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9:00 - 10:00 Keynote presentationBehavior Imaging and the Study of AutismJames Rehg, GeorgiaTech Beginning in infancy, individuals acquire the social and communication skills that are vital for a healthy and productive life. Children with developmental delays face great challenges in acquiring these skills, resulting in substantial lifetime risks. Children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) represent a particularly significant risk category, due both to the increasing rate of diagnosis of ASD and its consequences. Since the genetic basis for ASD is unclear, the diagnosis, treatment, and study of the disorder depends fundamentally on the observation of behavior. Unfortunately, current methods for acquiring and analyzing behavioral data are so labor-intensive as to preclude their large scale application. In this talk, I will describe our research agenda in Behavior Imaging, which targets the capture, modeling, and analysis of social and communicative behaviors between children and their caregivers and peers. We are developing computational methods and statistical models for the analysis of vision, audio, and wearable sensor data. Our goal is to develop a new set of capabilities for the large-scale collection and interpretation of behavioral data. I will describe several research challenges in statistical modeling which arise in this area, and present illustrative results in the video-based analysis of social interactions. 10:00 - 10:15 Demo presentationsDemonstrations and Live Evaluation for the Gesture Recognition ChallengeIsabelle Guyon, Clopinet; Vassilis Athitsos, University of Texas at Arlington
MoPaCo: High Telepresence Video Communication System Using Motion Parallax with Monocular Camera
Mid-Air Interactive Display Using Modulated Display Light 10:15 - 11:15 Coffee break & Demos11:15 - 12:15 Session 1: TrackingReal-Time Upper Body Tracking with Online Initialization using a Range SensorAdolfo Lopez-Mendez, Marcel Alcoverro, Montse Pardas, Josep Casas, Technical University of Catalonia
Real Time Feature Point Tracking with Automatic Model Selection
Using Segmented 3D Point Clouds for Accurate Likelihood Approximation in Human Pose Tracking 12:15 - 13:15 Session 2: Action RecognitionReal-time Sign Language Letter and Word Recognition from Depth DataDominique Uebersax, Juergen Gall, Michael Van den Bergh, ETH Zurich; Luc Van Gool, ETH Zurich, KU Leuven
Robust Validation of Visual Focus of Attention using Adaptive Fusion of Head and Eye Gaze patterns
Measuring and Reducing Observational Latency when Recognizing Actions
13:15 - 14:45 Lunch14:45 - 16:05 Session 3: ApplicationsVolumetric 3D Graphics on Commodity Displays using Active Gaze TrackingCharles Malleson,John Collomosse, University of Surrey
Monocular Omnidirectional Head Motion Capture in the Visible Light Spectrum
Developer-Centred Interface Design for Computer Vision
Freehand 3D Scanning in a Mobile Environment using Video 16:05- 16:30 Coffee break16:30 - 17:00 Invited presentationProduction Quality: Computer Vision for Commercial GamingNick Lord, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe 17:00 - 17:30 Invited presentationDavid Minnen, Oblong Industries, TBA17:30 - 18:30 Panel discussion |