
Here you can find the datasets available:

TheĀ file contains the Ground Truth information of Relative Scale annotation method for MART and deviantArt datasets. Please cite the following paper in any published work if you use it:
A. Sartori, V. Yanulevskaya, A.A. Salah, J.R.R. Uijlings, E. Bruni, N. Sebe, “Affective Analysis of Professional and Amateur Abstract Paintings Using Statistical Analysis and Art Theory”, In ACM transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems, 2015.

The file contains theĀ Ground Truth information of Relative Scale annotation method for MART dataset in Gray-Scale version. Please cite the following paper in any published work if you use it:
A. Sartori, B. Senyazar, A. Akdag Salah, A. Salah, N. Sebe. Emotions in Abstract Art: Does Texture Matter? International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP), September 2015.

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