Research Project in... aa 2009-10

System and Networks obviously!

Past academic year courses: bottom page

This year the course coordinator is Renato Lo Cigno, and additional tutors are Mauro Brunato, Bruno Crispo and Alberto Montresor, plus any other teacher who whish to give projects in the area of Systems and Netorks (Abeni, Massacci, Ronchetti, ...).

This is the official web site of the course, but you can find additional information in the official Faulty site, and obviously on ESSE3 for your curriculum and beurochracy.

Bill board

  • Monday Feb. 15 2010: The presentation of the course and introduction to projects will be Monday 22 February at 12:00 in room 204
  • Monday Feb. 22 2010: First batch of projects proposals uploades, more will come in the next days


The exam is a 20 minutes presentation followed by some questions and answers in front of the coordinator and possibly some other tutors and students. The presentation can be done only after the tutor approve your project and issued a written statent.


Please, refer to your tutor for day-by-day advice. If you really need something from the coordinator send me an e-mail.

Available projects

Social network crawling

Tutor: Alberto Montresor

On-line social networks like Facebook and Twitter are among the most visited sites in the Internet, and claim to have hundred of millions of users. The structure of their social graph - who is connected with whom - is one piece of information that could have enormous value for researchers and practitioners. Understandably, the companies owning these sites do not share this information. But a portion of the information graph could be “crawled“, i.e. inspected by navigating the social links. Once obtained these data, the research project will also require to perform basic graph-theoretical analysis of the crawled portion of the graph.

P2P Streamer Implementation

Tutors: Luca Abeni e Renato Lo Cigno

P2P systems and applications are becoming more and more popular. The Napa-Wine EU Project, aims ad developint a new generation of P2P clients devoted to TV and streaming applications that are efficient and respective of network resources, i.e., they build the P2P overlay trying to minimize the use of network resources, and schedule information transfer with the same objective in mind. A library of elementary blocks named GRAPES has already been developed within the project, as well as some test streamers. The project consist in developing new and more efficiente streamers starting from the available implementations and the GRAPES library.