizionario, associo un nuovo value "S" (serina).


It does not make sense, however, to extract values associated to keys not present in the dictionary. For instance:

>>> code[":-("]

makes Python raise an error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
KeyError: ":-("
#         ^^^^^
#          the dictionary contains no such key


Returns Method Meaning
bool dict.has_key(object) True if the object is a key of the dict
list dict.keys() Get the keys as a list
list dict.values() Get the values as a list
list-of-tuples dict.items() Get the key-value pairs as a list of pairs

Example. Starting from code:

code = {
    "UUU": "F",     # phenylalanine
    "UCU": "S",     # serine
    "UAU": "Y",     # tyrosine
    "UGU": "C",     # cysteine
    "UUC": "F",     # phenylalanine
    "UCC": "S",     # serine
    "UAC": "Y",     # tirosine
    # ...

I can get the list of keys:

>>> keys = code.keys()
>>> print keys
["UUU", "UCU", "UAU", ...]

and the list of values:

>>> values = code.values()
>>> print values
["F", "S", Y", "C", ...]

and the list of both keys and values:

>>> key_value_pairs = code.items()
>>> print key_value_pairs
[("UUU", "F"), ("UCU", "S"), ...]

Now that I have a bunch of lists, I can apply any of the list operations/methods to perform the tasks I need!

Finally, to check whether a given object appears as a key, I can write:

>>> print code.has_key("UUU")
>>> print code.has_key(":-(")


Key-value pairs are stored in the dictionary in a seemingly arbitrary order.

In other words, Python does not guarantee that the order in which the key-value pairs are inserted is preserved.

For instance:

>>> d = {}
>>> d["z"] = "zeta"
>>> d["a"] = "a"
>>> d
{'a': 'a', 'z': 'zeta'}
>>> d.keys()
['a', 'z']
>>> d.values()
['a', 'zeta']
>>> d.items()
[('a', 'a'), ('z', 'zeta')]

Here I inserted ("z", "zeta") first, and ("a", "a") second. However, the order in which they are stored in the dictionary is the exact opposite!

Example. We can use a dictionary to represent a complex structured object, for instance the properties of a protein chain:

chain = {
    "name": "1A3A",
    "chain": "B",
    "sequence": "MANLFKLGAENIFLGRKAATK...",
    "num_scop_domains": 4,
    "num_pfam_domains": 1,

print chain["name"]
print chain["sequence"]
print chain["num_scop_domains"]

Of course, writing a dictionary like this by hand is inconvenient. We will later see how such dictionaries can be created by reading the data automatically out of some biological database.

(Imagine having 100k such dictionaries to analyze!)

Example. Given the following FASTA sequence (cut down to a reasonable size) describing the primary sequence of the HIV-1 retrotranscriptase protein (taken from the PDB):


We’d like to compile a dictionary with the same information:

sequences_2HMI = {

From this dictionary, it’s very easy to extract the sequence of every individual chain:

>>> print sequences_2HMI["F"]

as well as computing how many chains there are:

num_catene = len(sequences_2HMI)

Example. Dictionaries can be used to describe histograms. For instance, let’s take a sequence:


We compute the number of the various nucleotides:

num_A = seq.count("A")                          # 1
num_T = seq.count("T")                          # 4
num_C = seq.count("C")                          # 7
num_G = seq.count("G")                          # 6

It is easy to write down a corresponding histogram into a dictionary:

histogram = {
    "A": float(num_A) / len(seq),               # 1 / 18 ~ 0.06
    "T": float(num_T) / len(seq),               # 4 / 18 ~ 0.22
    "C": float(num_C) / len(seq),               # 7 / 18 ~ 0.38
    "G": float(num_G) / len(seq),               # 6 / 18 ~ 0.33

Let’s say we are now interested in the proportion of adenosine; we can write:

prop_A = histogram["A"]
print prop

We can also check whether the histogram represents a “true” multinomial distribution by checking whether the sum of the probabilities is (approximately) 1:

print histogram["A"] + histogram["C"] + ...

Example. Dictionaries are also very useful for describing protein interaction networks (physical, functional, genomic, you name it):

partners_of = {
    "2JWD": ("1A3A",),
    "1A3A": ("2JWD", "3BLU", "2ZTI"),
    "2ZTI": ("1A3A", "3BLF"),
    "3BLU": ("1A3A", "3BLF"),
    "3BLF": ("3BLU", "2ZTI"),

which represents the following network:

2JWD ----- 1A3A ----- 2ZTI
             |          |
             |          |
           3BLU ----- 3BLF

Here partners_of["1A3A"] is a tuple with all of the binding partners of protein 1A3A.

We can use the dictionary to compute the n-step neighborhood of 1A3A:

# 1-step neighborhood of 1A3A
neighborhood_at_1 = partners_of["1A3A"]

# 2-step neighborhood of 1A3A (it may include repeated elements)
neighborhood_at_2 = \
    [partners_of[p] for p in neighborhood_at_1]

# 3-step neighborhood of 1A3A (again, may include repeated elements)
neighborhood_at_3 = \
    [partners_of[p] for p in neighborhood_at_2]

Note that the very same idea can be used to encode social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Google+), to see who-is-friends-with-who, and to discover communities in said networks.


Dictionaries are just one of the many ways to encode a network (or graph). An alternative is to use an adjacency matrix, which can be implemented (as usual) as a list of lists.


  1. Create manually:

    1. An empty dictionary. Check whether the dictionary is empty with len().

    2. A dictionary pronouns representing these correspondences:

      1 -> "me"
      2 -> "you"
      3 -> "he"

      Create the dictionary in 2 ways:

      1. In a single line of code.
      2. Starting from an empty dictionary and adding one by one single key value pairs.
    3. A dictionary tenfold_of implementing the function \(f(n) = 10 n\), matching each key (an integer) with its tenfold.

      Keys should be integers from 1 to 5.

      Once the dictionary is built, apply it to all the elements of range(2, 5) with a list comprehension and print to screen the result.

      Repeat the same for all the keys of tenfold_of.

      Hint: you can obtain the list of all keys with keys().

    4. A dictionary info_2TMV codifying structured information about the PDB entry 2TMV containing the structure of a capsid protein of the Tobacco Mosaic Virus.

      1. To the key "pdb_id" associate the value "2TMV".
      2. To the key "uniprot_id" associate the value "P69687 (CAPSD_TMV)".
      3. To the key "number_scp_domains" associate 1.
      4. To the key "number_pfam_domains" associate 1.
    5. A dictionary relatives_of representing this network:

        |                       |
        + ----- BENEDICT -------+

      as in the example we saw before.

      Once the dictionary is built, print to screen the number of relatives of "JULIE".

    6. A dictionary from_2_bit_to_integer representing the map from the following pairs of integers to integer:

      0, 0 -> 0                           # 0*2**1 + 0*2**0 = 0
      0, 1 -> 1                           # 0*2**1 + 1*2**0 = 1
      1, 0 -> 2                           # 1*2**1 + 0*2**0 = 2
      1, 1 -> 3                           # 1*2**1 + 1*2**1 = 3
      ^^^^    ^                             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
      key  value                            explanation

      Once the dictionary is built, pront to screen the value associated with one of the keys (choose arbitrarily).

  2. Given:

    ratios = {
        ("A", "T"): 10.0 / 5.0,
        ("A", "C"): 10.0 / 7.0,
        ("A", "G"): 10.0 / 6.0,
        ("T", "C"): 5.0 / 7.0,
        ("T", "G"): 5.0 / 6.0,
        ("C", "G"): 7.0 / 6.0,

    representing ratios between the number of A, T, C, e G in a sequence:

    1. What is the difference between len(ratios), len(ratios.keys()), len(ratios.values()) e len(ratios.items())?

    2. Check whether ratios contains the key ("T", "A"). And the key ("C", "G")?

      Hint: can we use keys()? Can we use another method?

    3. Check whether it contains the value 2. And the value 3?

      Hint: can we use values()?

    4. Check whether it contains the key-value pair (("A", "T"), 2). And the key-value pair (("C", "G"), 1000)?

      Hint: can we use items()?

    5. Use a list comprehension to extract the keys of the result of items(). Do the same to extract values.

  3. Given:

    map = {
        "zero": 1,
        "one": 2,
        "two": 4,
        "three": 8,
        "four": 16,
        "five": 32,
    1. Concatenate all the keys map, separated by spaces, in a single string string_of_keys.

    2. Concatenate all the values of map as strings, separated by spaces, in a single string string_of_values.

      Hint: note that the values of map are not strings!

    3. Insert in a list all the keys of map.

    4. Insert in a list all the keys of map, ordered alphanumerically.

      Hint: is the list returned by keys() ordered?

    5. Insert in a list all the values of map, ordered according to the order of the corresponding keys.

      Hint: how can I order a list based on the order of another list?

  4. Given:

    translation_of = {"a": "ade", "c": "cyt", "g": "gua", "t": "tym"}

    translate the list:

    list = ["A", "T", "T", "A", "G", "T", "C"]

    into the string:

    "ade tym tym ade gua tym cyt"

    Hint: note that dictionary keys are in lower case, while the elements of list are in upper case! Start assuming they are not, then modify the code in order to account for this difference.

Python: Dictionaries (Solutions)

  1. Solutions:

    1. Solution:

      empty_dict = {}
      print empty_dict
      print len(empty_dict)                        # 0
    2. Solution:

      pronouns = {}
      pronouns[1] = "I"
      pronouns[2] = "you"
      pronouns[3] = "he"
      pronouns[4] = "we"
      pronouns[5] = "you"
      pronouns[6] = "they"


      pronouns = {
          1: "I", 2: "you", 3: "he",
          4: "we", 5: "you", 6: "them",
    3. Solution:

      tenfold_of = {1: 10, 2: 20, 3: 30, 4: 40, 5: 50}
      print [tenfold_of[n] for n in range(2, 5)]
      print [tenfold_of[key] for key in tenfold_of.keys()]
    4. Solution:

      info_2TMV = {
          "pdb_id": "2TMV",
          "uniprot_id": "P69687 (CAPSD_TMV)",
          "number_scp_domains": 1,
          "number_pfam_domains": 1,
    5. Solution:

      relatives_of = {
          "JULIE": ["FRANCIS", "BENEDICT"],
          "FRANCIS": ["JULIE", "MATTHEW"],
          "MATTHEW": ["FRANCIS", "BENEDICT"],
          "BENEDICT": ["JULIE", "MATTHEW"],
      num_relatives_of_julie = len(relatives_of["JULIE"])
      print num_relatives_of_julie
    6. Solution:

      from_2_bit_to_integer = {
          (0, 0): 0,
          (0, 1): 1,
          (1, 0): 2,
          (1, 1): 3,

      Note that we cannot use lists as keys: lists are not immutable!

      Let’s print the value corresponding to 1, 0:

      print from_2_bit_to_integer[(1, 0)]
      #                           ^^^^^^
      #                            tuple
  2. Solution:

    ratios = {
        ("A", "T"): 10.0 / 3.0,
        ("A", "C"): 10.0 / 7.0,
        ("A", "G"): 10.0 / 6.0,
        ("T", "C"): 3.0 / 7.0,
        ("T", "G"): 3.0 / 6.0,
        ("C", "G"): 7.0 / 6.0,
    print len(ratios)                             # 6
    print len(ratios.keys())                      # 6
    print len(ratios.values())                    # 6
    print len(ratios.items())                     # 6
    # they all count the number of key-value pairs!
    # let's pront the keys of the dictionary, to get an idea
    print ratios.keys()                           # a list of tuples!
    print type(ratios.keys())                     # list
    print type(ratios.keys()[0])                  # tuple
    contains_T_A = ("T", "A") in ratios.keys()
    print contains_T_A                              # False
    contains_C_G = ("C", "G") in ratios.keys()
    print contains_C_G                              # True
    # let's do the same with has_key()
    print ratios.has_key(("T", "A"))              # False
    print ratios.has_key(("C", "G"))              # True
    # let's print the values of the dictionary to get an idea
    print ratios.values()                         # a list of int!
    print type(ratios.values()[0])                # int
    contains_2 = 2 in ratios.values()
    print contains_2                                # True
    contains_3 = 3 in ratios.values()
    print contains_3                                # False
    # let's print the key-value pairs to get an idea
    print ratios.items()
    # it's a list of pairs (tuple): the first element, the key, is
    # a tuple itself, the second is an int
    print (("A", "T"), 2) in ratios.items()       # True
    print (("C", "G"), 1000) in ratios.items()     # False
    # list comprehension:
    keys = [key_value[0]
              for key_value in ratios.items()]
    values = [key_value[-1]
              for key_value in ratios.items()]
  3. Solution:

    map = {
        "zero": 1,
        "one": 2,
        "two": 4,
        "three": 8,
        "four": 16,
        "five": 32,
    # all the keys of map are strings so keys() returns a list of strings
    # we can use directly  join()
    string_of_keys = " ".join(map.keys())
    # the values of map are int, so we cannot use directly join()
    # we first have to transform all values from int to string
    string_of_values = " ".join(str(value) for value in map.values())
    list_of_keys = map.keys()
    print list_of_keys                       # not ordered
    ordered_list_of_keys = map.keys()
    print ordered_list_of_keys               # now it is ordered
    list_of_values_ordered_by_keys = \
        [map[key] for key in ordered_list_of_keys]
  4. Solution:

    # using a list comprehension we can apply the dictionary to
    # the list: it's necessary to use lower() *before*
    # using an aminoacid as a key of translation_of!
    translation= [translation_of[aa.lower()] for aa in list]
    print translation
    # now we can use join() to concatenate the various parts
    result = " ".join(translation)
    print result

    or, in a single line:

    print " ".join([translation_of[aa.lower()] for aa in list])
  5. Solution:

    propensities = {
        'N': 0.2299, 'P': 0.5523, 'Q': -0.1877,
        'A': -0.2615, 'R': -0.1766, 'S': 0.1429,
        'C': -0.01515, 'T': 0.0089, 'D': 0.2276,
        'E': -0.2047, 'V': -0.3862, 'F': -0.2256,
        'W': -0.2434, 'G': 0.4332, 'H': -0.0012,
        'Y': -0.2075, 'I': -0.4222, 'K': -0.100092,
        'L': 0.33793, 'M': -0.22590
    # using a list comprehension
    pos_aa = [aa for aa in propensities.keys() if propensities[aa]>0]
    print pos_aa

Python: Input-Output

Interacting with the User

The simplest kind of interaction with the user is to ask a question (given as a string) and read back the answer (also as a string).

The raw_input() function allows to do it.

Returns Function Meaning
str raw_input([str]) Asks a question to the user, returns the answer

Example. Let’s ask the user a simple question:

answer = raw_input("write three space-separated words: ")

print answer
print type(answer)

Here the answer variable contains the user answer. It is always a string; the user decides its actual value.

Now, let’s check if the user answered with exactly three words:

words = answer.split()
print "you wrote", len(words), "words"

reaction_to = {
    True: "Nice!",
    False: "You can do better than that."
print reaction_to[len(words) == 3]

Example. Let’s ask the user:

answer = raw_input("write two numbers: ")

print answer
print type(answer)

Let’s print the sum of the two numbers provided by the user. Note that, since the value returned by raw_input() is always a string, we have to first split into words, and then convert the words into (say) floats:

words = answer.split()

n = float(words[0])
m = float(words[1])

print "the sum is", n + m

Of course, if the user can not be split into two words, or if those words do not represent valid float values, the code above will not work.

Reading and Writing Text Files

In order to access the contents of a file (let’s assume a text file for simplicity), we need to first create a handle to it. This can be done with the open() function (see below).


A handle is simply an object that refers to a given file.

It does not contain any of the file data, but it can be used together with other methods, to read and write from the file it refers to.

Returns Function Meaning
file open(str, [str]) Get a handle to a file
str Read all the file as a single string
list-of-str file.readlines() Read all lines of the file as a list of strings
str file.readline() Read one line of the file as a string
None file.write(str) Write one string to the file
file.close() Close the file (= flushes changes to disk)

open() allows to get a handle to a file.

The first argument to open() is the path of the file we want to open.

The second argument is optional. It tells open() how we intend to use the file: for reading, for writing, etc.

These are the available access modes:

  1. "r": we want to read from the file. This is the default mode.
  2. "w": we want to write to the file, overwriting its contents.
  3. "a": we want to write to the file, appending to the existing contents.

Mode flags can be combined. For instance:

  • "rw": we want to read and write (in “overwrite” mode).
  • "ra": we want to read and write (in “append” mode).

Once you are done with a file (either reading or writing), make sure to call the close() method to finalize your operations.

Example. Let’s open a file in read-only mode:

handle = open("data/aatable", "r")

print type(handle)

Once we have the file handle, we can read the contents of the file:

  1. As a single, big string:

    all_contents =
    print all_contents

    read() makes sense if your file is small enough (i.e. it fits into the RAM) and it is not structured as a sequence of lines separated by newline characters.

    Some files fit this description (they are pretty rare, tho).

  2. As a list of lines (strings):

    lines = handle.readlines()
    print lines

    readlines() makes sense if your file is small enough and it is structured as a collection of lines.

    FASTA files are an example of such files.

  3. One line at a time, sequentially, from the first onwards:

    line = handle.readline()
    print line
    line = handle.readline()
    print line
    # etc.

    readline() makes sense for very large files, because you can read one line at a time, without saturating the machine.

Given that the handle has been opened in read-only mode (that is, "r") we can not write to it:

>>> handle.write("something something")
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
IOError: File not open for writing
#        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
#         Python complains about it!


Internally, Python keeps track of which lines of a file have already been read. (This is used to implement the readline() method, for instance.)

Once a line has been read, it can not be read from the same file handle.

This limitation affects all three methods: read(), readlines() and readline().

For instance:

handle = open("data/aatable")
# No line has been read yet, so

lines = handle.readlines()
print len(lines)
# I just read *all* of the lines; no unread
# line is left

whats_left = handle.readlines()
print len(whats_left)
# Here Python did *not* read anything, because
# there were no lines left to read!

Example. Let’s see how to write to a file. We have to open a file handle in write mode (either "w" or "a"):

# Open a file for writing
handle = open("result.txt", "w")

# TODO: write a long and complex calculation whose
# result is 42
result = 42

# In order to write the result (which is an int) to the
# file, we have to convert it to a string. Let's also
# add a newline character, so that the result fills a
# whole line.

