There are going to be a couple
of assignments during the semester. Each assignment will require a 1
page summary of research papers. In each summary you should also come
with constructive critisism of the ideas of the paper. Candidate issues
to raise include (but are not limited
to) the following.
- Are you convinced that this is an important problem?
- Does it appear technically correct and if not what are the
- How do you think you could extend this work?
- Are there any other experiments (or analysis) you think
would be worth conducting?
- Are the technical ideas still relevant today?
- Can you suggest modifications in light of technological
The summary of each paper should be about one page long (12 font size,
single line spacing).
During the course you will be
requested to present a research paper in class. This will be a
presentation using slides, where you will have to give a summary of the
problem described in the paper, the solution that is being proposed, as
well as your own opinion/thoughts. Note that we are
not looking for 'flashy' presentation slides. It is more important to
make sure that you convey the main ideas in an accurate and didactic
presentation should include the following elements (not necessarily in
that order), and should last 30 minutes.
- Motivation:
explain why the problem is interesting
- Problem Statement: formally define
the problem
- Background: list other studies about
the same or a similar problem; explain differences
- Solution: describe the proposed
- Conclusions: discuss strong and weak
points of the approach
some instructions and ideas on how
to structure your presentation, and what
to pay attention to.
The course is associated with
a project. Proposed class projects will be described by the instructor.
Feel free to discuss your ideas with the instructor and propose your
own project. Each project will involve some background reading (i.e.,
relevant technical papers), and a major implementation effort. You may
choose to compare among themselves several existing approaches,
and test them under various conditions/situations/parameters/datasets,
or implement a new idea (or an improvement of some existing algorithm)
and test its performance.
Projects are conducted in
groups of 2 or 3 students. It's your responsibility to form groups.
All groups should submit by email a one page project proposal by Thu 11 Apr (in class). The proposal
should include the following.
- Problem description.
- Your idea and a sketch of your solution.
- Proposed plan of work.
- Datasets you will use for the experimental evaluation.
- The 3-4 most relevant references.
A one page project status
report is due by email on Mon 29 Apr 11:59pm.
The summary should include the following.
- Details of your proposed solution.
- Revisions of your proposed plan of work (if any).
- Methodology for evaluating your ideas.
The final project report should be 8-14 pages long, and formatted
according to these instructions. The
report should be structured as a technical paper, (approximately) as follows.
- Introduction:
informal statement of problem, relevance to
related work, and brief discussion of proposed solution.
- Related Work:
presentation of related work, identification of similarities and
differences with related work, discussion of applicability or not of
related work to the problem at hand.
- Problem Definition:
formal and rigorous statement of the
problem (if not needed, merge with following section).
- Proposed Approach:
formal and detailed presentation of the
proposed approach, discussion of properties/cost/merits/drawbacks.
- Experimental Evaluation:
experimental evaluation of proposed solution, using real and synthetic datasets (the
purpose is also to stress-test the proposed approach).
- Conclusions: very
brief summary of problem, discussion of
lessons learnt.
Please note that
plagiarism is not accepted, and will not be tolerated.
When to submit
The project deadline is Tue 23 Jul 11:59pm.
What to submit
Your submission should include the following.
- final project report
- all the source code
used for your experiments, along with makefiles
(if any)
How to submit
Pack everything in a zip file,
and email it to the
instructor. The name of the zip file should be:
Your email must be sent by 11:59pm of the day of the
Marking Scheme
The projects will be marked according to the following marking scheme.
- 10% presentation (no spelling mistakes, ideas clearly
- 20% related work (all important related work is referenced
and compared to each other)
- 35% problem formulation and description of solution
(rigorous and clear discussion)
- 35% experimental evaluation (evaluation and discussion of
all relevant problem parameters)