My research interest, in enabling assisted development for end users, spans the multi-disciplinary domain, which is in the intersection of HCI, data mining and recommendation system. In this , specifically, I am interested more in the recommendation and HCI part i.e, in the analysis of when and how to provide composition knowledge as recommendations in order to help users in their development tasks in a composition platform like mashup. Despite the emergence of mashup tools like Yahoo! Pipes, developing mashups is still non-trivial and requires in-depth knowledge of the functionality of web APIs and services, their interfaces, parameter settings, data mappings, and so on. In this research, we aim to assist less skilled developers in composing mashups by interactively recommending composition knowledge in the form of modeling patterns and fostering knowledge reuse. In our work, we address the problem of searching and recommending modeling patterns and also the problem of the contextual application of patterns to mashup models under development. Baya: Assisted Mashup Development as a Service, is developed to show the proof of concept for our interactive recommedation and automated weaving approach.

Current Projects

OMELETTE: Open Mashup Enterprise service platform for LinkEd data in The TElco domain (EU FP7 STREP). Partners: Informática Gesfor S.A., Huawei Technologies, SAP AG, TIE Kinetix, Technische Universität Chemnitz, Università degli Studi di Trento, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, University of Bolton, and T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH. OMELETTE aims at researching the development, management, governance, execution and conception of converged services with a specific focus on the telco domain. The idea is to create a model of mashups that follows the REST architectural style (also supported by standard widget technology), as well as a standard specification of a mashup container platform that guarantees portability and interoperability among different vendors and versions.

BPM4People: Business Process Modelling for Participatory Enterprises, Organizations, and Public Administration Bodies (EU FP7 Research for the benefit of SMEs). Partners: Web Models (SME), Homeria (SME), Enterprise Concept, Nexture, Universidad de Extremadura, University of Trento. The BPM4People project aims at designing and bringing to the market innovative methodologies, software tools, and vertical applications for the implementation of Social Business Processes, i.e., processes collaboratively defined and collaboratively executed by organizations and their stakeholders (employees, customers, citizens).

Past Projects

COMPAS: Compliance-driven Models, Languages, and Architectures for Services (EU FP7 STREP). Partners: Vienna University of Technology, Center for Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Claude Bernard, University of Stuttgart, University of Tilburg, University of Trento, Apera sp z.o.o., Thales. COMPAS aims at the design and implementation of novel models, languages, and architectural frameworks to ensure dynamic and on-going compliance of software services to business regulations and quality of service, licensing, and security requirements. COMPAS particularly focuses on model-driven development approaches to compliance.

Past Industrial Research Projects