Assignments and grading for Grounded Language Processing

Reading Groups: no graded

Two days before the Reading Group (from week 2), add your questions and comments on the paper in Perusall

Paper review: graded 15% of the final mark

By the end of week 8, write in LaTeX a review of a paper you have agreed with the lecturer. Clearly state the claim made, comment on whether you agree or don't agree on it and why, relate your claims with what you know about the topic; state one feature you like for the paper and explain why, and one featurers you don't like of it, and one clarification question

Presentation of a research question and its SOTA: Graded 35% of the final mark

By week 11, write the SOTA of a reasearch question you are interested in.

Project: Graded 50%

By week 12, prepare the slides to present your project proposal on which you will be working after the course. The written report about it will have to be submitted one week before the exam date.

Last modified: Thu Aug 25 14:56:40 CEST 2022