Exercises (raw input) --------------------- #. Using ``raw_input()``, ask the user for his/her favourite food, store the result in a variable ``food``, then print to screen: ``I also like`` and the favourite food. #. Ask the user for two integers, let's say ``a`` and ``b``, then a third integer, let's say ``result``. Check whether the sum of ``a`` and ``b`` is equal to ``result``: if so, print to screen ``True``, otherwise ``False``. #. Ask the user for a key and a value, and build a dictionary including (only) that key-value pair. Print to screen the result. #. Ask the user for his/her name, store it in the variable ``name``, then print to screen the name, making sure that all the words contained in ``name`` are in lower case, except for the first characters, that must be in upper case. Exercises (Filesystem) ---------------------- .. warning:: If ``open()`` raises an error, maybe you are in the wrong directory: fix the path in order to be in the right directory. #. Use ``open()`` to open the file ``"data/aatable"`` in read-only mode, storing the result of ``open()`` in the variable ``f``. Next, use ``readlines()`` to read the content of the file, storing the result in ``rows``. What is the type of ``rows``? What is the type of the first element of ``rows``? How many rows are there in the file? #. Use ``open()`` to open the file ``"data/aatable"`` in read-only mode, storing the result of ``open()`` in the variable ``f``. Next, use ``readline()`` (not ``readlines()``!) to read the first row of the file, storing the result in ``first_row``. How many rows are left to read? Check using ``readlines()``. At this point, how many other rows are left to read? #. Use ``open()`` to read the file ``"output.txt"`` in write-only mode ``"w"``, storing the result of ``open()`` in the variable ``f``. Next, write the string ``"check one two three check"`` in the file. Close the file using the method ``close()``. Now open the file ``"output.txtx"`` in read-only mode and print to screen its content. #. use ``open()`` to open the file ``"poetry.txt"`` in write-only memory. Next, write in the file the strings of the following list, one per line:: verses = [ "S'i fosse fuoco, arderei 'l mondo" "s'i fosse vento, lo tempestarei" ] Next, do the same opening twice the file ``"poetry2.txt"`` in write-only mode (appending), and each time write one of the two verses. What does it happen when we re-open ``"poetry2.txt"`` in mode ``"w"`` and we close it immediately? #. Write a module ``trick.py`` that prints to screen its code. *Curiosity*: we just wrote (cheating!) a `Quine program `_.