# Make sure that our writes are written to disk.

And that’s it.


Forgetting to close a file opened in read-only mode is not too harmful.

(It is only harmful if you keep opening files and end up with more open files than the Operating System allows. Yes, there is a limit.)

However, forgetting to explicitly close files opened in write mode (either "w", "a" or any other combination including them) can have serious consequences.

The reason is that writes to files are not immediately written to disk, for efficiency. Instead, they are stored in memory until Python decides to write them to the actual file. close() is a way to tell Python to flush the changes to the file.

Intuitively, this means that if you don’t call close() and the program quits (because of an error, for instance), then your changes are not written to the file.

Example. We ask the user the path to a file (it does not matter whether it already exists or not), and then what to write in it:

path = raw_input("give me a path: ")

text = raw_input("give me the contents: ")

handle = open(path, "w")
handle.write("the user replied " + text)

Quiz: what happens if you execute this code twice on the same file?

Now, let’s open the same file, but for reading, and read its contents:

other_handle = open(path, "r")
all_contents =

print "I found:"
print all_contents
print "in the file at", path

Exercises (raw input)

  1. Using raw_input(), ask the user for his/her favourite food, store the result in a variable food, then print to screen: I also like and the favourite food.

  2. Ask the user for two integers, let’s say a and b, then a third integer, let’s say result.

    Check whether the sum of a and b is equal to result: if so, print to screen True, otherwise False.

  3. Ask the user for a key and a value, and build a dictionary including (only) that key-value pair. Print to screen the result.

  4. Ask the user for his/her name, store it in the variable name, then print to screen the name, making sure that all the words contained in name are in lower case, except for the first characters, that must be in upper case.

Exercises (Filesystem)


If open() raises an error, maybe you are in the wrong directory: fix the path in order to be in the right directory.

  1. Use open() to open the file "data/aatable" in read-only mode, storing the result of open() in the variable f.

    Next, use readlines() to read the content of the file, storing the result in rows.

    What is the type of rows? What is the type of the first element of rows? How many rows are there in the file?

  2. Use open() to open the file "data/aatable" in read-only mode, storing the result of open() in the variable f.

    Next, use readline() (not readlines()!) to read the first row of the file, storing the result in first_row.

    How many rows are left to read? Check using readlines().

    At this point, how many other rows are left to read?

  3. Use open() to read the file "output.txt" in write-only mode "w", storing the result of open() in the variable f.

    Next, write the string "check one two three check" in the file.

    Close the file using the method close().

    Now open the file "output.txtx" in read-only mode and print to screen its content.

  4. use open() to open the file "poetry.txt" in write-only memory. Next, write in the file the strings of the following list, one per line:

    verses = [
        "S'i fosse fuoco, arderei 'l mondo"
        "s'i fosse vento, lo tempestarei"

    Next, do the same opening twice the file "poetry2.txt" in write-only mode (appending), and each time write one of the two verses.

    What does it happen when we re-open "poetry2.txt" in mode "w" and we close it immediately?

  5. Write a module that prints to screen its code.

    Curiosity: we just wrote (cheating!) a Quine program.

Python: Input-Output (Solutions)

Raw input

  1. Solution:

    food = raw_input("What is your favourite food? ")
    print "I also like", food
  2. Solution:

    a_and_b = raw_input("Write two integers: ")
    words = a_and_b.split()
    a = int(words[0])
    b = int(words[1])
    answer = raw_input("how much is " + str(a) + " " + str(b) " ? ")
    result = int(answer)
    print a + b == answer
  3. Solution:

    key = raw_input("give me a key: ")
    value = raw_input("give me a value: ")
    dictionary = {key: value}
    # or
    dictionary = {}
    dictionary[key] = value
    print "dictionary =", dictionary
  4. Solution:

    name = raw_input("Give me your full name: ")
    fixed_words = [word[0].upper() + word[1:].lower()
                         for word in name.split()]
    print "Your name is:", " ".join(fixed_words)


  1. Solution:

    f = open("data/aatable", "r")
    # or
    f = open("data/aatable")
    rows = f.readlines()
    print type(rows)                           # list
    print type(rows[0])                        # str
    print len(rows)
  2. Solution:

    f = open("data/aatable")
    first_row = f.readline()
    print "The first row is: ", first_row
    remaining_rows = f.readlines()
    print "another", len(remaining_rows), " rows are left"
    remaining_rows_bis = f.readlines()
    print "then, another", len(remaining_rows_bis), "rows are left"
    # In the last case, 0 rows should be left: the first
    # readlines() already read all the lines of f
  3. Solution:

    f = open("output.txt", "w")
    f.write("check one two three check")
    g = open("output.txt", "r")
    print g.readlines()
  4. Solution:

    verses = [
        "S'i fosse fuoco, arderei 'l mondo"
        "s'i fosse vento, lo tempestarei"
    f = open("poetry.txt", "w")

    Now let’s try with "a":

    f2 = open("poetry2.txt", "a")
    f2.write(verses[0] + "\n")
    f2 = open("poetry2.txt", "a")
    f2.write(verses[1] + "\n")

    And if we use "w" on "poetry2.txtx":

    f = open("poetry2.txt", "w")
    # Here we do absolutely nothing to f, we just close it

    we can see that now "poetry2.txt" is empty! This happens as a consequence of using "w" instead of "a".

  5. Let’s write in the file

    myself = open("")

    Let’s execute the file to verify that it’s working as we want: from a shell, let’s write:


Python: Complex Statements

Conditional code: if

The if/elif/else statements allow to write code that gets executed if and only if some condition is satisfied.

For instance:

if condition:
    print "the condition is True"

executes the print statement if and only if condition evaluates to True.

We can also have multiple mutually exclusive alternatives:

if condition:
    print "the condition is True"
    print "the condition is not True"

Here only one branch is executed, based on the value of condition.

The same is true here:

if condition1:
    print "condition1 is True"
elif condition2:
    print "condition1 is not True"
    print "but condition2 is!"
elif condition3:
    print "condition1 and condition2 are not True:
    print "but condition3 is!"
    print "no condition is True"

The if, elif and else form a “chain”: only one of the branches is executed.

Example. Suppose we have two Booleans c1 and c2. Let’s see in detail which lines are executed based on the value of the two variables:

                 # c1   c2   | c1   c2    | c1    c2   | c1    c2
                 # True True | True False | False True | False False
                 # ----------+------------+------------+------------
print "begin"    # yes       | yes        | yes        | yes
if c1:           # yes       | yes        | yes        | yes
    print "1"    # yes       | yes        | no         | no
elif c2:         # no        | no         | yes        | yes
    print "2"    # no        | no         | yes        | no
else:            # no        | no         | no         | yes
    print "none" # no        | no         | no         | yes
print "end "     # yes       | yes        | yes        | yes

Let’s break the above into pieces:

  • if c1 is True, then the value of c2 does not matter: neither the elif c2 nor the else are executed.
  • if c1 is False, c2 decides whether the elif c2 is executed or the else is.

In other words, "c1" and "c2" are evaluated sequentially.

Assume that, instead, we want to print "2" independently of whether c1 is True or not. The only way to do that is to avoid the elif‘s:

print "begin"

if c1:
    print "1"

if c2:
    print "2"

if not c1 and not c2:
    print "0"

Here the if‘s do not form a chain anymore: they are independent of one another!

Example. Python uses the indentation to decide which code is “inside” the if and which code is “outside”.

Let’s write a short program to check whether the user is a mentalist:

print "I am thinking of a number between 1 and 10"
is_mentalist = int(raw_input("which one? ")) == 72

print "Computing..."

if is_mentalist:
    print "CONGRATULATIONS!!!"
    print "you are a mentalist"
    print "thanks for playing"
    print "better luck next time"

print "done"

In this example, the print statements that are indented after the if and the else are “inside”: they are conditional on is_mentalist.

The other print‘s are “outside”: they are executed unconditionally.

Example. This code opens a file and checks whether it is a “valid” FASTA file. In order to do so, it checks whether (1) the file is empty, and (2) the file contains lines that start with the ">" character:

lines = open("data/prot-fasta/1A3A.fasta").readlines()

if len(lines) == 0:
    print "the file is empty"
    first_characters = [line[0] for line in lines]
    if not ">" in first_characters:
        print "not a fasta file"
        print "a fasta file"

print "done"


  1. Can the code print both that the file is empty and that the file is valid?
  2. Can the code not print "done"?
  3. If the file is actually empty, what is the value of the variable first_characters at the end of the execution?
  4. Can I simplify the code by using an elif statement?

Iterative code: for

The for statement allows to write code that is executed multiple times.

In particular, the code inside the for is executed once for each and every element in a collection (i.e. string, list, tuple, dictionary).

The abstract syntax is:

collection = range(10) # a list, for instance

for element in collection:

This for iterates over all the elements element in the collection and executes the body(element) block on each of them.

Just like for list comprehensions, the element variable is defined by the for loop. At the Nth iteration, element will refer to the Nth element of collection.

The flow of the execution can be modified with the break and continue statements, see below for details.


If collection is a:

  • str, the for iterates over the characters.
  • list, the for iterates over the elements.
  • tuple, the for iterates over the elements.
  • dict, the for iterates over the keys.

Example. This for:

l = [1, 25, 6, 27, 57, 12]

for number in l:
    print number

iterates over all elements of l, from beginning to end. At each iteration, the value of number changes (as shown by the print).

The above for is equivalent to this code:

number = l[0]
print number

number = l[1]
print number

number = l[2]
print number

# etc.

except that it is a lot shorter!

Example. Let’s compute the sum of all elements of the previous list.

We can do that by modifying the for as follows:

l = [1, 25, 6, 27, 57, 12]

s = 0
for number in l:
    s = s + number          # equiv. s += number

print "the sum is", s

Here s plays the role of a support variable. It is initialized to 0 just before the loop. Then, each number in l is added, in turn, to s. By the end of the for,

The above code is equivalent to:

s = 0

number = l[0]
s += number

number = l[1]
s += number

# etc.

Example. Now let’s find the largest element in the list. The idea is:

  • We use a support variable largest_so_far that always (at all iterations) holds the largest element found so far. It is initialized to some sensible value.
  • We use a for to iterate over all elements of the list.
  • If the current element is smaller than or equal than largest_so_far, the latter is left untouched.
  • Otherwise, largest_so_far is updated to reference the current element.

Once the for is done, i.e. after iterating over the very last element of the list, largest_so_far will hold the largest element in the list.

Let’s write:

l = [1, 25, 6, 27, 57, 12]

# l[0] is a sensible initial value
largest_so_far = l[0]

for number in l[1:]:
    if number > largest_so_far:
        largest_so_far = number

print "the maximum is", largest_so_far

Example. Given the following table (list of strings):

table = [
    "protein domain start end",
    "YNL275W PF00955 236 498",
    "YHR065C SM00490 335 416",
    "YKL053C-A PF05254 5 72",
    "YOR349W PANTHER 353 414",

I want to convert it to a dictionary like this:

data = {
    "YNL275W": ("PF00955", 236, 498),
    "YHR065C": ("SM00490", 335, 416),
    "YKL053C-A": ("PF05254", 5, 72),
    "YOR349W": ("PANTHER", 353, 414)

The keys are taken from the first column, while the values are the remaining columns. Let’s write:

# the dictionary is initially empty
data = {}

# for each line in the table (except the header)
for line in table[1:]:
    words = line.split()

    protein = words[0]
    domain  = words[1]
    pos0    = int(words[2])
    pos1    = int(words[3])

    # update the dictionary
    data[protein] = (domain, pos0, pos1)

Example. The break statement allows to interrupt the for. For instance:

path = raw_input("write a path to a file: ")
lines = open(path).readlines()

for line in lines:
    line = line.strip()
    print "processing:", line

    # if the line is "STOP", we break out of the
    # for loop: the remaining lines are not
    # processed
    if line == "STOP":

# <--- when Python encounters the break statement,
#      it "jumps" here

This code reads a text file and prints each line on screen. However, as soon as it finds a "STOP" line, it executes the break, which exits the for loop.

All the lines coming after the "STOP" line are not processed.

Example. The continue statement allows to skip to the next iteration, skipping the remainder of the code in this iteration. For instance:

path = raw_input("write a path to a file: ")
lines = open(path).readlines()

for line in lines:

    line = line.strip()
    print "processing:", line

    if line == "CONTINUE":

    # <--- if the continue is executed, the code from here...

    print "this is not a CONTINUE line"

    # <--- ... to here is not executed

reads a user-provided text file. It prints every line in turn. If the line is "CONTINUE", the continue statement skips over the second print. The for cycle restarts from the next line.

Iterative code: while

The while statement allows to write code that repeats as long as a certain condition is true. The while stops iterating as soon as the condition is not true anymore.

The abstract syntax is:

while condition:
    condition = check_condition()

As with the for, the break and continue statements can be used to modify the flow of the execution.


The big difference between the for and while statements is:

  • for element in collection: executes N times, where N is the length of collection.
  • while condition: executes an indefinite number of times, that is, as long as the condition is true.

Example. The while statement is useful when the value of condition can not be known beforehand, for instance when interacting with a user.

Let’s write a while that asks the user whether she wants to stop, and keeps asking as long as the user does not reply "yes":

while raw_input("do you want me to stop? ") != "yes":
    print "Then I'll keep going!"

Example. Let’s see another simple example with a break:

while True: # this is an infinite while!

    ans = raw_input("what is the capital of Italy? ")

    if ans.lower() == "rome":
        print "correct"

    print "try again"

# <--- the break jumps here
print "done"

I can not really do the same with a for loop!

Let’s make the code ask the user whether she actually wants to retry:

while True:

    ans = raw_input("what is the capital of Italy? ")
    if ans.lower() == "rome":
        print "correct"

    ans = raw_input("try again? ")
    if ans.lower() == "no":
        print "allright"

Nested code

Now that we know what if, for and while do, we can combine them in arbitrary ways by properly nesting (that is, indenting) the statements.

Example. Let’s write a simulator of a two-hand clock (hours and minutes):

for h in range(24):
    for m in range(60):
        print "time =", h, ":", m

Here the external for iterates over the 24 hours; for each hour, the inner for iterates over the 60 minutes.

Every time the internal for completes, the external for completes one iteration.

Let’s extend the simulator to a hour-minutes-seconds clock:

for h in range(24):
    for m in range(60):
        for s in range(60):
            print "time =", h, ":", m, ":", s

Of course, it is possible to take days into consideration by adding one more external loop that iterates over range(1, 366).

Example. I want to check whether a list contains repeated elements, and if it does, what are their positions. Starting from:

numbers = [5, 9, 4, 4, 9, 2]

we can use two nested for statements to iterate over the pairs of elements of numbers.

For every element (let’s say the one in position i), I want to check whether the following elements (those in position i+1 to len(numbers) - 1) match.

A picture is worth a thousand words:

| 5 | 9 | 4 | 4 | 9 | 2 |
      the possible positions of the 2nd element

| 5 | 9 | 4 | 4 | 9 | 2 |
      ^           ^
      i           MATCH!
      the possible positions of the 2nd element

| 5 | 9 | 4 | 4 | 9 | 2 |
          ^   ^
          i   MATCH!
      the possible positions of the 2nd element

Let’s write:

matches = []

for i in range(len(numbers)):

    # the number at position i
    number_at_i = numbers[i]

    for j in range(i + 1, len(numbers)):

        # the number at position j
        number_at_j = numbers[j]

        # do they match?
        if number_at_i == number_at_j:

            # they do! let's store their
            # positions
            matches.append((i, j))

print matches

Let’s verify whether matches actually identifies pairs of identical elements:

for pair in matches:
    number_at_i = numbers[pair[0]]
    number_at_j = numbers[pair[1]]
    print number_at_i == number_at_j

Example. Given the contents of a FASTA a file:

>>> lines = open("data/prot-fasta/3J01.fasta").readlines()
>>> print lines
    # ...

I want to convert lines into a dictionary that maps from each header (key) to the corresponding sequence (value). Let’s write:

sequence_of = {}

for line in lines:

    # remove newlines and spaces around the line
    line = line.strip()

    if line.startswith(">"):
        # this is a header, store it for later use
        header = line
        # this is a sequence
        sequence = line

        # now let's use the header we read at the
        # *previous* iteration and the sequence we
        # got at the *current* iteration to update
        # dictionary
        sequence_of[header] = sequence

# we are done; print the dictionary
print sequence_of

This code works as long as the sequences only span one line. However, this is not the case for the FASTA file we have. Looking closer, we see that lines includes these lines:

lines = [
    # ...
    # ...

So there is one header, then a multi-line sequence.

Unfortunately with the above code, the first line of the sequence is overwritten by the second line of the sequence, which is then overwritten by the third line of the sequence. In other words, only the last line of a multi-line sequence makes it to the dictionary.

Let’s fix the code:

sequence_of = {}

for line in lines:

    line = line.strip()

    if line.startswith(">"):
        header = line
        sequence = line

        # the first time we encounter a header, we
        # associate it to an empty string
        if not sequence_of.has_key(header):
            sequence_of[header] = ""

        # now we take whatever sequence is associated
        # to the header and concatenate it with the
        # current line
        old_sequence = sequence_of[header]
        new_sequence = old_sequence + sequence
        sequence_of[header] = new_sequence

A shorter version:

for line in lines:

    line = line.strip()

    if line.startswith(">"):
        header = line
        if not sequence_of.has_key(header):
            sequence_of[header] = line
            sequence_of[header] += line

Example. Same setup as before. Some anonymous jester wrote the FASTA file wrong: sequences come before the corresponding headers. For instance:

wrong_fasta = [
    # first sequence
    # first header

    # second sequence
    # second header

Our code of course relies on the header coming before the sequence – so it does not work in this case. How do make it work again?

We have to rewrite the code based on the fact that the header is not known when we get the sequence. It is true however that we know the sequence when we get the header.

