1. E. Stringa, C. Sacchi and C. Regazzoni, A Multimedia System for the Surveillance of Unattended Railway Stations, Proc. of the European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO) 1998, Rhodes (GR), Sept. 1998, Vol. III, pp. 1709-1712.
    2. C. Regazzoni, C. Sacchi, A. Teschioni and S. Giulini; Higher Order Statistics Based Sharpness Evaluation of a Generalized Gaussian pdf Model in Impulsive Noisy Environments, Proc. of 9th IEEE SP Workshop on Statistical Signal and Array Processing 1998 (SSAP 98), Portland (OR), 14-16 Sept., 1998, pp. 411-414.
    3. C. Sacchi, F. Granelli, and C. Regazzoni, A Post-Processing Algorithm For Performance Enhancement Of Remote Video-Based Monitoring Systems, Proc. of IEEE Multimedia Signal Processing Workshop (MMSP99), Copenhagen (DK) 13-15 September 1999, pp. 351-356.

4.     E. Stringa, C. Sacchi and C. Regazzoni, A Multimedia System for the Surveillance of Unattended Railway Stations, Proc. of the European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO) 1998, Rhodes (GR), Sept. 1998, Vol. III, pp. 1709-1712.

5.     C. Regazzoni, C. Sacchi, A. Teschioni and S. Giulini; Higher Order Statistics Based Sharpness Evaluation of a Generalized Gaussian pdf Model in Impulsive Noisy Environments, Proc. of 9th IEEE SP Workshop on Statistical Signal and Array Processing 1998 (SSAP 98), Portland (OR), 14-16 Sept., 1998, pp. 411-414.

6.     C. Sacchi, F. Granelli, and C. Regazzoni, A Post-Processing Algorithm For Performance Enhancement Of Remote Video-Based Monitoring Systems, Proc. of IEEE Multimedia Signal Processing Workshop (MMSP99), Copenhagen (DK) 13-15 September 1999, pp. 351-356.

7.     C. Sacchi, and C. Regazzoni, Multimedia Communications Techniques for Remote Cable-Based Video-Surveillance Systems, International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP99), Venice  (I), 27-29 September 1999, pp. 1100-1103.

8.     C. Sacchi, C. Regazzoni, and C. Dambra, Remote Cable-Based Video-Surveillance Applications: the AVS-RIO project, International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP99), Venice  (I), 27-29 September 1999, pp. 1214-1215.

9.     C. Sacchi, C. Regazzoni, F. Oberti and S. Giulini, Use of Higher-Order Moments and related Distribution Series Expansions for Noise Characterisation and Performance Evaluation in Few-User Asynchronous DS/CDMA Systems, Proc. of 1999 IEEE Global Conference on Telecommunications (GLOBECOM 99), Rio de Janeiro (BRA), 5-9 Dec. 1999, Vol. 1, pp. 472-476.

10.  C. Sacchi, L.S. Ronga, A DSP-based DS/CDMA modem for multimedia applications over geo-stationary satellite networks, Proc. of 2001 International Conference of Acoustic Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP2001), Salt Lake City (USA), 4-11 May 2001, Vol. 2, pp. 913-916.

11.  C. Sacchi, G. Gera, and C. Regazzoni, Performance evaluation of MC-CDMA techniques for variable bit-rate transmission in LEO satellite networks, Proc. of 2001 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2001), Helsinki (SF), 7-11 June 2001, vol.5, pp. 2650-2654.

12.  G. Gera, C. Sacchi, C. Regazzoni, A neural network-based receiver for synchronous MC-CDMA variable-bit-rate transmissions over LEO satellite channels, Proc. of 2001 IEEE-EURASIP Non-linear Signal and Image Processing Worskshop (NSIP2001), Baltimora (USA), 3-6 June 2001, available on CD-ROM.

