Python: Numbers (Solutions)ΒΆ

  1. Solutions:

    a = 12
    b = 23
    print a, b
    print type(a), type(b)          # int, int
    c = 34L
    d = 45L
    print c, d
    print type(c), type(d)          # long, long
    x = 21.0
    y = 14.f
    print x, y
    print type(x), type(y)          # float, float
  2. Solutions:

    print a, b, c, d, x, y
    print a, ";", b, ";", c, ";", ...
  3. Solutions:

    # simple operations:
    product = a * b                # int * int
    print product
    print type(product)            # int
    difference = c - d              # long - log
    print difference
    print type(difference)          # long
    # division and integer division between various numeric types:
    quotient = x / y               # float / float
    print quotient
    print type(quotient)           # float
    result = a // b              # int // int
    print result
    print type(result)           # int
    result = c // d              # long // long
    print result
    print type(result)           # long
    result = x // y              # float // float
    print result
    print type(result)           # float
    # more complex examples, where the result type
    # is the more complex type between the types
    # of the operands:
    result = a * c               # int * long
    print result
    print type(result)           # long
    result = b * y               # int * float
    print result
    print type(result)           # float
    result = x * d               # float * long
    print result
    print type(result)           # float
    # here the type is automatically defined
    # based on the magnitude of the result:
    result = 2**0                # int**int
    print result
    print type(result)           # int
    result = 2**0                # int*int
    print result
    print type(result)           # *** long!!! ***
    result = 2**1.2              # int*float
    print result
    print type(result)           # float
    result = 2**-2               # int*int
    print result
    print type(result)           # *** float!!! ***
    result = 4**0.5              # int*float
    print result
    print type(result)           # float
    result = 2**0.5              # int*float
    print result
    print type(result)           # float
  4. Solutions:

    >>> print 10 / 12
    >>> print 10 / 12.0
    >>> print 10 // 12
    >>> print 10 // 12.0

    As you see, integer division is consistent with types: when it is applied to floats, the result is also a float, but truncated to the integer 0.

  5. Solutions:

    >>> 10 % 3
    >>> 10 % 3.0

    As you see, % returns the remainder of 10 / 3:

    10 = 3*3 + 1
    #          ^
    #       remainder

    Operand types don’t influence the value of the result, only its type.

  6. Solution:

    pi = 3.141592
    r = 2.5
    circumference = 2 * pi * r
    print circumference
    area = 2 * pi * r**2
    print area
    area = 2 * pi * r * r
    print area
    volume = (4.0 / 3.0) * pi * r**3
    print volume

    Be careful: 4 / 3 != 4.0 / 3.0.

  7. Solution:

    a, b = 100, True
    a2 = a
    b2 = b
    b = a2
    a = b2
    print a, b


    a, b = 100, True
    x = a
    a = b
    b = x
    print a, b
  8. Solution:

    gene1_start, gene1_end = 10, 20
    gene2_start, gene2_end = 30, 40
    # handy pictogram:
    # 5'                            3'
    # ~~~~~xxxxxxxx~~~~~xxxxxxx~~~~~>
    #     10      20   30     40
    #      \______/     \_____/
    #       gene_1       gene_2
    # two options
    condition_1 = (10 <= pos <= 20)
    condition_1 = (pos >= 10 and pos <= 20)
    condition_2 = (30 <= pos <= 40)
    condition_3 = (10 <= pos <= 40)
    # two options
    condition_4 = condition_3 and not (condition_1 or condition_2)
    condition_4 = (20 <= pos <= 40)
    condition_5 = pos < 10 or pos > 40
    # Be careful:
    #   pos < 10 and pos > 40
    # doesn't make sense: it's always False!
    condition_6 = condition_1 or condition_2
    condition_7 = (0 <= pos <= 20)

    Test the code with multiple values of position, in order to check that conditions have been correctly formulated: True when the position satisfies the condition, and False otherwise.

  9. Solution:

    all_the_three = t and u and v
    t_or_u_but_not_both = (t or u) and not (t and u)
    # NOTE: here backslash at the end of lines are used to start a new line, you can ignore them.
    one_of_three_false = \
        (t and u and not v) or \
        (t and not u and v) or \
        (not t and u and v)
    one_of_three_true = \
        (t and not u and not v) or \
        (not t and u and not v) or \
        (not t and not u and v)

    Again, the code needs to be tested with different values of t, u and v. There are 8 possible combinations:

    t, u, v = False, False, False
    t, u, v = False, False, True
    t, u, v = False, True, False
    t, u, v = False, True, True
    # ...
  10. Solution:

    replication_time = 20
    total_time= 480
    final_bacteria = 2**(total_time//replication_time)
    print final_bacteria