This folder contains the registrations of the classes of the course "Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence, 2022/2023" tought by prof. Roberto Sebastiani at DISI, University of Trento, with the assistance of dr. Mauro Dragoni for the lab classes. The same videos are available also from the FAI course moodle platform on A few remarks are in order. * Each file name follows the following naming convention, so that they appear in chronological order: -CL--CH-.mp4 where: : YYYY.MM.DD date when the class was taken : index of the class : progressive index of the recording within the same class : chapter of slides used in this class : the topic of the recording The videos of LAB classes are available from the TA's personal page * From 2021/22 onward class are no more run in blended mode. Consequently, the quality of video-recording may be much inferior wrt. that of 2020/21, in particular for the audio. Students may want to look to 2020/21 recording for higher-quality video-recorded classes: * For all comments, feedback, questions and clarification requests please refer to the forum of the course, see --------------------------------------------------------------------------- These videos are only the sake of personal study of the students of the "Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence" course. Any other use, including publishing them on some other web site, must be explicitly authorized by Roberto Sebastiani and Mauro Dragoni. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------