%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% RULES FOR ENQUIRING ABOUT THE RESULTS OF PART1 OF THE TEST %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% (I what follows sometimes we assume you remember your answers or you took note of your answers.) ACTION: check carefully your answers from your note/memories against the spreadsheet of the results and against the file "part1-withsolutions-test.pdf", where is the code number of your test. BE SURE YOU'VE PICKED THE RIGHT FILE AND THE RIGHT CODE (there is your name and code printed on the first page). IF YOU BELIEVE IN GOOD FAITH THAT THE EVALUATION OF PART 1 OF YOUR TEST CONTAINS MISTAKES, BEFORE EMAILING US TO ENQUIRE, FOLLOW STRICTLY THE PROCEDURE DESCRIBED BELOW (CASE 1..3, in strict order). ALL COMMUNICATIONS (IF ANY) MUST OCCUR VIA EMAIL. DO NOT TRY TO CALL US OR TO COME TO OUR OFFICES. EVERY EMAIL NOT FOLLOWING THIS PROCEDURE WILL BE IGNORED. EVERY OTHER KIND OF EMAILS REGARDING THE EVALUATION OF PART1 OF THE TEST WILL BE IGNORED. See http://disi.unitn.it/~rseba/DIDATTICA/dsa2011_BZ/00EXAM_RULES.txt: (...) No external factor or circumstance will be considered to raise the vote of an evaluation, to make exceptions to the failure criteria above, or to provide extra exam sessions. (...) We understand that this procedure may look a little rigid, but it is necessary for avoiding endless email exchanges and huge losses of both your and our time. AFTER TWO WEEKS FROM THE PUBLICATION, THE FINAL RESULTS WILL BE NOTIFIED TO THE UNIVERSITY SECRETARY. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- CASE 1: the list of your answers does not match with that reported in the spreadsheet: (e.g., say, it is reported that you answered "A" to question Q.13 whilst the note you took says you answered "B"). DIAGNOSIS: Either you have copied wrongly your answers on your note, or we have copied wrongly them on our spreadsheet. (Notice that we have already cross-checked it.) ACTIONS: send us (Sebastiani, Iaccarino, Martin) an email with header: " : CASE 1" reporting clearly in the content: : CASE 1 and for every claimed error: : : : Example: 00 Roberto Sebastiani: CASE 1 : Q13 : B : A ---------------------------------------------------------------------- CASE 2: the list of your answers matches with that reported, but you believe there must be a mistake in the computation of the score. DIAGNOSIS: Either you have misunderstood the ways scores are computed, or you misdo the math, or there is a bug in the spreadsheet computing the scores. (Notice that we have already cross-checked it.) ACTIONS: 1) reread carefully the ways scores are computed (in short, in thirties: 1.5 for each correct answer, -0.5 for a wrong one, 0 for no answer). 2) redo your math 3) ONLY IF AFTER 1) and 2) YOU STILL BELIEVE THERE IS A MISTAKE, email us with header: " : CASE 2" reporting clearly in the content: : CASE 2 and the score reported and your claimed correct score. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- CASE 3: the list of your answers matches with that reported, but you believe that an answer which is reported in the file "part1-withsolutions-test.pdf" is wrong and yours is right. DIAGNOSIS: either you're wrong, or we're wrong, or the program which generated the scrambled versions of the tests is buggy. (Notice that we have already cross-checked it.) ACTIONS: 1) Check the answer in the file "part1_withsolutions_test00.pdf" which contains the un-scrubbled version of the answers (all correct solutions are "A" there). If there is a mismatch in the correct answer between that file and your "part1-withsolutions-test.pdf" file, send us an email with header: " : CASE 3.1" reporting clearly in the content: : CASE 3.1" with the answer(s) which mismatch. 2) CHECK CAREFULLY AGAIN THE SUPPOSEDLY-WRONG ANSWER IN THE SLIDES AND IN THE CORMEN BOOK. If after that you're still convinced the indicated answer is wrong, then send us an email with header: " : CASE 3.2" reporting clearly in the content: : CASE 3.2" indicating the question number, the solution reported, your claimed correct solution, and explaining why you believe so. REMARK: IN THE LAST CASE, WE WILL GET SERIOUSLY ANNOYED IF THE PERSON CLEARLY DEMONSTRATES HE/SHE HAS NOT CAREFULLY RE-READ THE SLIDES AND THE CORMEN BOOK BEFORE COMPLAINING. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% RULES FOR ENQUIRING ABOUT THE RESULTS OF PART2 OF THE TEST %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ACTION: read the evaluation on the spreadsheet, and check carefully the solutions in the file "part2-withsolutions-test.pdf", where is the code number of your test. BE SURE YOU'VE PICKED THE RIGHT FILE AND THE RIGHT CODE (there is your name and code printed on the first page). In general, this should be sufficient for understanding the result. If not, you can send us an email, specifying number of exercise your question about the evaluation WE RECALL THAT, IF YOU DON'T PASS PART 1, YOUR PART 2 WILL NOT BE CORRECTED. THUS, IN THIS CASE, PLEASE DO NOT ASK. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPORTANT REMARK: In general, we check the text, solutions and students' answers very carefully and cross-check them. However, it might happen (very rarely in our experience) that we miss something. Thus, we're ready to listen to objections, and even raise the evaluation if the objection is reckoned. However, politeness in formulating enquiries is strictly required. Arrogance not only does not improve your chance to be agreed upon, but also worsens our attitude and cuts any form of potential benevolence. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%