European Research Workshop, Mapping eParticipation
October 5th, 2006
Supported by Demo-net: the European Network of Excellence in eParticipation
In conjunction with MCIS 2006, The 7th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems
The research community is involved in many efforts to understand political participation in the internet age, and to broaden and deepen citizen participation in the political decision making process using information and communication technologies. Advances in research in this area involve not only IS researchers but researchers from other disciplines such as communications, sociology, political science and political administration. In addition the field is an applied field which interests many government practitioners and political interest groups. This workshop sets out to co-ordinate these diverse research initiatives and to help scope this cross-disciplinary area.
The goal of this workshop is to map the emerging field of eParticipation.
The workshop has the following objectives
- to facilitate close and sustained co-operation between eParticipation researchers from different academic disciplines, in order to improve the quality of research and understanding on all sides,
- to assess and compare research already made on eParticipation in cities, regions and countries across Europe,
- to identify eParticipation research challenges for both researchers and government,
- to structure the core research themes and related concepts of as a taxonomy or ontology.
This is an exciting and challenging research area, which requires a novel combination of technical, social and political measures. This workshop seeks research white papers on issues such as:
- drivers and opportunities for eParticipation across Europe,
- analysis of public eParticipation policy,
- approaches for defining and understanding eParticipation,
- research discourse analysis techniques to explore agenda setting, and alliance building at different levels,
- current and emergent eParticipation technological infrastructures,
- current and emergent eParticipation methods, and
- emerging criteria which allow evaluation of eParticipation initiatives to be undertaken in a systematic and standardised way.
The one day workshop will combine short presentations of white papers with co-operative discussion and development of taxonomies and ontologies, and the workshop organisers will intend to develop and publish the results of the discussions at a later date.
Call for Participation
Authors must submit a 2-page white paper for presentation at the workshop to the conference organizer (Jeremy Rose, jeremy@cs.aau.dk) by July 30, 2006. White papers should sketch a topic of interest to the community in a brief form using the conventions of scientific writing, such as abstracts, literature references and logical argument, and may be regarded as prototypes for future development into full papers. Acceptance and rejection notices will be sent out by 31st of August, 2006. Authors may be asked to revise their white paper. Camera-ready copy for revised white papers must be submitted by 20th of September, 2006. The final papers will be published as a workshop brochure. Co-operation and further development of the workshop papers for submission to conferences and journals will be facilitated.
Funding for travel and subsistence may be available from Demo-net in cases where funding is not available from conventional sources.
Workshop Program Committee:
(Chair) Dr. Jeremy Rose, Department of Computer Science, Aalborg University, Fredrik Bajers Vej 7, 9220 Aalborg, Denmark
e-mail: jeremy&cs.aau.dk
Dr. Åke Grnlöund, Professor of Informatics, Ørebro University, Sweden
e-mail: ake.gronlund&esi.oru.se
Dr. Maria A. Wimmer, Professor of eGovernment, University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany
e-Mail: wimmer&uni-koblenz.de
Dr. Kim Viborg Andersen, Professor of IS, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
e-mail: kva.inf&cbs.dk
Dr. Anna Carola Freschi, Department of Economics, University of Bergamo
e-mail: anna.freschi&unibg.it
Dr. Clive Sandford, Department of Computer Science, Aalborg University, Fredrik Bajers Vej 7, 9220 Aalborg, Denmark
e-Mail: ccs&cs.aau.dk
Workshops are included in MCIS registration. Participation in this workshop is subject to the conditions described in the Call for participation.
To register online for this workshop only (without MCIS conference), go to the
MCIS Workshops registration link. In this case, the registration fee is 80 euro.
Additional information:
See the
Workshops description.