|  | Education & Positions |
Education and Professional Positions
1985 - 1987
| Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Illinois - Urbana.
Thesis title: ”The Topology, Algorithms and Analysis of a Synchronous Optical Hypergraph Architecture” (with multiple original designs and inventions).
1984 - 1985
| M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Illinois – Urbana.
Thesis Title: ”Pushmi-Pullyu A Multiprocessing Double Network” (a novel parallel computing architecture with dynamic memory management with a single virtual memory space for unpredictable procedures).
1975 - 1979
| B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology.
Concentration: Computers, Control systems, Electro-optic.
- IEEE Fellow.
- IBM Outstanding Innovation Award for the MetaRing Technology and its contribution to SSA (serial storage architecture) products.
- IBM Research Division Award for developing the PARIS high-speed networking prototype system.
- Four IBM Invention Achievement Awards.
- Three IBM External Honors.
- Three commendations of excellence for my R&D work at RAFAEL.
Professional Positions
2004 -
| Marie Curie Chair Professor at the University of Trento - Italy
- Fully funded position awarded by the European Commission for IP-FLOW [Marie Curie EXC actions - 2004]
- Teaching master and Ph.D. level courses
1998 - 2004
| Founder, President and CEO, Synchrodyne Networks, Inc.
- The company focuses on developing switching technology for the Internet
- Responsibilities include technological innovations and funding
- Raised equity financing from private investors.
- Filed 26 US and 5 PCT (international) patent applications – 18 US patents were issued.
- Developed Time Driven Switching – TDS – for the Internet backbone (metro and core) with no header processing and minimum buffers.
- Time Driven Priority – TDP – for the various network edges with header processing.
The business and technical solutions developed by Synchrodyne are applicable in wide range communication market segments, such as, core optical, metro, GE/10GE, wireless, cable modem, storage area network, voice over IP, ADSL/DSLAM, virtual private network, and more.
1987 - 1998
| Research Staff Member, IBM, T. J. Watson Research Center
Initiated and managed the research in several novel network architectures – for example, the MetaRing, the underlying network for SSA in IBM storage products – a multi-billion dollar business for IBM – consequently, was awarded the IBM Outstanding Innovation Award.
The various results are documented in scientific journal publications.
- Managing the research activities for three novel network architectures:
- MetaRing. Invented fairness algorithms for ring networks with spatial bandwidth reuse. The MetaRing is used as the underlying network for SSA (Serial Storage Architecture, ANSI Standard X3T10) and several IBM storage products, and was part of the NSF/DARPA Gigabit Networking program. Designed various fault tolerant mechanisms for the MetaRing/SSA.
- MetaNet. Invented convergence routing, a random routing method, for arbitrary topology networks, which supports bursty data traffic with no packet loss. The MetaNet is the only arbitrary topology network with all typical LAN functional properties. Specifically: (1) local and global fairness and deadlock avoidance algorithms, (2) dynamic self-routing with convergence routing along global sense of direction, (3) lossless-ness with a single buffer per link, (4) lossless asynchronous broadcast-with-feedback, and (5) semi-FIFO transport protocol.
- Global convergence network for multimedia with deterministic quality of service (QoS) guarantees – as in circuit switching. Specifically: (1) time-driven priority for integrating real-time traffic with ”best effort” traffic over the global Internet, (2) adaptive real-time multicast for video conferencing, (3) deterministic circuit emulation for ATM with no loss and constant jitter, and (4) MPEG based video-conferencing with lip-sync and minimum delay.
- Prototypes
- MetaRing (1989). Design and implementation of a full-duplex buffer insertion ring with fairness and spatial bandwidth reuse, which can tolerate multiple link and node failures.
- MetaRing (1990) with Gb/s links was implemented as part of Aurora testbed (NSF/DARPA Gigabit Networking program).
- Selected Results in Optical WDM Networks
- WDM optical hypergraph.
- Real-time traffic integration on the partial optical hypergraph using a global clock.
- A fault tolerant network using WDM and passive optical couplers.
- Passive optical star with wavelength division multiple (WDM) access, which emulates a distributed queue with random/deterministic access control.
- Selected Results in Distributed Algorithms and Protocols
- Synchronization. Distributed global clock synchronization, which provides locking on the system’s slowest clock and is: (i) fault tolerant, and (ii) time resolution equal to the delay error.
- Self-stabilization. Token management in constant space on rings and on spanning trees with guaranteed self-stabilization from any arbitrary state.
- Self-termination. Fault tolerant packet forwarding with label swapping (as in ATM and MPLS) and guaranteed routing with self-termination (i.e., no loops).
- Local fairness algorithms (throughput and delay) for ring and arbitrary topology networks with dynamic (bursty) traffic pattern, tight approximation of the Max-Min fairness definition.
- Reliable multicast in arbitrary topology networks with bursty data sources.
1984 - 1985
| Assistant in the computer aided design (CAD) laboratory for VLSI (EE - Univ. of Ill. - Urbana)
1984 - 1986
| R&D with Gould - Computer System Division – Urbana, Illinois
Responsible for the design of: (i) scalable multi-processor switch, (ii) LISP architectures for parallel machines, and (iii) passive optical local area network using star couplers.
1982 - 1984
| R&D with Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory – Batavia, Illinois
Inventing a non-linear state machine with a novel programming method for testing a very large data acquisition system used in high energy physics experiments.
1979 - 1982
| R&D with RAFAEL – the Armament Development Authority, Israeli Ministry of Defense Responsible for the design of (i) real-time embedded control (with 8086), (ii) 4-way multi-processor (with 8086) for fault tolerant, and (iii) hardware and protocol designs for network security enhancements using private and public (RSA) keys.