Let’s write:

sequence_of = {}

# this variable is used to hold the multi-line
# sequence we have seen `so far'
# it is initialized with an empty string, because
# we have not seen any sequence yet!
latest_sequence_seen = ""

for line in lines:
    line = line.strip()

    if line.startswith(">"):
        # this is a header line. at this point the
        # sequence is known, and we can update the
        # dictionary
        sequence_of[line] = latest_sequence_seen

        # reset the latest sequence seen (so not to
        # mix the sequences of different proteins/genes)
        latest_sequence_seen = ""

        # this is a sequence line. we do not know
        # the header yet. let's just add this sequence
        # to the
        latest_sequence_seen += line

print sequence_of

Exercises: if


Do not forget the colon : after the if, else, etc.

Writing an if without the colon, e.g.:

>>> answer = raw_input("do you like yellow? ")
>>> if answer == "yes"

is an error. As soon as I enter the last line of code, Python gets upset:

  File "<stdin>", line 1
    if answer == "yes"
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

and refuses to execute the code.


Watch out for wrong indentation levels!

In Python, wrong indentation means wrong code.

The code may still “run”, but it may compute the wrong thing.

In some cases, it is easy to spot what’s wrong. For instance, here Python immediately raises an error:

>>> answer = raw_input("do you like yellow? ")
>>> if answer == "yes":
>>>    print "you said:"
>>>        print "yes"
  File "<stdin>", line 4
        print "yes"
IndentationError: unexpected indent

In other cases the error can be much more subtle and difficult to find. See below the section on nested statements.

  1. Ask the user a number (with raw_input()). If the number is even, print "even"; print "odd" otherwise.

    Hint. raw_input() always returns a string.

  2. Ask the user a float. If the number is in the interval [-1, 1], print "okay". Do not print anything otherwise.

    Hint. Are elif/else necessary in this case?

  3. Ask the user two integers. If the first one is larger than the second one, print "first". If the second is larger than the first, print "second". Otherwise, print "neither".

  4. Given the dictionary:

    horoscope_of = {
        "January": "extreme luck",
        "February": "try to be born again",
        "March": "kissed by fortune",
        "April": "lucky luke",

    ask the user her birth month. If the month appears (as a key) in the dictionary, print the corresponding horoscope. Otherwise, print "not available".

  5. Ask the user a path to an existing file, and read the contents using readlines(). Then print:

    1. If the file is empty, the string "empty"
    2. If the file has less than 100 lines, "short", as well as the number of lines.
    3. If the file has between 100 and 1000 lines, "average" and the number of lines.
    4. Otherwise, print "large" and the number of lines.

    The message must be printed on a single line.

  6. Using two calls to raw_input(), ask the user two triples of floats. The two triples represent 3D coordinates: x, y, z.

    If all coordinates are non-negative, print the Euclidean distance between the two points. Do not print anything otherwise.

    Hint: the Euclidean distance is given by \(\sqrt{(x_1 - x_2)^2 + (y_1 - y_2)^2 + (z_1 - z_2)^2}`\)

  7. Read this code:

    number = int(raw_input("write a number: "))
    if number % 3 == 0:
        print "divisible by 3"
    elif number % 3 != 0:
        print "not divisible by 3"
        print "dunno"

    Can it actually print "dunno"?

  8. Read this code:

    number = int(raw_input("write a number: "))
    if number % 2 == 0:
        print "divisible by 2"
    if number % 3 == 0:
        print "divisible by 3"
    if number % 2 != 0 and number % 3 != 0:
        print "dunno"

    Can it actually print "dunno"?

  9. Ask the user whether he wants to perform a "sum" or a "product".

    If the user asks for a "sum", ask for two numbers, sum them, and print the result.

    Otherwise, if the user asks for a "product", ask for two numbers, multiply them, and print the result.

    If the user replies neither "sum" or "product", do nothing.

Exercises: for and while

  1. Write a for cycle to perform the following tasks:

    1. Print to screen the elements of range(10), one for each row.

    2. Print to screen the square of the elements of range(10), one for each row.

    3. Print to screen the sum of squares of range(10).

    4. Print to screen the product of the elements of range(1,10).

    5. Given the dictionary:

      volume_of = {
          "A":  67.0, "C":  86.0, "D":  91.0,
          "E": 109.0, "F": 135.0, "G":  48.0,
          "H": 118.0, "I": 124.0, "K": 135.0,
          "L": 124.0, "M": 124.0, "N":  96.0,
          "P":  90.0, "Q": 114.0, "R": 148.0,
          "S":  73.0, "T":  93.0, "V": 105.0,
          "W": 163.0, "Y": 141.0,

      containing the volume of each amino acid, print to screen the sum of all the values.

    6. Given the dictionary:

      volume_of = {
          "A":  67.0, "C":  86.0, "D":  91.0,
          "E": 109.0, "F": 135.0, "G":  48.0,
          "H": 118.0, "I": 124.0, "K": 135.0,
          "L": 124.0, "M": 124.0, "N":  96.0,
          "P":  90.0, "Q": 114.0, "R": 148.0,
          "S":  73.0, "T":  93.0, "V": 105.0,
          "W": 163.0, "Y": 141.0,

      containing the volume of each amino acid, and the FASTA string:

      fasta = """>1BA4:A|PDBID|CHAIN|SEQUENCE

      print to screen the total volume of the amino acids of the protein sequence.

      Hint. First, you should extract the amino acid sequence from fasta, then, for each character of the sequence (for character in sequence) get from the dictionary the corresponding volume and add it to the total.

    7. Find the minimum value of the list [1, 25, 6, 27, 57, 12].

      Hint. See the previous example about finding the maximum of a list, and adapt it to the new logic (auxiliary variable minimum_so_far).

    8. Find both the maximum and the minimum of the list [1, 25, 6, 27, 57, 12].

      Hint. You should create two auxiliary variables: maximum_so_far and minimum_so_far.

    9. Given the nucleotide sequence:

      sequence = "ATGGCGCCCGAACAGGGA"

      compute the list of all its codons (0 offset for reading frame). The solution should be:

      ["ATG", "GCG", "CCC", "GAA", "CAG", "GGA"]

      Hint: you should iterate on the result of range(0, len(sequence), 3) and add at each step the sequence of a codon to a previously created empty list.

    10. Given the text (in FASTA format):

      text = """>2HMI:A|PDBID|CHAIN|SEQUENCE

      return the dictionary sequence_of, having as keys the names of the sequences (the first will be 2HMI:A, the second 2HMI:B, and so on), and as values the corresponding sequences.

      The result should resemble this:

      sequence_of = {
          # ...

      Hint. You should first split text in lines. Next, you should iterate on lines: if the line is a header, you should save the name of the sequence; otherwise, you should update the dictionary with the name you got from the previous line, and the sequence you have in the current line.

  2. Write a while cycle performing the following task:

    1. keep asking the user to write "STOP". If the user writes``”STOP”`` (in upper case) the cycle terminates, otherwise it prints "you must write 'STOP'..." and continues.
    2. as before, but the cycle terminates also if the user writes "stop" in lower case.
  3. What is printed to screen when executing the following code?

    1. for number in range(10):
          print "processing the element", number
    2. for number in range(10):
          print "processing the element", number
    3. for number in range(10):
          print "processing the element", number
    4. for number in range(10):
          print number
          if number % 2 == 0:
    5. for number in range(10):
          if number % 2 == 0:
          print number
    6. condition = False
      while condition:
          print "the condition is true"
    7. condition = False
      while condition:
          print "the condition is true"
          condition = True
    8. condition = True
      while condition:
          print "the condition is true"
    9. numbers = range(10)
      i = 0
      while i < len(numbers):
          print "position", i, "contains the element", numbers[i]
    10. lines = [
          "line 1",
          "line 2",
          "line 3",
          "line 5",
          "line 6",
      for line in lines:
          line = line.strip()
          if len(line) == 0:
              print "I read:", line
  4. Given the tuple:

    numbers = (0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2)

    write a cycle that iterates on numbers, stopping whenever finding the value 2 and printing to screen its position.

  5. Given the tuple:

    strings = ("000", "51", "51", "32", "57", "26")

    write a cycle that iterates on strings, stopping whenever finding a string containing the character "2", and printing to screen position and value of the string that stopped the cycle.

    The solution should be: position 4, value "32".

  6. Adapted from example 2.4 in [book2] : create a random nucleotide sequence, with length defined by the user, and print it to screen.

    Hint. The random module allows you to create random numbers. It provides a number of tools to manage random objects. For example, the randint(i,j) function generates a number between i and j with equal probabilities, for example:

    import random
    index = random.randint(0,3)
    #index can be used to select the nucleotide at each position

Exercises: nested statements

  1. Given the matrix:

    n = 5
    matrix = [range(n) for i in range(n)]

    write a double for cycle printing to screen all the elements of matrix, one for each line.

  2. Given the matrix:

    n = 5
    matrix = [range(n) for i in range(n)]

    what do the following fragments of code print?

    1. for row in matrix:
          for element in row:
              print element
    2. sum = 0
      for row in matrix:
          for element in row:
              sum = sum + element
      print sum
    3. for i in range(len(matrix)):
          row = matrix[i]
          for j in range(len(row)):
              element = row[j]
              print element
    4. for i in range(len(matrix)):
          for j in range(len(matrix[i])):
              print matrix[i][j]
    5. dunno = []
      for i in range(len(matrix)):
          for j in range(len(matrix[i])):
              if i == j:
      print " ".join([str(x) for x in dunno])
  3. Given the list:

    numbers = [8, 3, 2, 9, 7, 1, 8]

    write a double for cycle printing to screen all the pairs of elements of numbers.

  4. Modify the solution of the last exercise so that, if the pair (i,j) has been already printed, then the symmetric pair (j,i) is not printed.

    Hint. See the example above.

  5. Do the same as in the last exercise with the following list:

    strings = ["I", "am", "a", "list"]
  6. Given the list:

    numbers = range(10)

    write a double for printing to screen only pairs of elements of numbers where the second element of the pair is twice the first.

    The result will be:

    0 0
    1 2
    2 4
  7. Given the list:

    numbers = [8, 3, 2, 9, 7, 1, 8]

    write a double for cycle iterating on all element pairs of numbers and printing to screen the pairs whose sum is 10.

    (Printing “repetitions” such as 8 + 2 and 2 + 8 is allowed.)

    The result will be:

    8 2
    3 7
    2 8
    9 1

    Hint. There is an example showing how to iterate on all pairs of elements of a list. It is sufficient to modify this example.

  8. As before, but instead of printing to screen, store the pairs of elements whose sum is 10 in a list list_of_pairs.

    The result will be:

    >>> list_of_pairs
    [(8, 2), (3, 7), (2, 8), 9, 1)]
  9. Given the lists:

    number_1 = [5, 9, 4, 4, 9, 2]
    number_2 = [7, 9, 6, 2]

    write a double for cycle iterating on the two lists and printing to screen values and positions of all the elements of number_1 appearing also in number_2.

    The result will be:

    positions: 1, 1; repeated value: 9
    positions: 4, 1; repeated value: 9
    positions: 5, 3; repeated value: 2
  10. As before, but instead of printing to screen, store positions and value in a list of triplets like this: (position_1, position_2, repeated_values).

  11. Given the matrix:

    n = 5
    matrix = [range(n) for i in range(n)]

    write a double for cycle finding the higher element.

    Hint. It is sufficient to adapt the code that finds the maximum-minimum of a list (with one dimension) to a matrix (with two dimensions).

  12. Given the list of nucleotide sequences:

    sequences = [

    we want to obtain a list containing, for each sequence in sequences, the list of its triplets.

    Hint. You can re-use a previous exercise.

  13. Given the list:

    numbers = [5, 9, 4, 4, 9, 2]

    write a code that counts the number of occurrences of each element and store the result in a dictionary, similar to this:

    num_occurrences = {
        5: 1,
        9: 2,
        4: 2,
        2: 1,

    Hint. You can modify one of the previous examples so that, instead of saving the position of occurrences, increases the number of occurrences in num_occurrences.

    Hint. Note that if the key 5 is not in the dictionary, we cannot execute num_occurrences[5] += 1, since num_occurrences[5] doesn’t exist. See the example about reading a FASTA file.

  14. Given a list of gene clusters (lists), for example:

    groups = [["gene1", "gene2"], ["gene3"], [], ["gene4", "gene5"]]

    write a single cycle finding the biggest group and storing it in a variable biggest_group_so_far.

    Hint: this task is similar to finding the minimum/maximum in a list of integers, but the auxiliary variable should contain the longer list found so far.

  15. Given the list of sequences:

    sequences_2HMI = {

    write a for cycle that (iterating on all the key-value pairs of the dictionary) returns a dictionary of histograms (that is dictionaries mapping amino acids to their number of occurrences) of each element of sequences_2HMI.

    Hint. Calculating a histogram also requires a for cycle: therefore you should expect to code two nested for cycles.

    The result (a dictionary of dictionaries) should be like this:

    histograms = {
        "A": {
            "P": 6,
            "I": 3,
            "S": 1,
        "B": {
            "P": 6,
            "I": 3,
            "S": 1,
        "F": {
            "A": 1,
            "C": 7,
            "G": 6,
            "T": 4,
  16. Given the list of strings:

    table = [
        "protein domain start end",
        "YNL275W PF00955 236 498",
        "YHR065C SM00490 335 416",
        "YKL053C-A PF05254 5 72",
        "YOR349W PANTHER 353 414",

    write a code that takes column names from the first row of table and:

    • for each row creates a dictionary like this:

      dictionary = {
          "protein": "YNL275W",
          "domain": "PF00955",
          "start": "236",
          "end":, "498"
    • append the dictionary to a list.

  17. Given:

    alphabet_lo = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
    alphabet_up = alphabet_lo.upper()

    write a cycle (for or while) that, starting from an empty dictionary, insert all the key-value pairs:

    "a": "A",
    "b": "B",

    in other words, the dictionary maps from the i-th character of alphabet_min to the i-th character of alphabet_max.

    Next, use the dictionary to implement a for cycle that, given an arbitrary string, for example:

    string = "I am a string"

    returns the same result of string.upper().

  18. Write a module that asks the user for the path to two text files, and print to screen the rows of the two files, one by one, next to each other: the rows of the first file should be printed on the left, the rows of the second to the right.

    If the first file contains:

    first row
    second row

    and the second:


    the result will be:

    first row ACTG
    second row GCTA

    Hint. Note that the two files could be of different length. In that case (optionally) missing lines should be printed as if they were empty lines.

  19. Write a module that, given the file data/dna-fasta/fasta.1:

    1. Read the contents of the FASTA file in a dictionary.
    2. Calculate how many times each nucleotide appears in each sequence.
    3. Calculate the GC-content of each sequence.
    4. Calculate the AT/GC-ratio of each sequence.
  20. Given the genetic code, provided as a dictionary, write a program that reads an RNA sequence from a FASTA file as a string, translates the sequence in each possible reading frame and print it to screen:

    codon_table = {
  21. Exercise 5.4 in in [book2]. Write a sequence-based predictor for protein secondary structure elements. Use the following dictionaries of preferences for alpha helices and beta sheets:

    helix_propensity = {
        'A':1.450, 'C':0.770, 'D':0.980,
        'E':1.530, 'F':1.120, 'G':0.530,
        'H':1.240, 'I':1.000, 'K':1.070,
        'L':1.340, 'M':1.200, 'N':0.730,
        'P':0.590, 'Q':1.170, 'R':0.790,
        'S':0.790, 'T':0.820, 'V':1.140,
        'W':1.140, 'Y':0.610
    sheet_propensity = {
        'A':0.970, 'C':1.300, 'D':0.800,
        'E':0.260, 'F':1.280, 'G':0.810,
        'H':0.710, 'I':1.600, 'K':0.740,
        'L':1.220, 'M':1.670, 'N':0.650,
        'P':0.620, 'Q':1.230, 'R':0.900,
        'S':0.720, 'T':1.200, 'V':1.650,
        'W':1.190, 'Y':1.290

Hint. Scan the input sequence residue by residue and replace each residue with H (helix) if its helix_propensity 1 and its helix_propensity > sheet_propensity, with S (sheet) if its sheet_propensity 1 and its helix_propensity < sheet_propensity, and with L (loop) otherwise. Read the input sequence from a FASTA file, and print (or write to a file) the input and output sequences, one on top of the other.

Python: complex statements (Solutions)

Conditional code: if

  1. Solution:

    number = int(raw_input("write a number: "))
    if number % 2 == 0:
        print "even"
        print "odd"

    We use else, since even and odd are the only two possibilities.

    A way to make a third option explicit would be:

    if number % 2 == 0:
        print "even"
    elif number % 2 == 1:
        print "odd"
        print "impossible!"

    but the code in else will never be executed for any value of number!

    Since the two options are mutually exclusive, we can also write:

    if number % 2 == 0:
        print "even"
    if numero % 2 == 1:
        print "odd"

    even without the``else``, one and only one of the if can be executed.

  2. Solution:

    number = float(raw_input("write rational: "))
    if number >= -1 and number <= 1:
        print "okay"

    we don’t need neither``elif`` (there is only one condition) neither else (if the condition is false, we don’t need to do anything).

  3. Solution:

    answer = raw_input("write two numbers separated by a space: ")
    words = answer.split()
    num1 = int(words[0])
    num2 = int(words[1])
    if num1 > num2:
        print "first"
    elif num2 > num1:
        print "second"
        print "neither"


    answer = raw_input("write two numbers separated by a space: ")
    numbers = [int(word) for word in answer.split()]
    if numbers[0] > numbers[1]:
        print "first"
    elif numbers[0] < numbers[1]:
        print "second"
        print "neither"
  4. Solution:

    horoscope_of = {
        "January": "extreme luck",
        "February": "try to be born again",
        "March": "kissed by fortune",
        "April": "lucky luke",
    month = raw_input("tell me your birth month: ")
    if horoscope_of.has_key(month):
        print horoscope_of[month]
        print "not available"
  5. Solution:

    path = raw_input("write your path: ")
    lines = open(path, "r").readlines()
    if len(lines) == 0:
        print "empty"
    elif len(lines) < 100:
        print "short", len(lines)
    elif len(lines) < 1000:
        print "average", len(lines)
        print "large", len(lines)

    Note that it’s not necessary to specify entirely the conditions: in the code we can shorten 100 < len(lines) < 1000 with len(lines) < 1000. We can do that, since when``len(lines)`` is lower than 100 the first elif is executed: the second elif is not even considered.