13.  C. Sacchi, C. Regazzoni, S. Giulini, G. Vernazza, Reliable parameter estimation for generalised gaussian pdf models: application to signal detection in non-gaussian noisy environment, Proc. of 2001 IEEE-EURASIP Non-linear Signal and Image Processing Worskshop (NSIP2001), Baltimora (USA), 3-6 June 2001, available on CD-ROM.

14.  C. Sacchi, M. Guainazzo, C. Regazzoni, A Statistical-Hypothesis-Testing-Based Coarse Synchronisation Method for Asynchronous DS/CDMA Systems in Satellite Networks Applications, Proc. of 4th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Communications (WPCM01), Aalborg (DK), 9-12 September 2001, Vol. 2, pp. 1095-1100.

15.  G. Gera, C. Sacchi, and C. Regazzoni, Neural Network-based Techniques For Channel Equalisation in Asynchronous MC-CDMA Variable-Bit-Rate Transmissions over LEO Satellite Networks, Proc. of 4th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Communications (WPCM01), Aalborg (DK), 9-12 September 2001, Vol. 2, pp. 1089-1094.

16.  C. Sacchi, G. Gera, C. Regazzoni, Use of Multicarrier-CDMA Techniques for Asynchronous Variable-Bit-Rate Transmission Over Geostationary Satellite Networks, Proc. of 7th Ka-band Utilisation Conference, Santa Margherita Ligure (I), 26-28 September 2001, pp. 477-484.

17.  C. Sacchi, C. Regazzoni, G. Gera, and G. Foresti, Use of Neural Networks for Behavior Understanding in Railway Transport Monitoring Applications, Proc. of 2001 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP2001), Thessaloniki (GR), 7-10 October 2001, Vol. 1, pp. 541-544.

18.  M. Guainazzo, C. Sacchi, and C. Regazzoni, A Serial Acquisition Scheme Based on Statistical-Hypothesis-Testing for Asynchronous DS/CDMA Systems, Proc. of 2002 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2002), New York (NJ) 28 April-2 May 2002, pp. 3111-3115.

19.  M. Guainazzo, M. Peluffo, C. Sacchi, and C. Regazzoni, A Higher Order Statistics Based Blind Interference Cancellator for Asynchronous DS/CDMA Systems, Proc. of EUSIPCO 2002 Conference, Tolouse (F), 3-6 September, 2002, Vol. III, pp. 507-510.

20.  C. Sacchi. F. Granelli, and F. De Natale, Efficient Medium Access Control Strategies for Variable-Bit-Rate MC-CDMA Transmission over Wireless LAN Networks, Proc. of 9th IEEE Symposium on Communications and Vehicular Technology in the Benelux (SCVT 2002), Louvain-La-Neuve (B), 17 October 2002, pp. 73-78.

21.  M. Guainazzo, M. Gandetto, C. Sacchi, and C. Regazzoni, Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Carrier Offset in a Variable Bit Rate Orthogonal Multicarrier CDMA, Proc. of the 3rd IEEE-EURASIP International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing (ISPA2003), Rome (I), 18-20 September 2003, Vol. 2, pp. 1181-1185.

22.  G. Berlanda-Scorza, C. Sacchi, F. Granelli, and F. De Natale, A QoS-Oriented Medium Access Control Strategy for Variable-Bit-Rate MC-CDMA Transmission in Wireless LAN Environments, Proc. of 2003 IEEE GLOBECOM Conference, S. Francisco (USA), 1-5 Dec. 2003, Vol.1, pp. 475-479.

23.  C. Sacchi, M.Musso, G. Gera, C. Regazzoni, F.G.B. De Natale, A. Jebril, and M. Ruggieri, An Efficient Carrier Recovery Scheme for High-Bit-Rate W-Band Satellite Communication Systems, Proc. of 2005 IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, (MT), 5-12 March 2005, available on CD-ROM.

