Nomadic Communications - aa 2011-12

Past academic year courses: bottom page

The course is held, as usual, jointly by Dr. Alessandro Villani and myself.

I will cover mostly the theoric/descriptive parts, while Alessandro will take care of the labs.
The program is described on the official Faculty page. Labs are mandatory, part of the exam will be based on Lab reports.


Bill Board

Teaching and Support Material

We don't have any "official textbook." Here are the printouts of the slides I use to follow a predefined course while teaching. They are by no means a textbook and I will spend maybe half a lesson on a single slide and ... surf over the next 10 in 10 minutes. They are intended to help you in scribbling notes, not to substitute the lessons. They are posted before the lesson, sometimes the evening before, but normally with a couple of days advance. If you want to have an idea of the whole material you can check the material of the past years, but I normally change part of the course, so do not entirely rely on old material.


How to deliver reports

Additional Material

Sites and Books

Besides the obvious consideration that it is impossible to know (or even list!) all books on wireless networks, many of them, specially concerning wireless LANs have the problem to be either very sketchy (read: full of errors!), or very generic (little information to be found), or very badly written so they are difficult to read. The three problems are combined randomly in different books. I prefer to indicate a few books on networking in general where you can fill the gaps you have (if any) in your preparation, and web-sites of reasonable quality (at least they exist and I don't frown at the first few lines).

Here is a list of basic networking books that you can use to fill gaps you may have, specially if parts of the lessons tend to be obscure ... this probably means you are missing some background, which can be easily covered with a look at the proper chapter of one of these.

Just for the braves
The 802.11 standard, ver. 2007. Includes 802.11b/g/a/h; 802.11e and much more. You can consider it the ultimate source of information, but it is unfortunately a bit hard to read and ... it is 1200 pages!


The exam comprises the Lab reports and an oral part discussing theory and the simple problems of performance and dimensioning we discuss in class. The two parts have approximately the same weight. You have two possibilities to "deliver" your reports:

The oral will make the rest of the exam. We strongly encourage the lab groups to coordinate and try to have the exam all together. This greatly simplifies management, teaches you group and cooperative working, and also (normally) increases the quality of your oral exam, since joint study fosters discussions.
The oral part covers all material exposed in class, thus reading the slides is normally not sufficient to pass the exam, because in class much more is discussed and explained than the simple bullets and schemes of the slides. Discussion and clarifications can also be asked around the Lab reports.
The oral part can be taken at any time when you're ready, taking an appointment at least 1 week before via e-mail.
Remember to register for the exam on ESSE3 in any case, otherwise we can't register.
The oral part can be taken only after the lab reports are completed. No exception can be done on this rule for any reason.

The dates below are the opening of the official sessions, the oral can be taken at any time, registers will be closed early July, end of July, end of September. Rember to register on ESSE3 in the session you want to give the oral.

Next dates

Please remember to register for the exam BEFORE taking the oral exam, otherwise we can't register the grade. The dates above are just the bureaucracy date, you can take the oral any time making an appointment with me a few days (1 week at least) in advance.

Meeting Me and Doubts

Additional clarifications, explanations, details, etc. can be obtained at any time during lesson or soon after.
Single/group consultancy outside official lessons can be arranged in my office with a simple mail; I avoid "official and fixed" receiving hours because they are a waste of time for everybody.
Simple doubts can be submitted (and solved) via e-mail.