  6. Solution:

    point1 = [float(word) for word
              in raw_input("write three coordinates: ").split()]
    point2 = [float(word) for word
              in raw_input("write three coordinates: ").split()]
    if point1[0] >= 0 and point1[1] >= 0 and point1[2] >= 0 and \
       point2[0] >= 0 and point2[1] >= 0 and point2[2] >= 0:
        diff_x = point1[0] - point2[0]
        diff_y = point1[1] - point2[1]
        diff_z = point1[2] - point2[2]
        print "the distance is", (diff_x**2 + diff_y**2 +  diff_z**2)**0.5

    Note that print is inside the if.

  7. Solution: we know that number is an arbitrary integer, chosen by the user:

    if number % 3 == 0:
        print "divisible by 3"
    elif numero % 3 != 0:
        print "not divisible by 3"
        print "dunno"

    if, elif and else form a chain: only one among them is executed.

    1. if is executed if and only if number is divisibile by three.
    2. elif is executed if and only if the previous if is not executed and if number is not divisible by three.
    3. else is execute whenever neither if and elif are executed.

    Since all numbers are either divisible by 3 either not, there is no other possibility, else will never be executed.

    Therefore, the answer is no.

  8. Solution: as before, number is an arbitrary integer. The code is:

    number = int(raw_input("write a number: "))
    if number % 2 == 0:
        print "divisible by 2"
    if number % 3 == 0:
        print "divisible by 2"
    if number % 2 != 0 and number % 3 != 0:
        print "dunno"

    Here we don’t have “chains” of if, elif ed else: we have three independent if.

    1. The first if is executed if and only if number is divisible by two.
    2. The second if is executed if and only if number is divisible by three.
    3. The third if is executed if and only if number is not divisible by neither two and three.

    If number is 6, divisible by both two and three, the first two if will be both executed, while the third won’t be.

    If number is 5, not divisible by neither two and three, the first two if will not be executed, but the third will be.

    Therefore, the answer is yes.

    (There is no possibility to not execute neither of the three if.)

  9. Solution:

    answer = raw_input("sum or product?: ")
    if answer == "sum":
        num1 = int(raw_input("number 1: "))
        num2 = int(raw_input("number 2: "))
        print "the sum is", num1 + num2
    elif answer == "product":
        num1 = int(raw_input("num1: "))
        num2 = int(raw_input("num2: "))
        print "the product is", num1 * num2

    Using if or elif won’t change the execution of the program.

    We can simplify like this:

    answer = raw_input("sum or product?: ")
    num1 = int(raw_input("number 1: "))
    num2 = int(raw_input("number 2: "))
    if answer == "sum":
        print "the sum is", num1 + num2
    elif answer == "product":
        print "the product is", num1 * num2

Iterative code: for and while

  1. Solutions:

    1. Solution:

      for number in range(10):
          print number
    2. Solution:

      for number in range(10):
          print number**2
    3. Solution:

      sum_of_squares = 0
      for number in range(10):
          sum_of_squares = sum_of_squares + number**2
      print sum_of_squares
    4. Solution:

      product = 1 # note that for the product the initial value should be 1!
      for number in range(1,10):
          product = product * number
      print product
    5. Solution:

      volume_of = {
          "A":  67.0, "C":  86.0, "D":  91.0,
          "E": 109.0, "F": 135.0, "G":  48.0,
          "H": 118.0, "I": 124.0, "K": 135.0,
          "L": 124.0, "M": 124.0, "N":  96.0,
          "P":  90.0, "Q": 114.0, "R": 148.0,
          "S":  73.0, "T":  93.0, "V": 105.0,
          "W": 163.0, "Y": 141.0,
      sum_of_volumes = 0
      for volume in volume_of.values():
          sum_of_volumes = sum_of_volumes + volume
      print sum_of_volumes
    6. Solution:

      volume_of = {
          "A":  67.0, "C":  86.0, "D":  91.0,
          "E": 109.0, "F": 135.0, "G":  48.0,
          "H": 118.0, "I": 124.0, "K": 135.0,
          "L": 124.0, "M": 124.0, "N":  96.0,
          "P":  90.0, "Q": 114.0, "R": 148.0,
          "S":  73.0, "T":  93.0, "V": 105.0,
          "W": 163.0, "Y": 141.0,
      fasta = """>1BA4:A|PDBID|CHAIN|SEQUENCE
      # Let's extract the sequence
      sequence = fasta.split("\n")[1]
      sum_of_volumes = 0
      # for each character in the sequence ...
      for aa in sequence:
          volume_of_aa = volume_of[aa]
          sum_of_volumes = sum_of_volumes + volume_of_aa
      print sum_of_volumes
    7. Solution: let’s adapt the code from the previous example:

      list = [1, 25, 6, 27, 57, 12]
      minimum_so_far = list[0]
      for number in list[1:]:
          if number < minimum_so_far:
              minimum_so_far = number
      print "the minimum value is:", minimum_so_far
    8. Solution: let’s combine the example and the previous exercise:

      list = [1, 25, 6, 27, 57, 12]
      max = list[0]
      min = list[0]
      for number in list[1:]:
          if number > max:
              max = number
          if number < min:
              min = number
      print "minimum =", min, "maximum =", max
    9. Solution: range(0, len(sequence), 3) returns [0, 3, 6, 9, ...], containing the positions of the first character of all the triplets.

      Let’s write:

      sequence = "ATGGCGCCCGAACAGGGA"
      # let's start from an empty list
      triplets = []
      for pos_start in range(0, len(sequence), 3):
          triplets = sequence[pos_start:pos_start+3]
      print triplets
    10. Solution:

      text = """>2HMI:A|PDBID|CHAIN|SEQUENCE
      # first, let's split the text il lines
      lines = text.split("\n")
      # then, let's create an empty dictionary
      sequence_of = {}
      # now we can iterate on lines
      for line in lines:
          if line[0] == ">":
              # if the line is a header, we extract the sequence name
              name = line.split("|")[0]
              # the line contains the sequence, that we add to the dictionary, using the name extracted before as key
              sequence_of[name] = line
      print sequence_of
  2. Solutions:

    1. Solution:

      while raw_input("write 'STOP': ") != "STOP":
          print "you must write 'STOP'..."
    2. Solution:

      while raw_input("write stop: ").lower() != "stop":
          print "you must write 'stop'..."
  3. Solutions:

    1. Solution: all numbers in range(10).
    2. Solution: the number 0. break immediately interrupts the for cycle.
    3. Solution: all numbers in range(10). continue jumps to the next iteration, as Python automatically does when the instructions in the for cycle are finished. Since continue in this case is right at the end of the for cycle, it doesn’t have any effect.
    4. Solution: the number 0. In the first iteration, when number has value 0, first Python executes print number, printing 0; then if is executed, and also the break inside the if, immediately interrupting the for cycle.
    5. Solution: nothing. In the first iteration, when number has value 0, if is executed and also the break inside the if, immediately interrupting the for cycle. Therefore, print is never executed.
    6. Solution: nothing. Instructions inside the while are never executed, since the condition is False!
    7. Solution: nothing. Instructions inside the while are never executed, since the condition is False! As a consequence, the line condition = True is never executed.
    8. Solution: "the condition is true" an infinite number of times. Since the condition is always True, the while never stops iterating!
    9. Solution: ten strings of the form "position 0 contains the element 0", "position 1 contains the element 1", and so on
    10. Solution: all the elements of lines (processed by strip()) occurring before the first empty line: "line 1", "line 2" and "line 3". As soon as line has value "" (the fourth element of lines) the if is executed, and break interrupts the cycle. Note that the fourth row is not printed.
  4. Solution:

    numbers = (0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2)
    for i in range(len(numbers)):
        number_in_pos_i = numbers[i]
        if number_in_pos_i == 2:
            print "the position is", i
  5. Solution:

    strings = ("000", "51", "51", "32", "57", "26")
    for i in range(len(strings)):
        string_in_pos_i = strings[i]
        if "2" in string_in_pos_i:
            print "position =", i, "value =", string_in_pos_i
  6. Solution:

    length = int(raw_input("write the length of the sequence: "))
    import random
    alphabet = "AGCT"
    sequence = ""
    for i in range(length):
        index = random.randint(0, 3)
        sequence = sequence + alphabet[index]
    print sequence

Nested code

  1. Solution:

    n = 5
    matrix = [range(n) for i in range(n)]
    for line in matrix:
        for element in line:
            print element
  2. Solution:

    1. All the elements of the matrix.
    2. The sum of all the elements of the matrix.
    3. Again, all the elements of the matrix.
    4. Again, all the elements of the matrix.
    5. The list of the elements on the diagonal.
  3. Solution:

    numbers = [8, 3, 2, 9, 7, 1, 8]
    for num_1 in numbers:
        for num_2 in numbers:
            print num_1, num_2

    This code is very similar to the clock example!

  4. Solution:

    numbers = [8, 3, 2, 9, 7, 1, 8]
    already_printed_pairs = []
    for i in range(len(numbers)):
        for j in range(len(numbers)):
            pair = (numbers[i], numbers[j])
            # check wheter we already printed the symmetric pair
            if (pair[1], pair[0]) in already_printed_pairs:
            # this code will be executed if the pair has not been printed:
            # print the pair and update already_printed_pairs
            print pair
  5. The solution is the same of the previous exercise.

  6. Solution:

    numbers = range(10)
    for element_1 in numbers:
        for element_2 in numbers:
            if 2 * element_1 == element_2:
                print element_1, element_2
  7. Solution:

    numbers = [8, 3, 2, 9, 7, 1, 8]
    for element_1 in numbers:
        for element_2 in numbers:
            if element_1 + element_2 == 10:
                print element_1, element_2
  8. Solution:

    numbers = [8, 3, 2, 9, 7, 1, 8]
    # first, let's create an empty list
    list_of_pairs = []
    for element_1 in numbers:
        for element_2 in numbers:
            if element_1 + element_2 == 10:
                # update the list with append()
                list_of_pairs.append((element_1, element_2))
    # finally, let's print the list
    print list_of_pairs
  9. Solution:

    numbers_1 = [5, 9, 4, 4, 9, 2]
    numbers_2 = [7, 9, 6, 2]
    # iteration on the *first* list
    for i in range(len(numbers_1)):
        num_in_pos_i = numbers_1[i]
        # iteration on the *second* list
        for j in range(len(numbers_2)):
            num_in_pos_j = numbers_2[j]
            if num_in_pos_i == num_in_pos_j:
                print "positions:", i, j, "; repeated value:", num_in_pos_i
  10. Solution:

    numbers_1 = [5, 9, 4, 4, 9, 2]
    numbers_2 = [7, 9, 6, 2]
    # first, let's create an empty list
    list_of_triplets = []
    # iteration on the *first* list
    for i in range(len(numbers_1)):
        num_in_pos_i = numbers_1[i]
    # iteration on the *second* list
        for j in range(len(numbers_2)):
            num_in_pos_j = numbers_2[j]
            if num_in_pos_i == num_in_pos_j:
                # instead of printing, we update the list
                llist_of_triplets.append((i, j, num_in_pos_i))
    # finally, let's print the list
    print list_of_triplets
  11. Solution:

    n = 5
    matrix = [range(n) for i in range(n)]
    # let's initialize with the first element (any other element would be fine as well)
    max_element_so_far = matrix[0][0]
    # iteration...
    for line in matrix:
        for element in line:
            # we update max_element_so_far when we find a higher element,
            if element > max_element_so_far:
                max_element_so_far = element
    print max_element_so_far
  12. Solution:

    sequences = [
    # first, let's create an empty list
    result = []
    # iteration
    for sequence in sequences:
        # split the current sequence in triplets
        triplets = []
        for i in range(0, len(sequence), 3):
        # append (*not* extend()!!!) the obtained triplets
        # to the list result
    # finally, let's print the list
    print result
  13. Solution:

    numbers = [5, 9, 4, 4, 9, 2]
    num_occurrences = {}
    for number in numbers:
        if not num_occurrences.has_key(number):
            num_occurrences[number] = 1
            num_occurrences[number] += 1


    numbers = [5, 9, 4, 4, 9, 2]
    num_occurrences = {}
    for number in numbers:
        if not num_occurrences.has_key(number):
            num_occurrences[number] = 0
        num_occurrences[number] += 1

    or, using count():

    numbers = [5, 9, 4, 4, 9, 2]
    num_occurrences = {}
    for number in numbers:
        if not num_occurrences.has_key(number):
            num_occurrences[number] = numbers.count(number)

    Note that in the last variant, the if line is optional (but not the following “content”!)

  14. Solution:

    groups = [["gene1", "gene2"], ["gene3"], [], ["gene4", "gene5"]]
    # let's initialize with the first group
    biggest_group_so_far = groups[0]
    # iteration
    for grup in groups[1:]:
        if len(gropu) > len(biggest_group_so_far):
            biggest_group_so_far = group
    print biggest_group_so_far
  15. Solution:

    sequences_2HMI = {
    # let's start with an empty dictionary
    histograms = {}
    for key, sequence in sequences_2HMI.items():
        # let's associate this key to an empty dictionary
        histograms[key] = {}
        for residue in sequence:
            if not histograms[key].has_key(residue):
                histograms[key][residue] = 1
                histograms[key][residue] += 1
    # let's print the result
    print histograms
    # let's print the result more clearly
    for key, histogram in histograms.items():
        print key
        print histogram
        print ""
  16. Solution:

    table = [
        "protein domain start end",
        "YNL275W PF00955 236 498",
        "YHR065C SM00490 335 416",
        "YKL053C-A PF05254 5 72",
        "YOR349W PANTHER 353 414",
    # as before, first let's extract column names from the first row
    column_names = table[0].split()
    # let's start from an empty list
    lines_as_dictionaries = []
    # now, let's iterate on the other rows
    for line in table[1:]:
        # let's compile the dictionary for this row
        dictionary = {}
        words = line.split()
        for i in range(len(words)):
            # extract the corresponding word
            word= words[i]
            # extract the corresponding column name
            column_name = column_names[i]
            # update the dictionary
            dictionary[column_name] = word
        # having compiled the dictionary for this line,
        # we can update the list
    # finished! now let's print the result (one row at a time,
    # to make it easier to read)
    for row in lines_as_dictionaries:
        print row
  17. Solution:

    alphabel_lo = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
    alphabet_up = alfabeto_min.upper()
    # let's build the dictionary
    lo_to_up = {}
    for i in range(len(alphabel_lo)):
        lo_to_up[alphabel_lo[i]] = alphabel_up[i]
    string = "I am a string"
    # let's convert the string
    converted_chars = []
    for character in string:
        if lo_to_up.has_key(character):
            # convert the alphabetic character
            # we don't convert it (e.g., it's not an alphabetic character)
    converted_string = "".join(converted_chars)
    print converted_string
  18. Solution:

    lines_1 = open(raw_input("path 1: ")).readlines()
    lines_2 = open(raw_input("path 2: ")).readlines()
    # we have to be careful, since the two files could be of different lengths!
    max_lines = len(lines_1)
    if len(lines_2) > max_lines:
        max_lines = len(lines_2)
    # iteration on the lines of both files
    for i in range(max_lines):
        # take the i-th line of the first file, if existent,
        if i < len(lines_1):
            line_1 = lines_1[i].strip()
            line_1 = ""
        # take the i-th line of the second file, if existent,
        if i < len(lines_2):
            line_2 = lines_2[i].strip()
            line_2 = ""
        print line_1 + " " + line_2
  19. Solution:

    # let's read the fasta file
    fasta_as_dictionary = {}
    for line in open("data/dna-fasta/fasta.1").readlines():
        # let's clean the sequence
        line = line.strip()
        if line[0] == ">":
            header = line
            fasta_as_dictionary[header] = ""
            fasta_as_dictionary[header] += line
    # let's iterate on header-sequence pairs
    for header, sequence in fasta_as_dictionary.items():
        print "processind", header
        # let's count the number of occurrences of each nucleotide
        count = {}
        for nucleotide in ("A", "C", "G", "T"):
            count[nucleotide] = sequence.count(nucleotide)
        print "nucleotide occurrences:", count
        # calculate gc-content
        gc_content = (count["G"] + count["C"]) / float(len(sequence))
        print "GC content:", gc_content
        # calculate the AT/GC-ratio
        sum_at = count["A"] + count["T"]
        sum_cg = count["C"] + count["G"]
        at_gc_ratio = float(sum_at) / float(sum_cg)
        print "AT/GC-ratio:", at_gc_ratio

Python: Functions

Functions are named blocks of code. They take inputs and produce outputs.

The abstract syntax is:

def function(arg1, arg2, ...):
    # the code
    return result

Once a function is defined (as above), it can be called as follows:

the_result = function(value1, value2, ...)

The arguments (arg1, arg2, etc.) are variables that specify how many inputs the function takes. The variable result is output from the function to its caller.


  • The name of the variables I pass to the function has nothing to do with the name of the arguments.

    In the code above, the values of the variables valueX are visible from the inside the function as argX:

    • arg1 takes the value of value1
    • arg2 takes the value of value2
    • etc.
  • The name of the variable I use to store the result of the function has nothing to do with the name of the variable used inside the function to store the result.

    In the code above, the value of the result is stored in the result variable inside the function, but is stored inside the the_result variable by the caller.

    • the_result takes the value of result


def function(a, b):
    r = a + b
    return r

x = 5
y = 10

z = function(x, y)
print z

Here a takes its value from x, b from y; return r makes the function return the value of r, which is assigned by the caller to the variable z.

Example. Let’s define a function that takes two numbers and returns their sum:

def add(n, m):
    return n + m

It can be used as follows:

result = add(4, 6)
print result            # 10

result = add(6, 4)
print result            # 10

By replacing the calls to add() with the code in the definition of the add function, and substituting the arguments with the input values, we get the equivalent code:

n = 4
m = 6
result = n + m
print result            # 10

n = 6
m = 4
result = n + m
print result            # 10

As with all Python-provided functions, I can also skip assigning the return value to a variable (result in the code above):

print add(4, 6)         # 10

Example. Let’s write a function print_sum() that prints the sum of two numbers:

def print_sum(n, m):
    print n + m

It can be used as follows:

print_sum(4, 6)         # prints 10
print_sum(6, 4)         # prints 10


Notice that there is no return statement in print_sum().

