Assignments for Computational Linguistics 21/22

Assignement for class 4.)

Read the paper by Tenney et al ACL 2019 (GP1) and by Jawahar et al ACL 2019 (GP2), by the 27.09.2020 annotate it in Perusall with questions and comments. Prepare a summary for the other group to be presented in the online-class on the 28th of September.

Assignment given for class 5.)

Try to install LaTeX and create a sample pdf file.

Assignment given for class 7.)

By the 06.10.2021, write in LaTeX a summary of Wilxoc et al 2018. Clearly state: the claim made, two features you like of the paper and explain why, and two featurers you don't like of the paper, and one clarification question.

Assignment given for class 19.)

By the 29.10.2021, write in LaTeX a summary of Baroni et al 2018. Clearly state: the claim made, comment on whether you agree or don't agree on it and why, relate your claims with what you know about the topic; state one feature you like for the paper and explain why, and one featurers you don't like of it, and one clarification question.

Last modified: Tue Oct 26 14:47:01 CEST 2021