WONS 2004

Madonna di Campiglio
(Trento, Italy)

January 21-23, 2004

First Working Conference
Wireless On-demand Network Systems

(sponsored by IFIP WG 6.3 and 6.8)

Dynamic AODV Backup Routing in Dense Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks

Wen-Tsuen Chen (National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan),
Wei-Ting Lee (National Tsing Hua University)

Abstract - The frequent change of network topology in mobile ad-hoc network leads to the stability and reliability problems of routing. Many routing schemes such as multi-path routing and backup path routing are proposed to increase the link reliability. Multi-path routing protocols usually concentrate on load balancing or disjoint routing. However, the problem of packet loss caused by re-routing from the source to the destination is ignored. In this paper, we propose the Dynamic AODV Backup Routing Protocol (DABR) to enhance the Ad hoc on-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing in dense mobile ad-hoc networks. The DABR follows the route discovery mechanism of AODV and dynamically calculates the backup routes. Upon the failure of primary route, data packets can be salvaged by redirecting them to the backup routes. The simulation results show that the link reliability of DABR is higher than the conventional AODV while the overhead is controlled.
Published in:
Wireless On-Demand Network Systems
Proceedings of WONS2004
Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS2928, Springer 2004.

Pages 156-168

To browse the conference proceedings, please go to the Springer's LNCS2928 Page.