When return is omitted, the function automatically returns None:

result = print_sum(4, 6)    # prints 10
print result                # prints None


A function does nothing until it is called.

Consider the Python module

print "beginning"

def function():
    print "I do stuff"

print "end"

Running it with the Python interpreter:

$ python

produces the following output:


As you can see, the interpreter executes the code line by line. However, while the function function() is defined in the middle of the module, it is not called anywhere. Therefore it is not executed at all.

In order to actually call the function, let’s write:

print "beginning"

def function():
    print "I do stuff"


print "end"

This code prints:

I do stuff

as expected.

Example. Let’s write a function factorial() that computes the factorial of an integer n:

\[n! = 1 \times 2 \times 3 \times \ldots (n - 2) \times (n - 1) \times n\]

Now, let’s compute the factorial of n normally (i.e. without defining a new function):

fact = 1
for k in range(1, n + 1):
    fact = fact * k

Now that we have the code for computing the factorial, it is easy to write a function that computes the factorial: it is sufficient to plug the above code inside a new function, as follows:

def factorial(n):
    fact = 1
    for k in range(1, n + 1):
        fact = fact * k
    return fact

And let’s check if it works:

print factorial(1)          # 1
print factorial(2)          # 2
print factorial(3)          # 6
print factorial(4)          # 24
print factorial(5)          # 120
print factorial(6)          # 720

Of course, the new function can be used like any of the Python-defined functions, e.g. in list comprehensions:

factorials = [factorial(n) for n in range(10)]


The name of the function, as well as the name of the arguments, are arbitrary: pick whichever name you find more fitting.

Quiz. What is the difference between this code:

def arith(op, a, b):
    if op == "+":
        return a + b
    elif op == "*":
        return a * b
        return None

print arith("+", 10, 10)
print arith("*", 2, 2)

and this code?:

def f(what, x, y):
    if what == "+":
        return x + y
    elif what == "*":
        return x * y
        return 0

print f("+", 10, 10)
print f("*", 2, 2)


A function can return more than one result, as follows:

def multiresult():
    result_1 = "first result"
    result_2 = 0.12
    result_3 = "something else"
    return result_1, result_2, result_3

Internally, Python interprets the return statement as returning a tuple. In practice, the above code is equivalent to:

def multiresult():
    return ("first result", 0.12, "something else")

When I call a “multi-result” function, I can either put the resulting tuple into a variable and extract the various elements individually:

result = multiresult()
res1 = result[0]
print res1
res2 = result[1]
print res2
res3 = result[2]
print res3

or I can use the “automatic unpacking” feature of Python, as follows:

res1, res2, res3 = multiresult()
print res1
print res2
print res3


Variables have a scope, and in particular:

  • Variables declared outside the function are not visible the inside. [1]

    If you want to pass one or more values from the outside to the function, pass them through the arguments.

  • Variables declared inside the function are not visible from the outside.

    If you want to pass one or more values from the function to the external world, use the return statement.

[1] There are exceptions to this rule; we will ignore them in this presentation.

Exampe. Consider this code:

def find_physical(triples):
    """Takes a mixed interaction protein network, example:

        [("1A3A", "physical", "5ARM"),
         ("5JTD", "genetic", "5TGD")]

    and extracts physical interacting protein pairs, example:

        [("1A3A", "5ARM")]
    phys_pairs = []
    for p1, relation, p2 in triples:
        if relation == "physical":
            phys_pairs.append((p1, p2))
    # XXX I forgot to return `phys_pairs` here!

network = [
    ("1A3A", "physical", "5ARM"),
    ("5JTD", "genetic", "5TGD")
print phys_pairs

Here phys_pairs is declared inside the function: it is not visible from the outside!

In order to fix this issue, I have to explicitly return it:

def find_physical(triples):
    phys_pairs = []
    for p1, relation, p2 in triples:
        if relation == "physical":
            phys_pairs.append((p1, p2))
    return phys_pairs

network = [
    ("1A3A", "physical", "5ARM"),
    ("5JTD", "genetic", "5TGD")
result = find_physical(network)
print result

Example. Functions can call other functions. Let’s write two functions:

def read_fasta(path):
    """Reads a FASTA file with one-line sequences."""
    fasta = {}
    for line in open(path).readlines():
        line = line.strip()
        if line[0].startswith(">"):
            header = line
            fasta[header] = line
    return fasta

def compute_histogram(sequence):
    """Computes the histogram of the characters."""
    histogram = {}
    for letter in sequence:
        if not histogram.has_key(letter):
            histogram[letter] = 0
        histogram[letter] += 1
    return histogram

These functions can be used to implement a complex program that:

  1. Reads a FASTA file into a dictionary
  2. For each sequence in the FASTA file, computes the histogram of its letters
  3. Prints each sequence header and the corresponding histogram

as follows:

path = raw_input("enter a path: ")
fasta = read_fasta(path)

for header, sequence in fasta.items():
    histogram = compute_histogram(sequence)
    print "header =", header.lstrip(">"), ":"
    print histogram

Example. Since functions can call other functions, the “call graph” of a program can become arbitrarily complicated. Let’s see a moderately realistic example of what a call graph looks like.

Let’s write a (mock!) program, composed of multiple functions, that asks the user for:

  1. the path to one or more FASTA files.
  2. the path to a file describing a physical protein interaction network (PIN).

and computes some average statistic (say, a histogram) of the amino acid composition of interacting proteins.

When ran, the program does the following:

  1. reads the sequence data from each FASTA file, see the read_sequences() and read_fasta() functions
  2. reads the interaction network with the read_interactions() function
  3. for each pair of interacting proteins, computes statistics about their joint amino acid composition, through the compute_aa_stats() function, and computes an “average” summary statistic in the compute_avg_stats() function.

Here is the code:

def read_fasta(path):
    """Takes a path to a FASTA file, returns a
    header->sequence dict."""
    # TODO actually read the file
    return "1A3A:A", "MANLFKLG..."

def read_sequences(paths):
    """Reads a bunch of FASTA files, returns a
    list of dicts."""
    header_to_seq = {}
    for path in paths:
        header, seq = read_fasta(path)
        header_to_seq[header] = seq
    return header_to_seq

def read_interactions(path):
    """Reads physical protein interactions from a
    file. Returns a list of pairs of strings."""
    # TODO actually read the file
    return [("1A3A:A", "5AA3:F"), ("5AA3:F", "5K9C:A")]

def compute_aa_stats(seq1, seq2):
    """Compute amino acid statistics, e.g.
    # TODO actually compute co-occurrence and MI
    cooccurrence = {"A": 0.2, "C": 0.01}
    mutual_information = 0.72
    return cooccurrence, mutual_information

def compute_avg_stats(sequences, interactions):
    """Takes a list of statistics (in some format) and
    computes the average statistics."""
    stats = []
    for prot1, prot2 in interactions:
        if not (sequences.has_key(prot1) and sequences.has_key(prot2)):
        seq1 = sequences[prot1]
        seq2 = sequences[prot2]
        stats.append(compute_aa_stats(seq1, seq2))
    # TODO actually average all the collected statistics
    return 0.3

def main():
    """The whole (fake) program."""

    # Read the sequence files
    paths = []
    while True:
        ans = raw_input("path to FASTA file: ")
        if len(ans) == 0:

    sequences = read_sequences(paths)

    # Read the interaction file
    ans = raw_input("path to interaction data: ")
    interactions = read_interactions(ans)

    # Print the average stats
    print "average stats =", compute_avg_stats(sequences, interactions)


As you can see, Python begins by calling the main() function at the very last line of the program. The main() function calls all the other “major” functions: read_sequences(), read_interactions() and compute_avg_stats().

The read_sequences() function internally calls the read_fasta() function multiple times, once for each user-provided FASTA file.

The read_interactions() function calls no other function.

The compute_avg_stats() function uses the compute_aa_stats() function to compute the statistics of individual protein-protein pairs.

The above can be summarized using a “call graph” like this:


Quiz. How many times is: - the main() function called? - the read_fasta() function called? - the compute_aa_stats() function called?


  1. Given the function:

    def function(arg):
        return arg

    what is the type of the result of the following calls?

    1. function(1)
    2. function({"1A3A": 123, "2B1F": 66})
    3. function([2*x for x in range(10)])
    4. function(2**-2)
  2. Given the function:

    def sum(a, b):
        return a + b

    what is the type of the result of the following calls?

    1. sum(2, 2)
    2. sum(range(10), range(10, 20))
    3. sum("I am a", "string")
  3. Create a function print_even_odd() that, given an integer, prints to screen "even" if the number is even, and "odd" otherwise.

    What is the result if we write:

    result = print_even_odd(99)
    print result
  4. Create a function determine_even_odd() that takes an integer and returns the string "even" if the number is even, and the string "odd" otherwise.

    What is the result if we write:

  5. Create a function check_alphanumeric() that takes a string and returns True if the string is alphanumeric (contains only alphabetic or numeric characters) and False otherwise.

    To check whether a character is alphanumeric, use in and the string "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789".

    Hint. Lower case characters can be alphanumeric too!

  6. Create a function question() that doesn’t take any argument, asks the user for a file path and prints to screen the contents of the file. (Test the function with e.g. the file data/aatable.)

  7. Create a function wc() that takes a string and returns a triplet (tuple) of values:

    1. The first element should be the length of the string.
    2. The second element should be the number of newline characters in the string.
    3. The third element should be the number of words (separated by spaces or newlines) in the string.
  8. Create a function print_dictionary() that takes a dictionary and prints to screen the key-value pairs of the dictionary, formatted as in the example below.

    Example: when applying print_dictionary() to:

    dictionary = {
        "Arg": 0.7,
        "Lys": 0.1,
        "Cys": 0.1,
        "His": 0.1,

    a histogram of frequencies, the result should be:

    >>> print_dictionary(dictionary)
    His -> 10.0%
    Cys -> 10.0%
    Arg -> 70.0%
    Lys -> 10.0%

    Here the order in which lines are printed is not relevant.

  9. As before, but keys should be ordered alphanumerically:

    >>> print_ordered_dictionary(dictionary)
    Arg -> 70%
    Cys -> 10%
    His -> 10%
    Lys -> 10%

    Hint: it would be convenient to extract dictionary keys, order them alphanumerically, then iterate on ordered keys printing each time the corresponding line.

  10. Create a function create_list_of_factorials() that takes an integer n, and returns a list of n elements.

    The i -th element has to be the factorial of i.

    For example:

    >>> list = create_list_of_factorials(5)
    >>> print len(list)
    5                                       # 5 elements, as requested
    >>> print list[0]
    1                                       # the factorial of 0
    >>> print list[1]
    1                                       # the factorial of 1
    >>> print list[2]
    2                                       # the factorial of 2
    >>> print list[3]
    6                                       # the factorial of 3
    >>> print list[4]
    24                                      # the factorial of 4

    Hint: it would be convenient to use the function factorial() defined in one of the previous examples, to calculate the values of the list.

  11. Create a function count_character() that takes two strings, the first representing text, the second representing a character.

    The function has to return the number of occurrences of the character in the text.

    For example:

    >>> print count_character("abbaa", "a")
    3                                           # "a" appears 3 times
    >>> print count_character("abbaa", "b")
    2                                           # "b" appears 2 times
    >>> print count_character("abbaa", "?")
    0                                           # "?" never appears
  12. Create a function count_characters() that takes two strings, the first representing text, the second representing a set of characters.

    The function has to return a dictionary, where the characters to be found are the keys, and their occurrences in the text are the corresponding values.

    For example:

    >>> print count_characters("abbaa", "ab?")
    {"a": 3, "b": 2, "?": 0}
  13. Create a function distance() that takes two pairs of values (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) representing the two-dimensional coordinates of two points, and returns their Euclidean distance.

    Hint. Euclidean distance is calculated as \(\sqrt{(x1-x2)^2 + (y1-y2)^2}\)

  14. Create a function substring() that, given two strings, returns True if the second is a substring of the first.

  15. Create a function non_empty_substrings() that, given one string, returns a list of its non empty substrings.

  16. Create a function count_substrings() that, given two strings haystack and needle, returns the number of occurrences of needle in haystack.

  17. Create a function longest_substring() that, given two strings, returns their longer common substring.

    Hint. You can solve this using the previous exercise!

Composing Functions into Programs


  1. Write a program that takes:

    1. a path to a PDB file, which describes the atomic structure of a

      multi-chain protein)

    2. two protein chain identifiers (chain1 and chain2)

    3. a distance threshold threshold

    The program should print the positions, coordinates, and distance of the atoms in the two chains whose Euclidean distance is closer than threshold.

    Use the (modified) PDB file of insulin linked here to test your program.

    Extract of the insulin PDB file:

    #         atom    chain          x       y       z
    #          v        v            v       v       v
    ATOM     1 N    GLY A   1      -8.932  16.943  14.339  1.00  15.82  N
    ATOM     2 CA   GLY A   1      -9.595  17.000  13.020  1.00  13.75  C
    ATOM     3 C    GLY A   1      -9.764  15.600  12.498  1.00  13.02  C
    ATOM     4 O    GLY A   1      -9.598  14.645  13.247  1.00  11.89  O
    ATOM    10 N    ILE A   2     -10.091  15.513  11.206  1.00  11.41  N
    ATOM    11 CA   ILE A   2     -10.396  14.228  10.611  1.00  10.30  C
    ATOM    12 C    ILE A   2      -9.248  13.293  10.677  1.00   9.25  C
    ATOM    13 O    ILE A   2      -9.434  12.049  10.899  1.00  10.34  O
    ATOM   298 N    ASN A  21     -12.001  17.750  -2.988  1.00  11.08  N
    ATOM   299 CA   ASN A  21     -12.128  19.024  -3.668  0.58  13.56  C
    ATOM   300 CA   ASN A  21     -11.958  19.077  -3.600  0.42  11.76  C
    ATOM   301 C    ASN A  21     -13.435  19.106  -4.464  0.58  18.94  C
    ATOM   302 C    ASN A  21     -13.065  19.211  -4.640  0.42  15.32  C
    ATOM   303 O    ASN A  21     -13.993  18.044  -4.817  0.58  17.75  O
    ATOM   304 O    ASN A  21     -14.121  18.561  -4.467  0.42  16.85  O
    ATOM   327 N    PHE B   1     -21.703   1.132   3.507  1.00  14.54  N
    ATOM   328 CA   PHE B   1     -20.263   1.256   3.871  1.00  11.12  C
    ATOM   329 C    PHE B   1     -20.090   1.071   5.370  1.00  12.49  C
    ATOM   330 O    PHE B   1     -21.062   1.257   6.129  1.00  20.68  O

Python: Functions (Solutions)

  1. Solution: the same type of the value I pass to the function! The function returns the value of the argument without any change.

    1. an integer.
    2. a dictionary.
    3. a list.
    4. a rational.
  2. Solution: the sum, or concatenation, of the two arguments, therefore:

    1. an integer.
    2. a list.
    3. a string.
  3. Solution:

    def print_even_odd(number):
        if number % 2 == 0:
            print "even"
            print "odd"

    Note that print_even_odd() already prints to screen, it’s not necessary to write:

    print print_even_odd(99)

    otherwise Python will print:


    The None comes from the additional print. Since print_even_odd() doesn’t have a return, its result will always be None. The additional print prints exactly this None.

  4. Solution:

    def determine_even_odd(number):
        if number % 2 == 0:
            return "even"
            return "odd"
    print determine_even_odd(98)
    print determine_even_odd(99)

    In this example, since there is no print inside determine_even_odd(), it’s necessary to add an additional print in order to print the result.

  5. Solution:

    def check_alphanumeric(string):
        alphanumeric_chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"
        alphanumeric_flag = True
        for character in string:
            if not character.upper() in alphanumeric_chars:
                alphanumeric_flag = False
        return alphanumeric_flag
    # Let's test the function
    print check_alphanumeric("ABC123")
    print check_alphanumeric("A!%$*@")

    We can also use break to interrupt the for cycle as soon as we find a non-alphanumeric character (once we find a non-alphanumeric character, it is impossible that alphanumeric_flag returns to True again):

    def check_alphanumeric(string):
        alphanumeric_chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"
        alphanumeric_flag = True
        for character in string:
            if not character.upper() in alphanumeric_chars:
                alphanumeric_flag = False
                break # <-- exit from the cycle
        return alphanumeric_flag
    # Let's test the function
    print check_alphanumeric("ABC123")
    print check_alphanumeric("A!%$*@")

    Alternatively, since upon executing break we directly arrive to return, we can skip a step and write directly return:

    def check_alphanumeric(string):
        alphanumeric_chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"
        for character in string:
            if not character.upper() in alphanumeric_chars:
                # upon meetin a not alphanumeric character,
                                # we can answer False
                return False
        # we arrive to the end of the for cycle only if `return` was never executed,
        # this happens only if the `if` condition has always been False for all characters
        # this means that all characters were alphanumeric
        # we can answer True
        return True
    # Let's test the function
    print check_alphanumeric("ABC123")
    print check_alphanumeric("A!%$*@")
  6. Solution:

    def question():
        path = raw_input("write a path: ")
        print open(path).readlines()
    # Let's test the function
  7. Solution:

    def wc(string):
        num_chars = len(string)
        num_newlines = string.count("\n")
        num_words = len(string.split()) # split splits upon both spaces and newlines
        return (num_chars, num_newlines, num_words)
    # Let's test the function
    print wc("I am\nan awesome\nstring")
  8. Solution:

    def print_dictionary(a_dictionary):
        # here the printing order doesn't matter,
        # we can use the natural order provided by
        # `items()`
        for key, value in a_dictionary.items():
            print key, "->", (str(value * 100.0) + "%")
    # Let's test the function
    dictionary = {
        "Arg": 0.7,
        "Lys": 0.1,
        "Cys": 0.1,
        "His": 0.1,
  9. Solution:

    def print_ordered_dictionary(a_dictionary):
        # extract and order keys
        ordered_keys = a_dictionary.keys()
        # now let's print key-value pairs in the correct order
        for key in ordered_keys:
            value = a_dictionary[key]
            print key, "->", (str(value * 100.0) + "%")
    # Let's test the function
    dictionary = {
        "Arg": 0.7,
        "Lys": 0.1,
        "Cys": 0.1,
        "His": 0.1,
  10. Solution:

    # taken from the example
    def factorial(n):
        fact = 1
        for k in range(1, n+1):
            fact = fact * k
        return fact
    def create_list_of_factorials(n):
        list_of_factorials = []
        for i in range(n):
        return list_of_factorials
    # Let's test the function
    print create_list_of_factorials(2)
    print create_list_of_factorials(4)
    print create_list_of_factorials(6)

    here we reused the function factorial() defined in a previous example.