24.  G. Berlanda Scorza, C. Sacchi, and F. Granelli, An Adaptive MAC-PHY Approach for Medium Access Control in VBR MC-CDMA Systems, Proc. of 2005 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Service Access Networks (MSAN 2005), Orlando (USA), 13-15 June 2005, pp. 96-100.

25.  N. Conci, G. Berlanda Scorza, and C. Sacchi, A Cross-Layer Approach for Efficient MPEG-4 Video Streaming Using Multicarrier Spread-Spectrum Transmission and Unequal Error Protection, Proc. of 2005 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2005), 11-14 Sept. 2005, Genoa (I), Vol.1, pp. 201-204.

26.  C. Sacchi, and A. Grigorova, Use of Trellis-Coded Modulation for Gigabit/sec Transmissions over W-Band Satellite Links, Proc. of 2006 IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky (MT), 4-11 March 2006, available on CD-ROM.

27.  Sacchi, L. Dorazio, M. Donelli, R. Fedrizzi, and F.G.B. De Natale, A genetic algorithm-assisted semi-adaptive MMSE multi-user detection for MC-CDMA mobile communication systems, Proc. of the 17th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC'06), Helsinki (SF), 11-14 September 2006, available on CD-ROM.

28.  L. Dorazio, C. Sacchi, F. Granelli, and F.G.B. De Natale, Situation-Aware Radio Resource Management for Multi-Rate MC-CDMA Wireless Networks Targeted at Multimedia Data Exchanges in Local Areas, Proc. of 2006 ACM MobiMedia Conference, Alghero (I), 17-20 September 2006, available on CD-ROM.

29.  L. Dorazio, C. Sacchi, and F.G.B. De Natale, Multicarrier CDMA for Data Transmission over HF Channels: Application to Digital Divide Reduction, Proc. of IEEE Aerospace Conference 2007, Big Sky (MT), 3-10 March2007, available on CD-ROM.

30.  Jebril, M. Lucente, E. Re, T. Rossi, M. Ruggieri, C. Sacchi, and V. Dainelli, Perspectives of W-Band for Space Communications, Proc. of IEEE Aerospace Conference 2007, Big Sky (MT), 3-10 March 2007, available on CD-ROM.

31.  O. Zlydareva, C. Sacchi, SDR application for implementing an integrated UMTS/WiMAX PHY-layer architecture, Proc. of 2007 ACM MobiMedia Conference, Nafpaktos (GR), 27-29 August 2007, available on CD-ROM.

32.  L. Dorazio, C. Sacchi, R. Fedrizzi, F. De Natale, An Adaptive Minimum-BER Approach for Multi-User Detection in STBC-MIMO MC-CDMA Systems, Proc. of 2007 IEEE GLOBECOM Conference, Washington D.C. (WA), 26-30 November 2007, pp. 3427 - 3431.

33.  O. Zlydareva, C. Sacchi, Multi-Standard WIMAX/UMTS System Framework Based on SDR, Proc. of IEEE Aerospace Conference 2008, Big Sky (MT), 2-7 March 2008, CD-ROM available.

34.  E. Del Re, S. Morosi, S. Jayousi, C. Sacchi, SALICE - Satellite-Assisted LocalIzation and Communication systems for Emergency services, Proc. of IEEE 2009 Wireless Communication, Vehicular Technology, Information Theory and Aerospace & Electronic Systems Technology (Wireless VITAE 2009), Aalborg (DK), 17-20 May 2009, pp. 544-548.

35.  L. Dorazio, M. Panizza, C. Sacchi, A Multi-User Multi-Rate OFDMA Transmission System based on Orthogonal Subcarrier Grouping, Proc. of 2nd Workshop on Multi-Access Communications (MACOM 2009) (in conjunction with IEEE ICC 2009), Dresden (D) 14-18 June 2009.

36.  C. Sacchi, T. Rossi, Overview of PHY-layer Design Challenges and Viable Solutions in W-band Broadband Satellite Communications, Proc. of Personal Satellite Services (PSATS 2010) Conference, Rome (I), 4-5 February 2010, available on CD-ROM.

