Web pages of R. Bernardi at UniTN
Invited Scientific Talks ^
- 30th European Society of Philophoy and Pyscology Conference Symposium on Large Language Models, September 2023
- Training School on REPRESENTATION MEDIATED MULTIMODALITY, Talk on Visually Grounded Communication organized by the Multi-task, Multilingual, Multi-modal Language Generation COST Action CA18231, Sep. 26-30 2022, Schloss Etelsen, Germany
- Invited Talks at Research Centers: on Visually Grounded Alternative Sets, Potsdam Computational Linguistics Colloquium May 2021, KUIS AI center on Two Challenges Behind Visual Dialogues: Grounding Negation and Asking an Informative Question, Jan. 2022
- SAP Leonardo Machine Learning Research Retreat 2019, October 2nd 2019, Berlin, Germany
- Keynote speaker at WoLLIC 20192-5 July, Utrecht University (Cancelled)
- Keynote speaker at the workshop Compositionality in formal and distributional models of natural language semantics, on July 6 2019 (Cancelled)
- Keynote speaker at IWCS 2019, 23-27 May, University of Gothenburg
- Keynote speaker at NLCS 2019, 24th of May, University of Gothenburg
- Tutorial at Bergen University on "An old Artificial Intelligence dream that comes true:Merging language and vision modalities". 10th of September 2018 [Slides]
- Keynote speaker at "Formal and Distributional Perspectives on Meaning" workshop, colocated with the Amsterdam Colloquium 2017 [Slides]
- Talk at CoSaQ Kick-off workshop, 28-29 September 2017, Amsterdam [Slides]
- Talk at the workshop on Linking Data, Ontologies and Distributional Models for the Representation of Lexical Meaning, Florence [Slides]
- Tutorial on Language and Vision at the Lectures on Computational Linguistics, University of Pavia, 4-5 May 2017 [Slides]
- Talk on Learning quantities from vision and language at CLS(Computational Linguistics Seminar) of the Institute for Logic, Language, and Computation at the University of Amsterdam, [Slides]
- Seminar on Come i sistemi intelligenti rappresentano il legame tra il linguaggio e la realtà, nell'ambito del ciclo di conferenze su AI , Fondazione Alvise Comel - Accademia degli Agiati. , 10 November 2023
- Tavola Rotonda su Genere e Scienze, Accademia Roveretana degli Agiati, October 2023
- Interview on the Local TG by Danilo Elia, June 2023
- Interview with Stefania Bracci, by Francesca Mazzalai-- RAI Alto Adige, 17 October, 2022
- From words to phrases in Distributional Semantics Models. Joachim Lambek: Mathematics, Logic and Language, July 2011 [Slides]
- Verso l'induzione di una grammatica categoriale per l'italiano (Co-auothor Andrea Bolognesi). FRAMES, A Colloquium in Linguistics, Philosophy and Economics. June 2006, Florence. Accadmia della Crusca.
- Metodi automatici per l'iduzione delle categorie lessicali. FRAMES (co-authors: Andrea Bolognesi, Fabio Tamburini), June 2006, Florence. Accadmia della Crusca.
- From Logic to Natural Language via Residuation at the Evening Seminar Series of the Logic Summer School , ANU, Canberra, Australia, December 05, 2005 [Slides images]
- Semantically based inferences in syntax (Joint talk with Anna Szabolcsi.) Proof Theory at the Syntax/Semantics Interface, July 7-9, 2005, LSA Institute, MIT.
- Polarity from Different Perspectives , March 11 -13, 2005, New York University.
- In Situ Binding: A Hybrid Approach (Joint work with C. Areces). Workshop on Mathematical Linguistics, University of Ottawa, June 18-19, 2003.[Slides].
- Reasoning with Polarity in Categorial Type Logic. Dublin Computational Linguistics Research Seminar Series. Friday 26th of May, April 2002. [Slides], [Slides],
- A proof theoretical account of polarity items and monotonic inference. Department of Computational Linguistics, Saarbrucken, Germany, [Slides],[Slides], [Slides]
- Polarity Items in Type Logical Grammar. Connection with DMG Talk given (together with O. Nilsen) at the workshp Learning Logic and Grammar. [Slides]
- Scope Pheonmena and Adverb Order in Type Logical Grammar. (with O. Nilesen) Dip Colloquium, Friday 8th of June, 2001. [Slides]
- V Roma Workshop. Analyzing the core of Categorial Grammar. Roma, 2-4 June 2001, [Slides]
- Natural Language Reasoning: clitics as case-stuy "Progetto Galileo: Uso della Logica Linear non commutativa per la sintassi delle lingue neo-latine" November 2000, Italy
Invited Dissemination Talks or Interview by Media ^
Invited Talks in the far away past ^
Other Talks ^
- Introduzione alle Grammatiche Categoriali. Insegnamento: Logica (Docente: Roberto Zamparelli), Facolta' di Lettere e Filosofia, Universita' di Trento. 23 June 2008. [Slides]
- LCT: Research and Education at FUB [Slides]. Workshop EM in CL. November 2006, Bolzano.
- Non-Classical Logic for Natural Language KRDB Seminars [Slides 1, Slides 2 ]
- "Workshop on Pregroups and Linear Logic". Chieti, 6-7 May 2005, University of Chieti.
- Workshop, La Logica nelle Facoltaacute; Umanistiche. 2-3 December 1998. Chieti.
- Accolade 98: Natural Language Reasoning: A proof-theoretic perspective. 9th of October 1998. Nunspeet. [Slides]
- Mini-workshop on Categorial Grammar and Natural Logic. Polarity in the Base Logic. with Carlos Areces. 6th of September, Utrecht.[Slides]
- Workshop on Learning and Reasoning with Formal System. Reasoning with Unary Operators. 16th of February, Utrecht.
- Uiltje. Generalized Quantifiers in Categorial Grammar. [Slides]