  11. Solution:

    def count_character(text, search_char):
        counts = 0
        for character in text:
            if character == search_char:
                counts += 1
        return counts
    # Let's test the function
    print count_character("abbaa", "a")
    print count_character("abbaa", "b")
    print count_character("abbaa", "?")

    or, more simply, we can use count():

    def count_character(text, search_char):
        return text.count(search_char)
    # Let's test the function
    print count_character("abbaa", "a")
    print count_character("abbaa", "b")
    print count_character("abbaa", "?")
  12. Solution:

    def count_characters(text, search_chars):
        counts = {}
        for search_char in search_chars:
            counts[search_char] = count_character(text, search_char)
        return counts
    # Let's test the function
    print count_characters("abbaa", "ab?")

    Here, we reused the function defined in the previous exercise.

  13. Solution:

    def distance(pair1, pair2):
        x1, y1 = pair1
        x2, y2 = pair2
        dx = x1 - x2
        dy = y1 - y2
        return (float(dx)**2 + float(dy)**2)**0.5
    # Let's test the function
    print distance((0, 0), (1, 1))
    print distance((2, 3), (3, 2))
  14. Solution:

    def substring(first, second):
        return second in first
    # Let's test the function
    print substring("ACGT", "T")
    print substring("ACGT", "x")
  15. Solution:

    def non_empty_substrings(input_string):
        substrings = []
        # all the possible positions to start a substring
        for start in range(len(input_string)):
            # all the possible positions to end a substring
            for end in range(start + 1, len(input_string) + 1):
                # extract the substring and update the list
        return substrings
    # Let's test the function
    print non_empty_substrings("ACTG")
  16. Soluzione:

    def count_substrings(haystack, needle):
        occurrences = 0
        for start in range(len(haystack)):
            for end in range(start+1, len(haystack)+1):
                # to be sure, we print the substring
                print start, end, ":", haystack[start:end], "==", needle, "?"
                # check whether the substring is equal to `needle`
                if haystack[start:end] == needle:
                    print "here is an occurrence!"
                    occurrences += 1
        return occurrences
    # Let's test the function
    print count_substrings("ACTGXACTG", "ACTG")
  17. Solution:

    def longest_substring(string1, string2):
        # let's reuse the previous function
        substrings1 = non_empty_substrings(string1)
        substrings2 = non_empty_substrings(string2)
        # find the longest common substring
        longest_sub = ""
        for substring1 in substrings1:
            for substring2 in substrings2:
                if substring1 == substring2 and \
                   len(substring1) > len(longest_sub):
                    # aggiorno
                    longest_sub = substring1
        return longest_sub
    # Let's test the function
    print longest_substring("ACTG", "GCTA")
    print longest_substring("", "ACTG")
    print longest_substring("ACTG", "")

Python: Programs


  1. Write a Python program that:

    • takes as input a file name filename containing the multiple alignment of a protein sequence
    • prints, for each sequence position, the corresponding alignment profile, i.e how many times each amino acid (considering also gaps as an option) was found in that position of the alignment.

    Input example (copy-and-paste into a file):

    0.012 C ---------CCAHSLVVTEASAD-------------------------------------------------
    0.013 G ---------GGGYFAVFATAFSS-------------------------------------------------
    0.024 V ---------VILINLLLYVIIIE-------VI----------------------------------------
    0.014 P ---------PPPCKRGKG-SEDS-------RV----------------------------------------
    0.013 A ---------AKACLSSVY-VIN--------FT------L---------------------------------
    0.014 I ---------IIPPEY-QLLVFI--------HL------P---------------------------------
    0.019 Q ---------QEKENEEGTQGGE--------LG------L---------------------------------
    0.020 P ---------PPTPPSSQKP-DI--------SV------P------A--------------------------
    0.077 V --N------VKAP-PPREESTPVGAVKGTCR-------P--L---SR-E----L-DC---AE-W-S---MQ-
    0.087 L --A------LLLP-VISESPKEDHSPPPSSP-------L--E---FD-IG---WDRG---EA-T-T---QI-

    Execution example:

    Data file: alignment
    el - A C D E F G H I K L M N P Q R S T V W X Y
    C 58 3 2 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 2 0 0 0
    G 58 3 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 1 0 0 1
    V 56 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 6 0 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 1
    P 57 0 1 1 1 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 0 2 2 0 1 0 0 0
    A 57 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 2 1 2 0 0 1
    I 57 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 3 0 3 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
    Q 56 0 0 0 5 0 4 0 0 1 2 0 1 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
    P 56 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 6 1 0 3 1 1 0 0 0
    V 36 3 2 1 4 0 2 0 0 2 2 1 1 5 1 3 3 2 3 1 0 0


    Note that not all the rows contain all the possible aminoacids and gaps (see all the 0 values present in the table). In order to account for this, it’s necessary to extract an alphabet (you can see it in the first row of the output) with all the possible alternatives, to be used as a reference.

    You can use five separate functions:

    1. A function reading the file filename and returning a list of couples residue-alignment
    2. A function taking as input the list read from the file, and returning an alphabetically ordered list of all the possible characters appearing in the alignment, to be used as alphabet
    3. A function taking as input a string with an alignment (in a position) and returning a profile (dictionary from character to the corresponding number of occurrences in the alignment)
    4. A function taking as input the list read from the file and the alphabet, printing a header (see execution example) and, for each position in the list, the corresponding sequence element and the profile (obtained from function 3) ordered as alphabet (if the letter is not present in the profile, the number of occurrences will be 0)
    5. A function that runs the program using the functions defined above.

  2. Write a Python program that:

    • takes as input a file name filename containing the annotation of a protein sequence in UNIPROT format
    • prints, for each secondary structure element (HELIX, STRAND, TURN), the average length of the element, in amino acids, and the average number of consecutive times the element occurs in the sequence

    Input example (protein Q1NZL3 on Uniprot):

    ID ZN224_HUMAN Reviewed; 707 AA.
    AC Q9NZL3; A6NFW9; P17033; Q86V10; Q8IZC8; Q9UID9; Q9Y2P6;
    DT 08-DEC-2000, integrated into UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot.
    DT 30-NOV-2010, sequence version 3.
    FT {ECO:0000305}.
    FT CONFLICT 562 562 H -> R (in Ref. 1; AAF04106).
    FT {ECO:0000305}.
    FT STRAND 174 177 {ECO:0000244|PDB:2EN8}.
    FT TURN 179 181 {ECO:0000244|PDB:2EN8}.
    FT STRAND 184 187 {ECO:0000244|PDB:2EN8}.
    FT HELIX 188 195 {ECO:0000244|PDB:2EN8}.
    FT TURN 196 198 {ECO:0000244|PDB:2EN8}.
    FT STRAND 207 209 {ECO:0000244|PDB:2EM6}.
    FT HELIX 216 223 {ECO:0000244|PDB:2EM6}.
    FT TURN 224 226 {ECO:0000244|PDB:2EM6}.
    FT STRAND 227 229 {ECO:0000244|PDB:2EM6}.
    FT STRAND 235 237 {ECO:0000244|PDB:2ELY}.
    FT STRAND 241 243 {ECO:0000244|PDB:2ELY}.

    Execution example:

    Data file: Q9NZL3.txt
    average lengths
    {’TURN’: 3.125, ’HELIX’: 7.285714285714286,
    ’STRAND’: 3.323529411764706}
    average number of consecutive occurrences
    {’TURN’: 1.0, ’HELIX’: 1.4, ’STRAND’: 1.736842105263158}

    You can use five separate functions:

    1. A function reading the file filename and returning a list of pairs: secondary structure element (ss) - length.
    2. A function taking as input the list read from the file, and returning two dictionaries, both having ss as keys, the first having as value the corresponding sum of lengths, the second the number of times the ss element occurs.
    3. A function taking as input two dictionaries and returning a new dictionary obtained by normalizing the values of the first with the values of the second.
    4. A function taking as input the list read from the file, and returning two dictionaries, both having ss as keys: the first dictionary maps from ss the number of occurrences; the second maps from ss to the number of non-consecutive occurrences. The function will return the normalized dictionary of occurrences.
    5. A function that implements the program using the above functions.

  3. Write a Python program that:

    1. Takes a path to a file describing a list of donor (D) splicing sites in FASTA format. Each site contains 15 base pairs: 7 before the site, 8 after the site.
    2. An integer threshold in between 2 and 8.

    The program should:

    1. Print the number of occurrences of the sub-sequences (1) before and (2) after the donor site, for all sub-sequences of length in-between 2 and 7 (before the site) or 8 (after the site). Sub-sequences occurring less than threshold times should not be printed.

      The number of occurrences should be computed over all the sequences contained in the FASTA file.

    The full input file is here:

    Example input

    >HUMGLUT4B_2257 <-- header
    CTCCGAAGTAGGATT <-- site sequence (7 before + 8 after)

    For instance, given the sequence:


    the sequence after the site is GTAGGATT, and its sub-sequences are:


    while the sequence before the site is CTCCGAA, and its sub-sequences are:

    AA, GAA, CGAA, ...,  CTCCGAA

    The expected result with threshold = 100 is:

    > python
    Insert path: splice_donor.fasta
    Insert threshold: 100
    Most frequent sub-sequences before the site:
    {'AAG': 208, 'AG': 583, 'GG': 107, 'GAG': 108,
    'TG': 135, 'CAG': 247}
    Most frequent sub-sequences after the site:
    {'GTA': 568, 'GT': 1116, 'GTAAGT': 126, 'GTGAG': 388,
    'GTG': 491, 'GTGA': 399, 'GTGAGT': 204, 'GTAA': 379,
    'GTAAG': 300, 'GTGAGTG': 116}

    meaning that "AAG" appears 208 times before the site, "AG" appears 583 times before the site, ..., "GTA" appears 568 times after the site, "GT" appears 1116 times after the site, etc.


    We suggest implementing five functions:

    1. A function that reads the input file and returns two collections: a collection of all sequences before the site, and a collection of all sequences after the site.
    2. A function that takes a collection of sequences after the site, and returns a dictionary mapping from sub-sequences to number of occurrences.
    3. A function that takes a collection of sequences before the site, and returns a dictionary mapping from sub-sequences to number of occurrences. (note that sub-sequences start at the end of the sequence of the file, and grow backwards.)
    4. A function that takes a dictionary of counts and a threshold, and returns a dictionary of counts with only the key-value pairs whose value is larger than or equal to the threshold.
    5. A function that implements the program using the above.
  4. Write a Python program that:

    1. Takes a path to a file describing the association between proteins and the PFAM domains that appear in the protein.
    2. Prints the list of all the PFAM domains (including their ID and name), sorted by number of occurrences, as well as the number of proteins that each PFAM domain appears into.

    The full input file is output_pfam.

    Example input:

    78184355|ref|YP_376790.1|     28   145 PF01475.11      1   124 ls    62.1   2.1e-15               FUR
    78185596|ref|YP_378030.1|     31   111 PF00575.15      1    79 fs    33.4   2.8e-08                S1
    78185596|ref|YP_378030.1|    113   381 PF10150.1       1   273 ls   436.7  3.5e-128         RNase_E_G
    78185773|ref|YP_378207.1|     70   222 PF04087.6       1   147 ls   221.5   2.1e-63            DUF389
    78183836|ref|YP_376270.1|     13   375 PF01266.16      1   399 ls   182.5   1.2e-51               DAO
    78184892|ref|YP_377327.1|      5   191 PF00702.18      1   184 fs    99.1   5.5e-28         Hydrolase
    78183858|ref|YP_376292.1|     78   482 PF00909.13      1   455 ls   519.6  4.1e-153   Ammonium_transp
    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^              ^^^^^^^^^^                                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
          protein                          domain ID                                       domain name

    The expected result is:

    > python
    Type path: output_pfam
    PFAM ID     PFAM Name         NumOcc  NumDiffProt
    PF00005.19  ABC_tran          35      32
    PF00132.16  Hexapep           29      5
    PF00534.12  Glycos_transf_1   21      20
    PF00515.20  TPR_1             17      8
    PF01370.13  Epimerase         16      16
    PF03130.8   HEAT_PBS          15      6
    PF04055.13  Radical_SAM       14      14
    PF00502.11  Phycobilisome     13      12
    PF00427.13  PBS_linker_poly   13      10
    PF00271.23  Helicase_C        13      13
    PF00528.14  BPD_transp_1      12      11
    PF00004.21  AAA               12      12
    PF00805.14  Pentapeptide      11      5
    PF00535.18  Glycos_transf_2   11      11
    PF00353.11  HemolysinCabind   11      3
    PF07862.3   Nif11             10      10
    PF01926.15  MMR_HSR1          10      9

    The output shows that, for instance, the domain with ID PF00005.19 and name ABC_tran occurs 35 different times in the complete file, and in particular it occurs in 32 distinct proteins.


    The output text columns are not required to be aligned.


    We suggest implementing five functions:

    1. A function that reads the input file and returns a dictionary mapping from domain PFAM ID to doman PFAM name, and for each protein the list of its domains.
    2. A function that takes the information read from the file, and returns a dictionary from domains to their number of occurrences.
    3. A function that takes the information read from the file, and returns a dictionary from domains to their number of distinct proteins they appear into.
    4. A function that print the output as shown in the expected results. The domains should be sorted by their total number of occurrences.
    5. A function that implements the program using the above.
  5. Write a Python program that:

    1. Takes a path to a file containing protein sequences in FASTA format. The header of the FASTA contains information about the cellular localization and the organism of the protein.
    2. Prints, for each cellular localization, the number of proteins, divided by organism, and sorted from the most frequent to the less frequent organism.

    The full input file is here:

    Example input:


    The expected result is:

    > python
    Name of file: sequences.fasta
    107:HUMAN 27:BOVIN 18:DROME 16:MOUSE 7:RAT 3:ASCSU ...
    191:HUMAN 79:MOUSE 59:DROME 35:BOVIN 30:RAT 19:CHICK ...
    636:HUMAN 188:DROME 145:MOUSE 65:CAEEL 27:RAT ...
    203:HUMAN 72:MOUSE 47:DROME 30:RAT 20:CAEEL 13:BOVIN ...


    We suggest implementing four functions:

    1. A function that reads the input file and returns a dictionary mapping from each cellular localization to the list of protein with that localization
    2. A function that takes the dictionary generated by the previous function and returns a new dictionary, mapping from cellular localizations to dictionaries of counts (mapping from organism to number of proteins belonging to the organism)
    3. A function that takes the dictionary generated by the previous function and, for each cellular localization, prints the list of counts, ordered by decreasing number of occurrences.
    4. A function that implements the program using the above functions.
  6. Write a function findPerfectMatches(filename,pattern) that:

    1. Takes the name of a file filename containing a list of RNA sequences, and an RNA string (for example, a microRNA sequence).
    2. Prints, for each sequence, the name and the list of positions corresponding to perfect matches (by complementarity) with the string (only for sequences with at least one match).

    The expected result is:

    >>> import utility
    >>> utility.findPerfectMatches(’utr.txt’,’acgaatt’)
    ENSG00000050344 [1186]
    ENSG00000109929 [204, 373, 3336]
    ENSG00000155850 [2162, 5387]
    ENSG00000073756 [1152]
    ENSG00000175445 [693]
    ENSG00000159167 [781]
    ENSG00000138061 [1229]
    ENSG00000152268 [1362]
    ENSG00000197121 [3024]
    ENSG00000115159 [1111]
    ENSG00000169908 [1695]
    ENSG00000150938 [1751]
    ENSG00000179314 [2782]
    ENSG00000075223 [1743]


    We suggest implementing five functions:

    1. A function that reads the input file and returns a dictionary mapping from name to sequence.
    2. A function that takes as input a string and returns the complementary sequence (note that sequences and strings have T, and not U, even if they represent RNA sequences).
    3. A function that takes two sequences and return the list of occurrences of the second string on the first one (look carefully at the help of the function find).
    4. A function taking the dictionary of sequences and the converted string, that calculates for each sequence the match positions, using the previous function, and if there is at least one match, prints the name of the sequence and the list of matches.
    5. A function that implements the program using the above.
  7. Midterm exam 2016/11/02:

    1. The hierarchy.txt file.
    2. Optionally, a pair of protein identifiers.
    write a Python program that:
    1. If the two protein identifiers are given, prints the list of domains shared by the two proteins; further, for each shared domain, it prints the residue histogram of their sequences.
    2. If no protein identifiers are given, it prints the above information for all pairs of proteins. The output text columns are not required to be aligned.


    Same domains appear in more than one protein; different occurrences of a domain however may have different sequences!

    Example input:

    # Protein Domain Position Residue
    YAL003W PF00736 00120 W
    YAL003W PF00736 00121 I
    YAL003W PF00736 00154 Q
    YAL038W PF00224 00077 E
    YAL038W PF00224 00236 K
    YAL038W PF00224 00327 H
    YAL038W PF00224 00362 I
    YAL038W PF02887 00391 L
    YAL038W PF02887 00415 S
    YAL038W PF02887 00432 G
    YAL038W PF02887 00441 F
    YAL038W PF02887 00450 M

    Expected output:

    $ python
    insert the path to the hierarchy file: hierarchy.txt
    all pairs? (Y or N) N
    insert 1st protein ID: YIL109C
    insert 2nd protein ID: YPR181C
    YIL109C YPR181C shared domains: ['PF00626', 'PF04810', 'PF04811']
    PF00626 histogram = {'I': 1, 'R': 1, 'T': 1, 'W': 3, 'V': 1}
    PF04810 histogram = {'S': 1, 'R': 1}
    PF04811 histogram = {'A': 1, 'E': 1, 'D': 3, 'G': 4, 'F': 3}
    PF04815 histogram = {'C': 1, 'D': 2, 'I': 1, 'Q': 2, 'P': 2}
    PF08033 histogram = {'C': 1, 'E': 2, 'D': 1, 'I': 3, 'L': 2}


    We suggest implementing five functions:

    1. A function that takes a path to the hierarchy file, and returns a map from each protein to a dictionary; this dictionary maps from each domain in the protein to its sequence. Picture: sequence = hierarchy[protein][domain]
    2. A function that takes two lists and returns their intersection.
    3. A function that takes a sequence and returns the histogram of its residues.
    4. A function that takes the hierarchy read from the file and two protein identifiers, and prints the shared domains. Then, for every shared domain, it extracts the domain sequences from the two proteins, and prints their histogram.
    5. A function that implements the program.

