===== HCI for Digital Social Innovation ===== [[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VL_oF7CjnJZ8gjnqGAlRLb0_o47uLSJDvIA1xZ9FFI8/edit?usp=sharing|List o students in HCI for Digital Social Innovation]] \\ \\ {{:teaching:hci:hci2014_2015:hci2015_dsi.pdf|Project proposal}} \\ \\ ** 16th December. Workshop on Interaction maps and final report discussion **\\ {{:teaching:hci:workshop_on_prototype_refinement_hci4dsi_v2.pdf|Workshop on Interaction maps and Final report discussion }}\\ \\ ** 11th November. Workshop on Stakeholders and Empathy Maps **\\ [[https://dschool.stanford.edu/wp-content/themes/dschool/method-cards/empathy-map.pdf|Empathy Maps description]] \\ [[http://image.slidesharecdn.com/dtaltemplateempathymapandproblemstatement-130729183834-phpapp02/95/template-empathy-map-and-problem-statement-1-638.jpg?cb=1375184315|Empathy Maps template]] \\ \\ ** 7th October. Workshop on Idea Generation **\\ {{:teaching:hci:hci2014_2015:workshop_on_idea_generation_hci4dsi_9oct2014.pdf|Workshop on Idea Generation on 7th October 2014}} \\ [[https://www.dropbox.com/sh/7o2agz2p25q58c1/AAAclZEwS_KUweVtw8PbqRnJa?dl=0|Workshop on idea generation pictures]]\\ \\ ** 9th October. Workshop on Idea Refinement **\\ {{:teaching:hci:workshop_on_idea_refinement_hci4dsi.pdf|Workshop on Idea Refinement on 9th October 2014}} \\ [[https://www.dropbox.com/sh/n20v5wrjfjewi59/AADFFueErs5Te3Dmh9D161eDa?dl=0|Workshop on idea refinement pictures]]\\ \\ ** 16th October. Projects' discussion and Design Research Methods **\\ {{:teaching:hci:workshop_on_design_research_methods_hci4dsi.pdf|Workshop on Design Research Methods on 16th October 2014}} \\ \\ As discussed today, here you can find the links to documents which give some suggestions on [[http://dschool.stanford.edu/wp-content/themes/dschool/method-cards/interview-preparation.pdf|how to prepare]] and [[http://dschool.stanford.edu/wp-content/themes/dschool/method-cards/interview-for-empathy.pdf|how to perform]] interviews. If you are going to take pictures or record audio/video, you will need to ask consent to your participants. Here you will find consent form examples in {{:teaching:hci:consenso_italiano_original.docx|Italian}} and {{:teaching:hci:consent_form_english_original.docx|English}}. You will need to edit the forms to adapt them to your own study.\\ \\ **Update (11th December December):** \\ In preparation for the coursework submission (due on 7th January), I have prepared a template which you can use as reference for your final report. You can find it in the link below. If you have any doubts, you can ask me during the next workshop (on 16th December). \\ {{:teaching:hci:report_suggested_structure.docx|Suggested structure for final report}}\\ \\ In addition, we have prepared a survey where each student is invited to participate. The survey allows you to express your view about your colleagues’ contribution and to highlight any special contribution to the project you think you have made. This information will be used to supplement the assessment of the report and is aimed to provide fair marks. Only assessment received before 7th of January will be considered.\\ [[http://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/1928215/HCI-2014-Valutazione-lavoro-di-gruppo |Assessment survey (each individual student is invited to participate)]]\\ \\ **Update (2nd December):** \\ After the field study and the creation of personas and [[http://image.slidesharecdn.com/dtaltemplateempathymapandproblemstatement-130729183834-phpapp02/95/template-empathy-map-and-problem-statement-1-638.jpg?cb=1375184315|empathy maps]], you should have a clear idea of what you want to design. Next activity will address the development of low fidelity prototypes. For this task, I would like you to:\\ - Define all functionalities of your conceptual design\\ - Create a low fidelity prototype for your design. You can do paper prototypes or use low-fidelity prototyping software such as http://balsamiq.com, http://mockups.me, http://sharkear.com\\ - Perform a user evaluation (at least one user per group member) of the low fidelity prototype.\\ Create a report including the functionalities, images of the low fidelity prototype, and list results from the user evaluation. Send the reports to menendez@disi.unitn.it on **11th of December**. You can submit them in Italian or English. \\ Next workshop will be held on **Tuesday 16th of December, from 11am to 12:30am** in Levico room (Povo 2) and will address the refinement of your prototypes. Since we will be using the information in the report, only those who have submitted the report will be able to participate in the workshop. \\ //Note:// I have sent a list of comments on your previous reports to your email address. Please let me know if you have not got them. **Update (3rd November):** \\ By now, you should have a good understanding of the context in which you want to develop your design challenge. In order to continue with the design process, I invite you send me a report (maximum 2 pages and in .pdf format) containing the following sections: \\ - Design challenge description (//Which is the context of your design challenge? What is the problem you are trying to solve? Who are the stakeholders?//) \\ - Description of the performed activities (//Which activities have you performed to understand the context?//) \\ - List of findings (//Which are the main findings? Have you found out anything unexpected?//) \\ - Discussion (//Is there any needed information still missing? Have you faced any difficulties so far? Has your initial design challenge changed?//) \\ Between brackets you can find questions I recommend you to answer in each section, you might extend them with more information. Please, be brief and concise. Keep the description of the challenge and performed activities to a minimum. Elaborate on the findings and discussion. Remember to be reflective, realistic and critical. \\ Send the reports to menendez@disi.unitn.it before **10th November**. You can submit them in Italian or English. \\ Next workshop will be held on **Tuesday 11th November, from 11am to 12:30am** in Levico room (Povo 2). Since we will be using the information in the report, only those who have submitted the report will be able to participate in the workshop. \\