37.  S. Andrenacci, E. Gambi, C. Sacchi and S. Spinsante, Application of De Bruijn Sequences in Automotive Radar Systems: Preliminary Evaluations, Proc. of 2010 IEEE Radar Conference, Washington D.C., May 2010, pp, 959-964.

38.  L. Dorazio, C. Sacchi, J. Louveaux, and L. Vandendorpe, Adaptive Minimum Conditional Bit-Error-Rate Linear Multiuser Detection for STBC MC-CDMA Systems Transmitting over Mobile Radio Channel, Proc. of 3rd Int. Workshop on Multiple Access Communications (MACOM 2010), Barcelona (SP), September 2010, pp. 36-46.

39.  O. Zlydareva, C. Sacchi, A software radio architecture for the baseband level of the multi-standard user terminal: Design methodology and computational assessment. Proc. of 2010 IEEE-IFIP Wireless Days (WD2010), Venice (Italy), October 2010, pp.1-5.

40.  S. Spinsante, C. Sacchi, E. Gambi, A Low Complexity Concealment Algorithm for H.264 Encoded Video over DVB-S2, Proc. of Personal Satellite Services (PSATS 2011) Conference, Malaga (SP), 17-18 February 2011, available on CD-ROM.

41.  C. Sacchi, O. Tonelli, A.F. Cattoni, Y. Le Moullec, Implementation aspects of a Flexible frequency Spectrum Usage algorithm for cognitive OFDM Systems, Proc. of 2011 IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky (MT), 5-12 March 2011, available on CD-ROM.

42.  A. Fantinato, N. Conci, T. Rossi, C. Sacchi, Performance analysis of W-band satellite HDTV broadcasting, Proc. of 2011 IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky (MT), 5-12 March 2011, available on CD-ROM.

43.  M. Panizza, C. Sacchi, J. Varela-Miguez, S. Morosi, L. Vettori, S. Digenti, E. Falletti, Feasibility study of a SDR-based reconfigurable terminal for emergency applications, Proc. of 2011 IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky (MT), 5-12 March 2011, available on CD-ROM.

44.  M. Filippi, A.F. Cattoni, Y. Le Moullec, and C. Sacchi, SDR Implementation of a Low Complexity and Interference-Resilient Space-Time Block Decoder for a MIMO-OFDM System, Proc. of 4th Int. Workshop on Multiple Access Communications (MACOM 2011), Trento (Italy), 12-13 September 2011, pp. 119-129.

45.  F. Granelli, and C. Sacchi, An OFDMA RRM Strategy Based on QoE Maximization and Radio Resource Redistribution, Proc. of 2012 IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky (MT), 3-10 March 2012, available on CD-ROM.

46.  M. Donelli, and C. Sacchi, Implementation of a Low-Cost Reconfigurable Antenna Array for SDR-based Communication Systems, Proc. of 2012 IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky (MT), 3-10 March 2012, available on CD-ROM.

47. T.F. Rahman, and C. Sacchi, Opportunistic Radio Access Techniques for Emergency Communications: Preliminary Analysis and Results, Proc. of 1st IEEE-AESS Int. Conf. in Europe about Satellite and Space Telecommunications (ESTEL2012), Rome (I), 2-5 Oct. 2012, pp.1-7.

48.  B.H. Tabor, C. Sacchi, and C. Schlegel, Spectrally-efficient Differential Turbo-coded Modulation for Multi-gigabit Satellite Links, Proc. of 2013 IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky (MT), 2-9 March 2013, available on CD-ROM.

49.  A.F. Cattoni, Y. Le Moullec, and C. Sacchi, Zero-Forcing Precoding for MIMO WiMAX Transceivers: Performance Analysis and Implementation Issues, Proc. of 2013 IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky (MT), 2-9 March 2013, available on CD-ROM.