Python: Programs (Solutions)

  1. Solution (one among many):

    from pprint import pprint
    def readFile(filename):
        f = open(filename)
        couples = []
        for l in f.readlines():
            words = l.strip().split()
            couples.append([words[1], words[2]])
        return couples
    def extractAlphabet(data):
        sequences = []
        for element in data:
            sequences += element[1]
        chars = "".join(sequences)
        for c in chars:
        return alphabet
    def computeProfile(sequence):
        for el in sequence:
            if not profile.has_key(el):
                profile[el] = 1
                profile[el] += 1
        return profile
    def printProfiles(data,alphabet):
        print "el " + " ".join(alphabet)
        for row in data:
            profile = computeProfile(row[1])
            print_line = [str(row[0])]
            for l in alphabet:
                if profile.has_key(l):
            print(" ".join(print_line))
            def main():
        couples = readFile("alignment.txt")
        alphabet = extractAlphabet(couples)
  2. Solution (one among many):

    def readFile(filename):
        for row in f:
            if not row.startswith("FT"):
            data = row.split()
            if data[1] == 'STRAND' or data[1] == 'HELIX' or data[1] == 'TURN':
        return struct
    def computeAverageLengths(struct):
        for (ss,length) in struct:
            if not lengths.has_key(ss):
        return lengths,num
    def computeAverageConsecutive(struct):
        for i in range(1,len(struct)):
            if struct[i][0] == ss:
                if not durations.has_key(ss):
                    durations[ss] = dur
                    durations[ss] += dur
        durations[ss] += dur
        return durations,num
    def normalize(values,sizes):
        for (k,v) in values.items():
            normvalues[k] = float(values[k]) / sizes[k]
        return normvalues
    def computeSecondaryStructureStats(filename):
        print "average lengths "
        l1, l2 = computeAverageLengths(struct)
        print normalize(l1,l2)
        print "average number of consecutive occurrences "
        o1, o2 = computeAverageConsecutive(struct)
        print normalize(o1,o2)
    filename=raw_input("Data file: ")
  3. Solution (one among many):

    def load_sites(filename):
        f  = open(filename)
        for row in f:
            if row[0] == '>':
        return pre_sites,post_sites
    def compute_post_site_patterns(sites, maxlen):
        for site in sites:
            for k in range(2,maxlen):
                pattern = site[:k]
                if not patterns.has_key(pattern):
        return patterns
    def compute_pre_site_patterns(sites, maxlen):
        for site in sites:
            for k in range(2,maxlen+1):
                pattern = site[-k:]
                if not patterns.has_key(pattern):
        return patterns
    def filter_by_freq(freqs, threshold):
        for (k,v) in freqs.items():
            if v >= threshold:
        return filtered_freqs
    def splice_patterns(filename, threshold):
        pre_sites,post_sites = load_sites(filename)
        print filter_by_freq(compute_pre_site_patterns(pre_sites, 7), threshold)
        print filter_by_freq(compute_post_site_patterns(post_sites, 8), threshold)
    filename=raw_input("Nome file: ")
    threshold=int(raw_input("Soglia: "))
    splice_patterns(filename, threshold)
  4. Solution (one among many):

    def read_file(filename):
        for row in f.readlines():
            if not domains.has_key(domain):
        return domains
    def compute_average_length(domains):
        for (domain,entries) in domains.items():
            for (prot,start,end) in entries:
        return length4domain
    def compute_number_of_proteins(domains):
        for (domain,entries) in domains.items():
            for (prot,start,end) in entries:
        return prot4domain
    def print_statistics(length4domain,prot4domain):
        print "domain\t\t\tavg_length\tnum_prots"
        for domain in length4domain.keys():
            print "%s\t\t\t%f\t%d" %(domain,length4domain[domain],prot4domain[domain])
    def compute_domain_statistics(filename):
        domains = read_file(filename)
    filename=raw_input("Name of file: ")
  5. Solution (one among many):

    def readFile(filename):
        for row in f:
            if row[0] == '>':
                if not seqs.has_key(localization):
        return seqs
    def countorganism_by_localization(prots):
        for (localization,data) in prots.items():
            for name in data:
                org = name.split("_")[1]
                if not orgs.has_key(org):
        return orgbyloc
    def print_counts(counts_by_loc):
        for localization,counts in counts_by_loc.items():
            print localization
            countlist=[(count,org) for (org,count) in counts.items()]
            print " ".join(["%d:%s" %(count,org) for (count,org) in countlist])
    def compute_organismcount_by_localization(filename):
    filename=raw_input("Name of file: ")
  6. Solution (one among many):

    def loadRNA(filename):
        for row in f:
        return rna
    def findMatches(seq,subseq):
        while start != -1:
            if start > -1:
        return matches
    def findAllMatches(rna,subseq):
        for (name,seq) in rna.items():
            if matches:
                print name,matches
    def complementary(pattern):
        comp={"a" : "t", "t" : "a", "c" : "g", "g" : "c"}
        return "".join([comp[p] for p in pattern])
    def findPerfectMatches(filename,pattern):
  7. Midterm exam solution (one among many):

        def read_hierarchy(path):
    fp = open(path)
    hierarchy = {}
    for line in fp.readlines()[1:]:
        prot, dom, res, aa = line.strip().split()
        if not hierarchy.has_key(prot):
            hierarchy[prot] = {}
        if not hierarchy[prot].has_key(dom):
            hierarchy[prot][dom] = []
    return hierarchy
    def intersect(list1, list2):
            intersection = []
            for el1 in list1:
                    if el1 in list2:
            return intersection
    def histogram(seq):
        counts = {}
        for char in seq:
            if not counts.has_key(char):
                counts[char] = 0
            counts[char] += 1
        return counts
    def print_shared_domain_stats(data, pi, pj):
        domainsi = data[pi].keys()
        domainsj = data[pj].keys()
        shared = intersect(domainsi, domainsj)
        print pi, pj, "shared domains:", shared
        if len(shared) == 0:
        for domain in shared:
            seqi = "".join(data[pi][domain])
            seqj = "".join(data[pj][domain])
            print domain, "histogram =", histogram(seqi + seqj)
    def run():
        path = raw_input("insert the path to the hierarchy file: ")
        hierarchy = read_hierarchy(path)
        if raw_input("all pairs? (Y or N) ") == "N":
            p1 = raw_input("insert 1st protein ID: ")
            p2 = raw_input("insert 2nd protein ID: ")
            print_shared_domain_stats(hierarchy, p1, p2)
            proteins = hierarchy.keys()
            for i in range(len(proteins)):
                for j in range(i + 1, len(proteins)):
                    print_shared_domain_stats(hierarchy, proteins[i], proteins[j])

External Modules

Importing Packages

Packages are just Python modules that offer additional functionality. There are many packages in the wild, take a look at the Python Package Index for an overview.

In order to make use of a package, you have to first import it:

import somepackage

Once imported, you can perform the usual operations on the package, e.g.:

>>> help(somepackage)
>>> print somepackage.__version__
>>> somepackage.function()

The Python Standard Library is installed by default together with Python 2 (and Python 3). It provides a lot of packages for dealing with many different tasks, e.g. regular expressions (more on that later).

Other specific packages do not come along with Python 2 (or 3) by default, so they have to be installed separately.


If you try to import a package, and get:

>>> import iamnotinstalled
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: No module named iamnotinstalled

it means that the package is not installed on your machine.

Luckily, it is easy to install a package with Python. The process is very streamlined. If you want to install a new package, just type (from the shell):

$ pip install thepackageyouwanttoinstall --user

This will install the package named thepackageyouwanttoinstall into your home directory (more specifically, inside the ~/.local/lib/python2.7/ directory).

After the installation, Python will automatically pick up the package and allow you to import it.


These instructions assume that you have the pip installer. This is the case for most GNU/Linux distributions and MacOS X versions >= El Capitan.

If pip is not installed, either install it from your package manager on GNU/Linux, brew on MacOS X, or use the generic setup script provided by the Python Packaging Authority

Example. Let’s install the biopython package:

$ pip install biopython --user

The pip command will download the package (and all its dependencies) from the internet, and install them in the correct order.

After pip is done, open a Python interpreter and try to import the biopython package:

>>> import Bio


The pip installer and the python interpreter may use different names to refer to the same package.

In the example above, the Biopython package is called biopython by the pip installer, and simply Bio from within Python.

Please refer to the package documentation (i.e. its website) to figure out how it is called in the two different settings.

Example. Let’s say that you want to import the numpy module. Just write:

import numpy

Once imported, you can take a peek at the various functionalty supported by the numpy module by typing:


For instance, to use the arccos function provided by the numpy module, type:

print numpy.arccos(0)

You can also abbreviate the name of the package with a shorthand, as follows:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> print np.__version__
>>> np.arccos(0)
>>> np.arccos(1)

Example. You can import specific sub-modules using the following notation:

import module.submodule

Then you can call the functions available in the sub-module as:


For instance, to import the linalg (linear algebra) submodule of the numpy package, write:

>>> import numpy.linalg
>>> help(numpy.linalg)
>>> help(numpy.linalg.eig)

Now, you can also import the submodule as a standalone package:

>>> from numpy import linalg
>>> help(linalg.eig)

as well as using the shorthand trick:

>>> import numpy.linalg as la
>>> help(la.eig)

or both:

>>> from numpy import linalg as la
>>> help(la.eig)

Finally, you can import individual functions:

>>> from numpy import arccos
>>> print arccos(0)

as well as multiple functions:

>>> from numpy import arccos, arcsin
>>> print arccos(0)
>>> print arcsin(0)


The __future__ “module” is a special module used to import Python 3 functionality into Python 2 programs. It can be useful for writing code compatible with both Python 2 and Python 3.

For instance, although print is a statement in Python 2, in Python 3 it becomes a function, meaning that our beloved:

print "stuff"

does not work anymore: in Python 3, print is a proper function an requires brackets:


In order to have a true print function in your Python 2 program, use the following import at the very beginning of your script:

from __future__ import print_function

A useful feature to import is:

from __future__ import division

Once imported, the division feature makes division beteen integers return a float if needed!

Exercises - Packages

  1. Import some of the packages from the Python Standard Library. Some useful ones are:

    • The math package. It offers a plethora of mathematical utility functions. Use its factorial() function to compute the factorial of all integers from 1 to 100, i.e. 1!, 2!, ...

      Remark. It is much faster than our naive implementation!

    • The glob package. It includes a method glob() that takes a path to a directory, and returns the list of the contents of the directory, pretty much like the ls shell command.

      Use the glob() function and print the list of the files in your home directory.

      Remark. Unfortunately glob() does not understand the ~ path.

    • The time() package. It provides a time() function that returns the number of seconds since the Epoch, i.e. midnight UTC of 1st January 1970.

      It also provides a sleep() function that takes a number of seconds, and makes your program pause for the specified amount of time (with reasonable approximation).

      After properly importing the time() and sleep() functions from the time package, check what this code does:

      t0 = time()
      for i in range(5):
          print "it took me {}s to get here".format(time() - t0)
      print "done in approx {}s".format(time() - t0)
    • The pickle() package. It provides facilities for storing arbitrary Python data structures to disk, and loading them back.

      It is a must-have package for saving, e.g., the results of data analysis or other complex objects that are difficult to encode into text.

      Study its dump(object, file_handle) and load(file_handle) functions. Then use them to save a dictionary to file, close the Python interpreter, and load the dictionary back from the file.

      Remark. Make sure that the file_handle is opened for writing when writing to the file, and for reading when reading from it.

Regular Expressions

A regular expression (or regex) is a string that encodes a string *pattern. The pattern specifies which strings do match the regex.

A regex consists of both normal and special characters:

  • Normal characters match themselves.
  • Special characters match sets of other characters.

A string matches a regex if it matches all of its characters, in the sequence in which they appear.

Example. A few simple examples:

  • The regex "text" matches only the string "text".
  • The regex ".*" matches all strings.
  • The regex "beginning.*" matches all strings that start with "beginning"
  • The regex ".*end" matches all strings that end with "end".

More formally, the contents of a regex can be are:

Character Meaning
text Matches itself
(regex) Matches the regex regex (i.e. parens don’t count)
^ Matches the start of the string
$ Matches the end of the string or just before the newline at the end of the string
. Matches any character except a newline
regex? Matches 0 or 1 repetitions of regex (longest possible)
regex* Matches 0 or more repetitions of regex (longest possible)
regex+ Matches 1 or more repetitions of regex (longest possible)
regex{m,n} Matches from m to n repetitions of regex (longest possible)
[...] Matches a set of characters
[c1-c2] Matches the characters “in between” c1 and c2
[^...] Matches the complement of a set of characters
r1|r2 Matches both r1 and r2


There are many more special symbols that can be used into a regex. We will restrict ourselves to the most common ones.

Example. Let’s start with the anchor characters ^ and $:

  • The regex "^something" matches all strings that start with "something", for instance "something better".
  • The regex "worse$" matches all strings that end with "worse", for instance "I am feeling worse".

Example. The “anything goes” character . (the dot) matches all characters except the newline. For instance:

  • "." matches all strings that contain at least one character.
  • "..." matches all strings that contain at least three characters.
  • "^.$" matches all those strings that contain exactly one character.
  • "^...$" matches all those strings that contain exactly three characters.

Example. The “optional” character ? match zero or more repetitions of the preceding regex. For instance:

  • "words?" matches both "word" and "words": the last character of the "words" regex (that is, the "s") is now optional.
  • "(optional)?" matches both "optional" and the empty string.
  • "he is (our)? over(lord!)?" matches the following four strings: "he is over", "he is our over", "he is overlord!", and "he is our overlord!".

Here I used the parens (...) to specify the scope of the ?.

Example. The “zero or more” character "*" and the “one or more” "+" characters match zero or more (or one or more) repetitions of the preceding regex. The parens (...) grouping trick still applies. A few examples:

  • "Python!*" matches all of the following strings: "Python", "Python!", "Python!!", "Python!!!!", etc.
  • "(column )+" matches: "column ", "column column ", etc. but not the empty string "".
  • "I think that (you think that (I think that)*)+ this regex is cool" will match things like "I think that you think that this regex is cool", as well as "I think that you think that I think that you think that I think that this regex is cool", and so on.

Example. The “from n to m” regex {n,m} matches from n to m repetitions of the previous regex.

For instance, "(column ){2,3}" matches "column column " and "column column column ".

Example. Regexes can also match entire sets of characters (or their complement); in other words, they match all strings containing at least one of the characters in the set. For instance:

  • "[abc]" matches strings that contain "a", "b", or "c". It does not match the string "zzzz".
  • "[^abc]" matches all characters except "a", "b", and "c".
  • "[a-z]" matches all lowercase alphabetic characters.
  • "[A-Z]" matches all uppercase alphabetic characters.
  • "[0-9]" matches all numeric characters from 0 to 9 (included).
  • "[2-6]" matches all numeric characters from 2 to 6 (included).
  • "[^2-6]" matches all characters except the numeric characters from 2 to 6 (included).
  • "[a-zA-Z0-9]" matches all alphanumeric characters.

Example. Perhaps the most powerful special character, the | character, allows to match either of two regexes. For instance:

  • "I|you|he|she|it|we|they" will match any string containing at least one of the English personal pronouns.
  • "(PRO)+|(SER)+" matches strings like "PRO", "PRO PRO", "SER" and "SER SER", but not strings like "PRO SER" or "SER PRO SER".

Example. As usual, if you want to “disable” a special character, you have to escape it, i.e. prefix with a backslash \. An alternative is to insert the special character to be disabled in square brackets.

For instance, in order to match strings that contain at least one (literal) dot, you can use either "\." or "[.]".

Example. Regexes can be combined to obtain powerful matching operations. A couple of examples:

  • A regex that only matches strings that start with "ATOM", followed by one or more space, followed by three space-separated integers:

    ^ATOM[ ]+[0-9]+ [0-9]+ [0-9]+

    The following string matches:

    ATOM  30 42 12
  • A regex that matches a floating-point number in dot-notation:


    i.e. "123" or "2.71828".

  • A regex that matches a floating-point number in mathematical format:


    i.e. "6.022e23". (It can be improved!)

  • A regex that matches the following UBR-box sequence motif: zero or more methionins (M), followed by either a glutamic acid (E) or an aspartic acid (D). The motif only appears at the beginning of the sequence, and never at the end (i.e. it is followed by at least one more residue):


The re Module

The re module of the Standard Python Library allows to deal with regular expression matching, for instance checking whether a given string matches a regular expression, or how many times a regular expression occurs in a string.

The available methods are:

Returns Method Meaning
match match(regex, str) Match a regular expression regex to the beginning of a string
match search(regex, str) Search a string for the presence of a regex
list findall(regex, str) Find all occurrences of a regex in a string

Example. match(regex, string) and search(regex, str) return the first match of the regex in the string string. The difference is that:

  • match() requires regex to match at the beginning of string
  • search() does not: regex can match anywhere inside string

If no match is found, they returns None. Otherwise, a match object is returned. This makes it easy to see whether the regex matches the string.

To extract the matched text from the match object, call its group() method, as in the following examples.

For instance (make sure that the re module has been imported):

>>> re.match("nomatch", "some text")
>>> print re.match("nomatch", "some text")

searches for the regex "nomatch" into "some text", starting at the beginning of the target string. Of course, no match is found ("some text" does not start with "nomatch"), so the function returns None.

