Call for Bids: ACM Multimedia 2018


Required Bid Documents:


Two documents are required:


a)      Bid Proposal: This document outlines all of the details except the budget. The proposal should contain:


(1)   The organizing team: Names and brief bios of General Chairs, Program Chairs and Local Arrangements Chairs. Names and brief bios of at least one chair (out of the two) each for Workshops, Panels, Video, Brave New Ideas, Interactive Arts, Open Source Software Competition, Multimedia Grand Challenge, Tutorials, Doctoral Symposium, Preservation and Technical Demos.


It is the responsibility of the General Chairs to obtain consent of all of the proposed team members.


Please note that the SIGMM Executive Committee may suggest changes in the team composition for the winning bids. Please make sure that everyone who has been initially contacted understands this.


(2)   The Venue for the conference/workshops: The details of the proposed conference venue including the location, layout and facilities. The layout should facilitate maximum interaction between the participants. It should provide for the normal required facilities for multimedia presentations including internet access.


Please note that the ACM Multimedia 2018 Conference will be held in Asia.


(3)   The Venue for the art exhibition: This facility must be an actual building/facility that can house installation exhibits. Art galleries and science museums have been used successfully in the past. The bid should include considerations for transportation from the conference to the gallery at least for the night of the art opening; this requires either selecting a facility within walking distance to the Venue, or providing shuttle buses.


(4)   Accommodation: the bids should indicate a range of accommodations, catering for student, academic and industry attendees with easy as well as quick access to the conference venue. Indicative costs should be provided. Indicative figures for lunches/dinners and local transport costs for the location must be provided.


(5)   Accessibility: The venue should be easily accessible to participants from Americas, Europe and Asia (the primary sources of attendees). Indicative cost of travel from these major destinations should be provided.


(6)   Other aspects:

(i)                 commitments from the local government and organizations

(ii)               committed financial and in-kind sponsorships

(iii)             institutional support for local arrangement chairs

(iv)             conference date in September/October/November which does not clash with any major holidays or other major related conferences

(v)               social events to be held with the conference

(vi)             possible venue(s) for the TPC Meeting. This should preferable be held in conjunction with ICMR 2018 in June/July.

(vii)           any innovations to be brought into the conference

(viii)         cultural/scenic/industrial attractions


b)      Tentative Budget: The entire cost of holding the conference with realistic estimated figures should be provided. This template budget sheet should be used for this purpose:


Please note that the sheet is quite detailed and you may not have all of the information. Please try to fill it as much as possible. All committed sponsorships for conference organization, meals, student subsidy and awards must be highlighted. The estimated registration costs for ACM members, non-members and students will be required for preparing the budget. Estimates of the number of attendees will also be required.


As example files from the past winning proposal you can have a look at Orlando 2014 and Amsterdam 2016 bid files.


Feedback from ACM Multimedia Steering Committee:


The bid documents will also be submitted to the ACM Multimedia Steering Committee. The feedback of this committee will have to be incorporated in the final submission of the proposal.


Bid Evaluation Procedure:


Bids will be evaluated on the basis of:


(1)   Quality of the Organizing Team (both technical strengths and conference organization experience)

(2)   Quality of the Venue (facilities and accessibility)

(3)   Affordability of the Venue (travel, stay and registration)to the participants

(4)   Viability of the Budget: Since SIGMM fully sponsors this conference and it does not have reserves, the aim is to minimize the probability of making a loss and maximize the chances of making a small surplus.


The winning bid will be decided by the SIGMM Executive Committee by vote.


Bid Submission Procedure:

Please up-load the two required documents and any other supplementary material to a web-site. The general chairs then should email the formal intent to host along with the bid documents web-site URL to the SIGMM Chair ( and the Director of Conferences ( by Sep 01, 2015.




Sep 01, 2015: Bid URL to be submitted to SIGMM Chair and Director of Conferences

Sep 2015: Bids open for viewing by SIGMM Executive Committee and ACM Multimedia Steering Committee

Oct 01, 2015: Feedback from SIGMM Executive Committee and ACM Multimedia Steering Committee made available

Oct 15, 2015: Bid Documents to be finalized

Oct 15, 2015: Bids open for viewing by all SIGMM Members


Oct 26-30, 2015: 10-min Presentation of each Bid at ACM Multimedia 2015

Oct 30, 2015: Decision by the SIGMM Executive Committee


Please note that there is a separate conference organization procedure which kicks in for the winning bids whose details can be seen at: