IT Help Desk


IT services at DISI are provided by a pool of technicians on an email-based and partially automated system. Users request services through their University credentials in Single Sign On mode.

To request support, users can open a new ticket at page


University IT services

Contract "conto terzi"

Information about starting a new contract

Communication Office @ DISI

DISI Communication Office oversees initiatives aimed at promoting the Department, as follows:

  • organizes matchmaking events that bring together students, graduates and companies through events such as ICT Days and DISI Industrial Workshops
  • promotes events and special initiatives of the Department
  • provides support to teaching and science dissemination initiatives
  • graphic design and multimedia
  • is responsible for the restyling of DISI's website and its web pages content
  • content editor for news and events on DISI's website 
  • manages internal and external communication of the Department
  • DISI's social media management, content creation and graphic design & multimedia (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter)
  • collaborates with the University Press Office for press releases/Webmagazine articles 

Please contact us at this email addres comunicazione.disi [at]


To organise a seminar, you need to arrange with your visitor the date and make all the necessary reservations.   

To announce the seminar to the department please follow the instructions.

If financial support is also needed, please send an email to Nicola Conci (nicola.conci [at] (subject: Seminar%20financial%20support) ) specifying the name and affiliation of the person and the overall amount of support needed. 

University Rooms and Spaces

Guidelines (in Italian) » pdf file
Form for internal users (in Italian) »  docx file pdf file
Form for external users (in Italian) »  docx file pdf file


  • How to book an Audio/Voice conference
  • How to book a Visiting room
  • How to book a Meeting room
    The meeting rooms are for exclusive use of members of DISI Department and people who have been authorized by the Department.
    The booking is mandatory: please send an email to reservation [at] (subject: Meeting%20room%20reservation, body: %0Astart%20date%2Ftime%3A%20%0Aend%20date%2Ftime%3A%20%0Areference%20person%3A%20%0Anumber%20of%20people%20participating%20in%20the%20meeting%3A%20%0Abuilding%3A%20Povo1%20or%20Povo2%0Apreferred%20room%20(if%20available)%3A%20%0Aroom%20capacity%3A%20%0A) .


Legend: Garda (30 - Povo1)