Cleary, the following doesn’t work either:

>>> re.match("text", "some text")
>>> print re.match("text", "some text")

because "some text" does not start with "text"! However:

>>> print"text", "some text")
<_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x7fac7b5906b0>
>>> print"text", "some text").group()

works, because search() matches the regex anywhere in string, not just at the beginning.

In order to see match() work, try:

>>> print re.match("some", "some text")
<_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x7fac7b5906b0>
>>> print re.match("some", "some text").group()

Example. findall(regex, text) returns the list of all matches of regex inside text. For instance, let:


then we can extract the headers using a single call to findall():

>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> pprint(re.findall("\n>.*\n", fasta))


Note that the * regex is greedy: it does not stop at the first match of the | character, but rather greedily proceeds till the last.

To extract only the protein IDs and chain ID, write:

>>> pprint(re.findall("\n>[a-zA-Z0-9:]+[^|]", fasta))
['\n>1A3A:B', '\n>1A3A:C', '\n>1A3A:D']

Exercises - Regular Expressions


Here you can find the sequences.fasta FASTA file.

In the following exercises, you can use all the Python tools you want to compute the answer. In other words, looping over the lines of the FASTA file is allowed.

Motifs can appear anywhere in the sequence, unless stated otherwise.

  1. Compute how many sequences contain the following motifs:

    • A pheniylalanine (F); two arbitrary amino acids; another phenylalanine. The motif should occur at the end of the sequence.
    • An arginine (R); a phenylalanine; an aminoacid that is not a proline (P); an isoleucine (I) or a valine (V).

    Compute also how many sequences include at least one of the two motifs.

  2. Compute how many sequences contain the following motifs:

    • Three tyrosines (Y); at most three arbitrary amino acids; a histidine (H).
    • Contains non-standard or unknown amino acids.

    Are there sequences satisfying both conditions?


    Standard amino acids: A R N D C E Q G H I L K M F P S T W Y V.

  3. Compute how many sequences contain the following motifs:

    • An arginine (R); a lysine (K). The motif should not occur at the beginning of the sequence.
    • Two arginines followed by an amino acid that is neither an arginine or a lysine.
    • None of the previous two motifs.
  4. Compute how many sequences contain the following motifs:

    • A phenylalanyne (F); an arbitrary amino acid; a phenylalanine or a tyrosine (Y); a proline (P).
    • A proline; a threonine (T) or a serine (S); an alanine (A); another proline. The motif should be neither at the beginning nor at the end of the sequence.
    • The first motif followed by the second, or vice versa.


What is Biopython?

Biopython is the largest and most common bioinformatics package for Python. It contains a number of different sub-modules for common bioinformatics tasks.

It is freely available here:

while the entire source code is hosted here:


The Biopython code is distributed under the Biopython License.

Biopython sports several features. It provides:

  • Data structures for biological sequences and features thereof, as well as a multitude of manipulation functions for performing common tasks, such as translation, transcription, weight computations, ...

  • Functions for loading biological data into dict-like data structures.

    Supported formats include, for instance: FASTA, PDB, GenBank, Blast, SCOP, PubMed/Medline, ExPASy-related formats

  • Functions for data analysis, including basic data mining and machine learning algorithm: k-Nearest Neighbors, Naive Bayes, and Support Vector Machines

  • Access to online services and database, including NCBI services (Blast, Entrez, PubMed) and ExPASY services (SwissProt, Prosite)

  • Access to local services, including Blast, Clustalw, EMBOSS.


In order to use local services (such as Blast), the latter must be properly installed and configured on the local machine.

Setting up the local services is beyond the scope of this course.


In order to install Biopython:

  • On a Debian-based distributions (for instance Ubuntu), just type:

    $ sudo apt-get install python-biopython
  • On a generic GNU/Linux distribution, just type:

    $ pip install biopython --user

Please refer to the official documentation for further instructions.


While Biopython is the main player in the field, it is not the only one. Other interesting packages are:

ETE and DendroPy, dedicated to computation and visualization of phylogenetic trees.

CSB for dealing with sequences and structures, computing alignments and profiles (with profile HMMs), and Monte Carlo sampling.

biskit is designed for structural bioinformatics tasks, such as loading 3D protein structures in Protein Data Bank (PDB) format, homology modelling, molecular dynamics simulations (using external simulators) and trajectory computations, and docking, among others.

You are free to mix and match all the packages you need.

Biopython: Sequences

Sequences lay at the core of bioinformatics: although DNA, RNA and proteins are molecules with specific structures and dynamical behaviors, their basic building block is their sequence.

Biopython encodes sequences using objects of type Seq, provided by the Bio.Seq sub-module. Take a look at their manual:

from Bio.Seq import Seq


The official documentation of the Biopython Seq class can be found on the Biopython wiki.

Each Seq object is associated to a formal alphabet.

  • Each sequence has its own alphabet
  • Conversions between different sequence types (transcription, translation) can be seen as a change of alphabet.
  • Some operations (e.g. concatenation) can not be done between sequences with incompatible alphabets.

The various alphabets supported by Biopython can be found in Bio.Alphabet, e.g. Bio.Alphabet.IUPAC.

The most basic alphabets are:

  • IUPAC.unambiguous_dna: a sequence of DNA
  • IUPAC.unambiguous_rna: a sequence of RNA
  • IUPAC.protein: a protein sequence

Example. To create a generic sequence, i.e. a sequence not bound to any specific alphabet, write:

>>> from Bio.Seq import Seq
>>> s = Seq("ACCGTTTAAC") # no alphabet specified
>>> print type(s)
<class 'Bio.Seq.Seq'>
>>> s
Seq('ACCGTTTAAC', Alphabet())
>>> print s

To create a DNA sequence, specify the corresponding alphabet when creating the Seq object:

>>> from Bio.Seq import Seq
>>> from Bio.Alphabet import IUPAC
>>> s = Seq("ACCGTTTAAC", IUPAC.unambiguous_dna)
>>> s
Seq('ACCGTTTAAC', IUPACUnambiguousDNA())

Seq objects act mostly like standard Python strings str. For instance, you can write:

>>> from Bio.Seq import Seq
>>> s = Seq("ACTG")
>>> len(s)
>>> s[2]
>>> s[1:-1]
Seq('CT', Alphabet())
>>> s.count("C")

However, some operations are restricted to Seq objects with the same alphabet (in order to prevent the user from, say, concatenating nucleotides and amino acids):

>>> s = Seq("ACTG", IUPAC.unambiguous_dna)
>>> s + s
Seq('ACTGACTG', IUPACUnambiguousDNA())

>>> t = Seq("AAADGHHHTEWW", IUPAC.protein)
>>> s
Seq('ACTG', IUPACUnambiguousDNA())
>>> t
>>> s + t
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/home/stefano/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Bio/", line 292, in __add__
    self.alphabet, other.alphabet))
TypeError: Incompatible alphabets IUPACUnambiguousDNA() and IUPACProtein()

To convert back a Seq object into a normal str object, just use the normal type-casting operator str():

>>> s = Seq("ACTG", IUPAC.unambiguous_dna)
>>> str(s)


Just like strings, Seq objects are immutable:

>>> s = Seq("ACCGTTTAAC")
>>> s[0] = "G"
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: 'Seq' object does not support item assignment

Thanks to their immutability, Seq objects can be used as keys in dictionaries (like str objects do).


Biopython also provides a mutable sequence type MutableSeq.

You can convert back and forth between Seq and MutableSeq:

>>> s = Seq("ACTG", IUPAC.unambiguous_dna)
>>> muts = s.tomutable()
>>> muts[0] = "C"
>>> muts
MutableSeq('CCTG', IUPACUnambiguousDNA())
>>> muts.toseq()
Seq('CCTG', IUPACUnambiguousDNA())

Some operations are only available when specific alphabets are used. Let’s see a few examples.

Example. The complement() method allows to complement a DNA or RNA sequence:

>>> s = Seq("CCGTTAAAAC", IUPAC.unambiguous_dna)
>>> s.complement()
Seq('GGCAATTTTG', IUPACUnambiguousDNA())

while the reverse_complement() also reverses the result from left to right:

>>> s.reverse_complement()
Seq('GTTTTAACGG', IUPACUnambiguousDNA())


Neither of these methods is available for other alphabets:

>>> p = Seq("ACLKQ", IUPAC.protein)
>>> p.complement()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/home/stefano/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Bio/", line 760, in complement
    raise ValueError("Proteins do not have complements!")
ValueError: Proteins do not have complements!

Example. (Adapted from the Biopython tutorial.) Transcription is the biological process by which a DNA sequence is transcribed into the corresponding DNA.

A picture of the transcription process:


The same process can be “simulated” on Seq objects. Starting from the coding strand (as is usually done in bioinformatics), it is only a matter of converting T’s into U’s:

>>> coding_dna
>>> mrna = coding_dna.transcribe()
>>> mrna

From the template strand instead we first have to compute the reverse complement, and then perform the character substitution:

>>> template_dna
>>> template_dna.reverse_complement().transcribe()

It is also easy to perform the reverse process, back-transcription:

>>> mrna
>>> mrna.back_transcribe()


These functions also take care of checking that the input alphabet is the right one (e.g. DNA) and apply the right alphabet to the result (e.g. RNA).

Example. (Adapted from the Biopython tutorial.) Let’s not take a look at translation, i.e. mRNA to protein.

The code is as follows:

>>>from Bio.Seq import Seq
>>>from Bio.Alphabet import IUPAC
>>>print mrna
>>>print mrna.translate()

Here the stop codons are indicated with an asterisk "*".

Now, different coding tables are available, for instance:

>>> coding_dna.translate(table="Vertebrate Mitochondrial")
Seq('MAIVMGRWKGAR*', HasStopCodon(IUPACProtein(), '*'))

It’s also possible to tell the translate() method to stop at the first stop codon:

>>> coding_dna.translate()
Seq('MAIVMGR*KGAR*', HasStopCodon(IUPACProtein(), '*'))
>>> coding_dna.translate(to_stop=True)
Seq('MAIVMGR', IUPACProtein())

In this case the stop codon is not included in the resulting sequence.


The Genetic Codes page of the NCBI provides the full list of translation tables used by Biopython.

In order to visualize the various translation tables, you can do:

from Bio.Data import CodonTable

ttable = CodonTable.unambiguous_dna_by_name["Standard"]
print ttable

ttable = CodonTable.unambiguous_dna_by_name["Vertebrate Mitochondrial"]
print ttable

You can also visualize what are the encodings of stop and start codons:

print ttable.stop_codons
print ttable.start_codons

Let’s take a look at some common sequence formats.

  • FASTA is the most basic format, we have used it several times already:

    >sp|P25730|FMS1_ECOLI CS1 fimbrial subunit A precursor (CS1 pilin)
    >sp|P15488|FMS3_ECOLI CS3 fimbrial subunit A precursor (CS3 pilin)
  • GenBank is a richer sequence format for genes, it includes fields for various kinds of annotations (e.g. source organism, bibliographical references, database-specific accession number).

    A GenBank file looks like this:

    LOCUS       5I3U_F                    39 bp    DNA     linear   SYN 31-AUG-2016
    DEFINITION  Chain F, Structure Of Hiv-1 Reverse Transcriptase N-site Complex;
                Catalytic Incorporation Of Aztmp To A Dna Aptamer In Crystal.
    VERSION     5I3U_F
    KEYWORDS    .
    SOURCE      synthetic construct
      ORGANISM  synthetic construct
                other sequences; artificial sequences.
    REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 39)
      AUTHORS   Tu,X., Das,K., Han,Q., Bauman,J.D., Clark AD,Jr., Hou,X.,
                Frenkel,Y.V., Gaffney,B.L., Jones,R.A., Boyer,P.L., Hughes,S.H.,
                Sarafianos,S.G. and Arnold,E.
      TITLE     Structural basis of HIV-1 resistance to AZT by excision
      JOURNAL   Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. 17 (10), 1202-1209 (2010)
       PUBMED   20852643
    FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
         source          1..39
                         /organism="synthetic construct"
                         /mol_type="other DNA"
            1 taatacncnc ccttcggtgc tttgcaccga agggggggn
  • UniProt (obtained by combining SwissProt, TrEMBL and PIR) is the GenBank equivalent for protein sequences:

    ID  143B_HUMAN  STANDARD; PRT; 245 AA.
    AC  P31946;
    DT  01-JUL-1993 (Rel. 26, Created)
    DT  01-FEB-1996 (Rel. 33, Last sequence update)
    DT  15-SEP-2003 (Rel. 42, Last annotation update)
    DE  14-3-3 protein beta/alpha (Protein kinase C inhibitor protein-1)
    DE  (KCIP-1) (Protein 1054).
    GN  YWHAB.
    OS  Homo sapiens (Human).
    OC  Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;
    OC  Mammalia; Eutheria; Primates; Catarrhini; Hominidae; Homo.
    OX  NCBI_TaxID=9606;
    RN  [1]
    RC  TISSUE=Keratinocytes;
    RX  MEDLINE=93294871; PubMed=8515476;
    RA  Leffers H., Madsen P., Rasmussen H.H., Honore B., Andersen A.H.,
    RA  Walbum E., Vandekerckhove J., Celis J.E.;
    RT  "Molecular cloning and expression of the transformation sensitive
    RT  epithelial marker stratifin. A member of a protein family that has
    RT  been involved in the protein kinase C signalling pathway.";

The Bio.SeqIO module provides a functions to parse all of the above (among others).

In particular, the parse() function takes a file handle and the format of the file (as a string) and returns an iterable of SeqRecord objects:

from Bio.SeqIO import parse

f = open("test.fasta")
for record in parse(f, "fasta"):
    print, record.seq


An iterable is a function that allows to iterate over a collection of objects (similar to a list).

When given an iterator, you can either use it as in the code above:

iterable = get_it_from_somewhere() # e.g. parse()
for element in iterable:

or extract one element at a time, with the next() method:

iterable = get_it_from_somewhere() # e.g. parse()
first_element =
second_element =
# ...

The iterable allows to iterate over a list of SeqRecord objects. The SeqRecord objects associate a Seq sequence with additional meta-data, such as human-readable descriptions, annotations, and sequence features:

>>> from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord
>>> help(SeqRecord)

Each SeqRecord object provides these attributes:

  1. .seq: the sequence itself, typically a Seq object.
  2. .id: the primary identifier of the sequence – a string.
  3. .name: a “common” identifier for the sequence, also a string.
  4. .description: a human readable description of the sequence.
  5. .annotations: a dict of additional information.

among others.

In order to read a SeqRecord object from a file:

>>> from Bio import SeqIO
>>> record = SeqIO.parse(open("sequences.fasta"), "fasta").next()
>>> record
>>> record.annotations

Here record.annotations is empty because the FASTA format does not really support sequence annotations.

The very nice thing about the SeqIO and SeqRecord mechanism is that they allow to process all of the different formats described above (FASTA, GenBank, UniProt) using the very same code!

Let’s see what happens with a GenBank file:

>>> record = SeqIO.parse(open("data.genbank"), "genbank").next()
>>> record
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> pprint(record.annotations)
{'accessions': ['5I3U_F'],
 'data_file_division': 'SYN',
 'date': '31-AUG-2016',
 'keywords': [''],
 'organism': 'synthetic construct',
 'references': [Reference(title='Structural basis of HIV-1 resistance to AZT by excision', ...)],
 'source': 'synthetic construct',
 'taxonomy': ['other sequences', 'artificial sequences'],
 'topology': 'linear'}

This way, you can (almost) forget about the format of the sequence data you are working with – all the parsing is done automatically by Biopython.

Finally, the SeqIO.write() method allows to write a SeqRecord objects or a list of SeqRecord objects to disk, in a given format:

fr = open("data.genbank", "r")
record = SeqIO.parse(fr, "genbank").next()

fw = open("seq1.fasta", "w)
SeqIO.write(record, fw, "fasta")

Biopython: Structures

Biopython allows to manipulate polypeptide structures via the Bio.PDB module.

We will focus on data coming from the Protein Data Bank (PDB):

The PDB is by far the largest protein structure resource available online. At the time of writing, it hosts more thank 120k distinct protein structures, including protein-protein, protein-DNA, protein-RNA complexes.

In order to load the required code, just type:

from Bio.PDB import *


For the documentation of the Bio.PDB module, see:


In the following we will use the Zaire Ebolavirus glicoprotein structure 5JQ3, available here:

This is what this structure looks like:


Protein Structure File Formats

The PDB distributes protein structures in two different formats:

  1. The XML-based file format. It is not supported by Biopython.

  2. The mmcif file format. (The actual file extension is .cif.) See for instance:

    This is the most recent and “parsable” file format.

  3. The pdb file format, which is a specially formatted text file. See for instance:

    This is the historical file format. It is (mostly) still distributed because of legacy tools that do not (yet) understand the newer and cleaner mmcif files.


Some (many?) PDB files distributed by the Protein Data Bank contain formatting errors that make them ambiguous or difficult to parse.

The Bio.PDB module attempts to deal with these errors automatically.

Of course, Biopython is not perfect, and some formatting errors may still make it do the wrong thing, or raise an exception.

Depending on your goal, you can either:

  • manually correct the structure, e.g. if you have to analyze a single structure
  • ignore the error, e.g. when you are just computing global statistics about a large number of structures, and a few errors do not really impact the overall numbers

We will see how to ignore these “spurious” errors soon.

The Bio.PDB module implements two different parsers, one for the pdb format and one for the mmcif format. Let’s try them out.

Starting with:

>>> from Bio.PDB import *

To load a cif file, use the Bio.MMCIF.MMCIFParser module:

>>> parser = MMCIFParser()
>>> struct = parser.get_structure("5jq3", "5jq3.cif")
# four warnings
>>> struct
<Structure id=5jq3>
>>> print type(struct)
<class 'Bio.PDB.Structure.Structure'>

To load a pdb file, use the Bio.PDB.PDBParser module:

>>> parser = PDBParser()
>>> struct = parser.get_structure("5jq3", "5jq3.pdb")
# four warnings
>>> struct
<Structure id=5jq3>
>>> print type(struct)
<class 'Bio.PDB.Structure.Structure'>

As you can see, both parsers give you the same kind of object, a Structure.

The header of the structure is a dict which stores meta-data about the protein structure, including its resolution (in Angstroms), name, author, release date, etc.

To access it, write:

>>> print struct.header.keys()