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(IP FLows over Optical and Wireless) is a three-year European project supported in full by Marie Curie Chair Excellent (EXC) Actions and has been awarded to Prof. Yoram Ofek.
An interview with the Professor Yoram Ofek can be found here (in Italian)
The focus of IP-FLOW project is on the flow control of IP packet over the Internet. Timing and flow control are critical since they directly affect how users perceive the quality of IP-based services, such as voice-over-IP or video-over-IP.
- IEEE ICC-007 ONS Best Paper Award
- Paper title: "Scalable Switching Testbed not 'Stopping' the Serial Bit Stream"
- Authors: D. Agrawal, M. Baldi, M. Corrą, G. Fontana, G. Marchetto, V. T. Nguyen, Y. Ofek, D. Severina, T. H. Truong, O. Zadedyurina
- The paper has been selected as the best paper of the Optical Networks and Systems Symposium of IEEE ICC-007 in Glasgow - June 24-28, 2007. The paper describes the IP-FLOW opto-electronic testbed implemented in DIT Electronic Lab.
A generalization of "TrustedFlow", the 2nd part of IP-FLOW was recently awarded: the RE-TRUST Project.
- See the prototype. Live
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- Exhibiting the Prototype at Information Society Technologies - IST 2006, November 21-23, 2006, Helsinki, Finland.
- Exhibiting the Prototype at Communicating European Research - CER 2005, November 14-15, 2005. (See photos)
Associated Activities