Computational Linguistics 17-18

The Computational Linguistics course is taught by Raffaella Bernardi (RB) (UniTN)

Classes are on Mondays (13:00-15:00), Wednesdays (15:00-17:00) and Thursdays (13:00-15:00). For updated information, see the online time-table

Information about the final exam

The exam will consist of two parts each contributing the 50% of the total mark:

  1. written exercises on the Syntax, Semantics and their interface
  2. written report on a topic selected among those presented in class. The report can be either a project proposal based on a literature review or the report on a project based on a literature review. The report has to be written in LaTeX.

Students of the Text Processing course will do one of the two parts at their choice.

Students have to agree on the topic of the report with the lecturer at least one month before the exam.

This course is complementary to Carlo Strapparava's course on Human Language Technologies. The Formal Semantic part will be presented in depth in Roberto Zamparelli's course on Logical Structures of Natural Language

Claudio Greco will be the TA for the lab when we use NLTK. Sandro Pezzelle will be the labs when we use DISSECT.


See the Suverys below:

If you are interested in textbooks about FS:

Topics with a rough schedule


1.) 18.09.2017
SYNTAX: Introduction to CL: admin, intro to Formal Languages, Regural Languages and Finite State Automata
2.) 20.09.2017
SYNTAX: sentence structure, CFG, Chomsky Hierarchy, which FL for NL syntax, (SLP: Ch. 11)
3.) 21.09.2017
SYNTAX: Pen and Pencile exercises on CFG
Brief intro to LaTeX LaTex Base
4.) 25.09.2017
SYNTAX: Feature Agreement and Unification Grammar
Slides, Claudio's Slides on Python and NLTK
5.) 02.10.2017
SYNTAX: Other Formal Grammars (Slides on TAG, DG, CG).
Summary in LaTeX of a paper on HPSG (Andrea, Lara and Sara)
6.) 04.10.2017
SYNTAX: Pen and Pencile exercises on CG, TAG and DG vs. CFG, and comparison of available treebanks (CCGbank, Peen Treebank). Check in class that NLTK works on students'PCs
Summary on a paper on TAG (Joshi 2009, Roberto and Alberto)
7) 05.10.2017
SYNTAX: Syntactic and Statistical Parsing (SLP: Ch. 12, 13 and 14).
Summary on a paper on DG (de Marneffe et ali. 2014, Atakan and Behnia) Demo top vs. bottom up and ambiguity with NLTK by Claudio Greco.
8) 09.10.2017
SYNTAX: LAB with NLTK: Exercises with NLTK on Top and Bottom parsing.
9) 11.10.2017
SYNTAX: Parsing (RB). Demo on chart, statistical parser, features by Claudio Greco
Slides Summary of a paper on DG vs. Constituency (Gildea 2004 Natallia and Aliia)

10) 12.10.2017
SEMANTICS: Formal Semantics: Introduction to Semantics, Brief intro to Logic, to Formal Semantics and semantic types.
11) 16.10.2017
SEMANTICS: Compositionality, lambda calculus. Slides
12) 18.10.2017
SEMANTICS: Exercises on Formal Semantics.
13) 23.10.2017
SEMANTICS: Abstraction in the lambda calculus Slides
14) 25.11.2017
SYNTAX-SEMANTICS: Lambda calculus, CFG and CG

15) 26.10.2017
SEMANTICS: Distributional Semantics Models
16) 30.10.2017
17) 02.11.2017
Summary and Discussion on Paper on LS (Landauer and Dumais (1997)) lead by Raffa
NOTE: The lecture will be in Povo (DISI, Garda room from 09:45 to 11:15)
18) 06.11.2017
SEMANTICS: Compositional DSM, Slides
19) 08.11.2017
SEMANTICS: lab on CDSM, DISSECT by Sandro Pezzelle
20) 09.11.2017
SEMANTICS: lab on CDSM, DISSECT by Sandro Pezzelle
21) 13.10.2017
SEMANTICS: Discussion on the evaluations in and Sahlgren and Lenci (2016) and Baroni, Dinu and Kruszewski (2014) lead by Andrea and Lara
22) 15.11.2017
SEMANTICS: Summary and Discussion on Paper on DSM (Erk 2016) lead by Atakan and Aliia
23) 16.11.2017
SEMANTICS: Summary and Discussion on Paper on CDSM (Vecchi et al. 2018) lead by Alberto, Nataliia and Bahareh
24) 20.11.2017
SEMANTICS: Summary and Discussion on Papers of FS & DSM (Beltagy et al 2016) lead by Roberto and Sara

25) 22.11.2017
MULTIMODAL MODELS: Introduction to Language and Vision
26) 23.11.2017
MULTIMODAL MODELS: Overview of current work on LaVi
27) 28.11.2017 (09:00-10:30)
MULTIMODAL MODELS: Discussion on Cooperative Visual Dialogue (Roberto, Sara, Andrea) and GuessWhat (Nataliia, Atakan, Alberto)
28) 29.11.2017
MULTIMODAL MODELS: Project presentations by PhDs at Clic (Sandro Pezzelle and Claudio Greco)
29) 30.11.2017
Sample Written Exam
30) 4.12.2017
31) 14.12.201 (10:30-12:30, 2nd floor CIMeC)
18.12.201, 14:00-16:00, aula 11, P. Istruzione Written exam

Readings we will discuss in class (discussion lead by one or two students each time)

Readings for projects

Further (classical) readings

Some of the people who are doing interesting work on C/DSM

  • Katrin Erk
  • Alessandro Lenci
  • Gemma Boleda
  • Aurelie Herbelot
  • ...
  • Tools for C/DSM

    Further references and NLP tools