Simulation of Biological systems (2012/13, Master of Science in Computer Science)


This page will list the additional material used in the course.


The exam requires negotiating with me a task for a project. Usually this requires writing an implementation of some algorithm, performing some evalutation (accuracy, performance, etc.), and/or studying some paper(s) from the literature. The deliverables for such tasks tyipically include either source code + short documentation + evaluation results or a 5-6 page report on the paper(s) to be examined. On the exam day, you are required to give a presentation describing your findings. Presentations should last 40 minutes at most, plus some time for questions: such questions will be related to the project. (If you can't use a laptop of yours for the presentation, please notify me in advance.) You also need to provide (by email) your deliverables at least 2 days before the exam day. On the exam day, I will also require you to provide the file you used for your presentation.

Remember to register for the exam in ESSE3.



Other Resources:

Additional material:


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