50.  C. Sacchi, C. Stallo, and T. Rossi, Space and Frequency Multiplexing for MM Wave Multi-Gigabit Point-To-Point Transmission Links, Proc. of 2013 IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky (MT), 2-9 March 2013, available on CD-ROM.

51.  R. Mulinde, T.F. Rahman, and C. Sacchi, Constant Envelope SCFDMA for Nonlinear Satellite Channels, Proc. of 2013 IEEE GLOBECOM Conference, Atlanta (GA), 9-13 December 2013, available on CD-ROM.

52.  T. Faizur Rahman, C. Sacchi,  A Cooperative Radio Resource Management Strategy for Mobile Multimedia LTE Uplink. In: IEEE Aerospace Conference 2014 Proceedings. p. 1-8,

53.  T.F. Rahman, C. Sacchi, C. Stallo, MM-Wave LTE-A Small-Cell Wireless Backhauling based on TH-IR techniques. In: IEEE Aerospace Conference 2015 Proceedings, p. 1-9.

54.  I. Stupia, C. Sacchi, L. Vandendorpe, Green BICM-OFDM based Cooperative Communications Using Bargaining Game Algorithm. In: IEEE Aerospace Conference Proceedings 2015, p. 1-9.

55.  T.F. Rahman, C. Sacchi, C. Schlegel, Link Performance Analysis of Cooperative Transmission Techniques for LTE-A Uplink. In: IEEE Aerospace Conference Proceedings 2015, p. 1-8.

56.  S. Spinsante, M. Sarayloo, E. Gambi, C. Warty, C. Sacchi, De Bruijn Sequences for DS/CDMA Transmission: Efficient Generation, Statistical Analysis and Performance Evaluation. In: IEEE Aerospace Conference Proceedings 2015, p. 1-11.

57.  Sacchi C., Cianca E., Rossi T., De Sanctis M.,  Analysis and Assessment of the Effects of Phase Noise in Constant Envelope Multicarrier Satellite Transmissions. In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2015), p. 1-6.

58.  M. De Sanctis, C. Sacchi, E. Cianca, T. Rossi, Impulse-radio waveforms for MM-wave satellite communications: Potential benefits and open issues, In: Proceedings of 2016 10th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), p. 1-5.

59.  C. Sacchi, T. F. Rahman, N. Bartolomei, S. Morosi, A. Mazzinghi, F. Ciabini, "Design and Assessment of a CE-OFDM-based mm-Wave 5G Communication System," In: Proceedings of IEEE Globecom 2016 Workshops, pp. 1-7.

60.  Stallo C., Sacchi C., Link Performance Analysis of Multi-User Detection Techniques for W-band Multi-Beam Satellites, In: Proceedings of 2016 IEEE Aerospace Conference. p. 1-9.

61.  T.F. Rahman, C. Sacchi,  A Low-complexity Linear Receiver for Multi-User MIMO SC-FDMA Systems. In: 2016 IEEE Aerospace Conference Proceedings. p. 1-6

62.  C. Sacchi, The new frontier of EHF for Broadcast and Multimedia Satellite Services, Proc. of IEEE Int. Symp. on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting 2017 (BMSB), pp. 1-12.

63.  E. Mioso, M. Bonomi, C. Sacchi, and F. Granelli, An SDR-based Reconfigurable Multicarrier Transceiver for Terrestrial and Satellite Communications,  In: 2017 IEEE Aerospace Conference Proceedings. p. 1-10.

64.  T.F. Rahman, A. Habib, C. Sacchi, M. El-Hajjar, Mm-Wave STSK-aided Single Carrier Block Transmission for Broadband Networking, In: 2017 IEEE ISCC Conf. Proceedings, pp. 1-8.

65. C. Sacchi, T.F. Rahman, C. Stallo, M. Ruggieri, Evolutionary Algorithms for Near-optimum Detection of Multi-beam Satellite Signals, In: 2018 IEEE Aerospace Conference, pp. 1-8.